The Shiva Purana

by J. L. Shastri | 1950 | 616,585 words

This page relates “shiva goes to kailasa” as found in the Shiva-purana, which, in Hinduism, represents one of the eighteen Mahapuranas. This work eulogizes Lord Shiva as the supreme deity, besides topics such as cosmology and philosophy. It is written in Sanskrit and claims to be a redaction of an original text consisting of 100,000 metrical verses.

Disclaimer: These are translations of Sanskrit texts and are not necessarily approved by everyone associated with the traditions connected to these texts. Consult the source and original scripture in case of doubt.

[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]

Brahmā said:—

1. O Nārada, hear the story of Śiva’s arrival at Kailāsa, the best of mountains, thanks to the power of penance of Kubera.

2. “The lord of the Universe, after bestowing the boon of lordship of treasures upon Kubera, returned to His excellent abode and thought within Himself thus.

3. My complete manifestation, born of Brahmā can look after the activity of Dissolution. Now, assuming that form I shall go to Kailāsa, the residence of Guhyakas.

4. Rudra, born of my heart, my perfect manifestation is the Single Supreme Brahman. He is worthy of being served by Viṣṇu, Brahmā and others. He is not different from me. He is unsullied.

5. In that form I shall become that friend of Kubera[1], shall remain near him and perform great penance.”

6. Thinking thus, Rudra, desirous of carrying out the wish of Śiva (the supreme Brahman) sounded his drum that gave out the divine Nāda.

7. Its resonant, reverberating sound pervaded the three worlds heightening enthusiasm and called upon everyone in diverse ways.

8. On hearing that, Viṣṇu, Brahmā and other deities, sages, the persons well-versed in Āgamas, Nigamas and Siddhas.

9. Devas and Asuras came there with great delight. The Pramathas[2] too reached that place from different quarters.

10. The leaders of Gaṇas revered by the whole world and of high fortune arrived there. I shall mention to you their number. Listen attentively.

11. The leader of the Gaṇas, Śaṅkhakarṇa came there with a crore of his Gaṇas; Kekarākṣa with ten crores and Vikṛta with eight crores.

12. Viśākha with sixty-four crores; Pāriyātraka with nine crores, Sarvāntaka with six crores and the glorious Dunduma with eight crores.

13. Jālaṅka, the chief leader of Gaṇas, with twelve crores; the glorious Madana and Vikṛtānana with seven crores each.

14. Kapālin with five crores, the auspicious Sandāraka with six crores and Kaṇḍuka and Kuṇḍaka each with a crore.

15-16. Viṣṭambha and Candratāpana each with eight crores, the leader of Gaṇas Mahākeśa with a thousand crores.

I 7. Kuṇḍin, Vāha and the auspicious Parvataka with twelve crores each, Kāla, Kālaka and Mahākāla each with a hundred crores.

18. Agnika with a hundred crores, Abhimukha with a crore, Ādityamūrdhā and Dhanāvaha each with a crore.

19. Sannāha and Kumuda with a hundred crores, Amogha, Kokila and Sumantraka each with a crore.

20. Another (leader of Gaṇas) Kākapāda with six crores and the lord Santānaka with six crores, Mahābala, Madhupiṅga and Piṅgala each with nine crores.

21. Nīla, Deveśa and Pūrṇabhadra each with ninety crores and the strong Caturvaktra with seven crores.

22. The lord of all (Śiva) reached there ready to go to Kailāsa surrounded by groups of crores, thousands, hundreds and twenties.

23. Kāṣṭhāgūḍha, Sukeśa and Vṛṣabha each with sixty-four crores. Caitra, Nakulīśa and Svayamprabhu each with seven crores.

24-25. Lokāntaka, Dīptātmā and the lord Daityāntaka, lord Bhṛṅgīriṭi and the glorious Devadevapriya, Aśani, Bhānuka and Sanātana each with sixty-four crores; Nandīśvara the supreme chief of Gaṇas, and Mahābala each with hundred crores.

26. These and other leaders of Gaṇas were all powerful and innumerable. They had thousand hands, matted hair, crown etc.

27. They had crescent moon as their embellishing decoration; they were blue-necked, three-eyed, adorned with necklaces, earings, crowns and other ornaments.

28. Lord of Gaṇas emulating Brahmā, Indra and Viṣṇu and shining with the brilliance of crores of suns and possessed of Aṇimā etc. reached there.

29. The Gaṇa chiefs[3] and other noble souls of spotless splendour eagerly reached there desirous of seeing Śiva.

30. Reaching the spot they saw Śiva, bowed to and eulogised him. Viṣṇu and others bent their heads and joined their palms in reverence.

31. Then Lord Śiva, Viṣṇu and others, went to Kailāsa, the residence of Kubera lovingly.

32. Kubera and his attendants received the distinguished guest with great respect and worshipped him with devotion offering him various presents.

33. In order to please Śiva, he worshipped Viṣṇu and other Devas, the Gaṇas and the followers of Siva.

34. Śiva was highly delighted and He embraced Kubera and kissed him on the head. With all his followers He stayed near Alakā.

35. The lord commanded Viśvakarmā to erect buildings on the mountain for His own residence and that of his devotees and others suitably.

36. At the bidding of Śiva, O sage, Viśvakarmā immediately reached the spot and made all suitable arrangements.

37-38. Then at the request of Viṣṇu, lord Śiva who was highly delighted at the arrangements went to Kailāsa after blessing Kubera and entered his residence in an auspicious hour.

39. The lord being favourably disposed to His devotees delighted everyone. Then Viṣṇu and other devas, the sages and the Siddhas celebrated the coronation of Śiva.

40. With various kinds of presents in their hands they approached him. With very great festivities they performed the rite of waving lights in adoration.

41. O sage, there was an auspicious shower of flowers. The delighted celestial damsels sang and danced in joy.

42. Everywhere loud shouts of “victory; victory”, “obeisance, obeisance” were raised. Every one’s enthusiasm was great. Everyone’s happiness was boundless.

43. Seated in His throne, Śiva then shone all the more. He was duly served by everyone, Lord Viṣṇu and others.

44. All the devas eulogised Śiva, the benefactor of the world, with words pleasing of nature and pregnant with meaning.

45. On hearing their hymns of praise Śiva was highly delighted and granted their wishes. He, the lord of all, lovingly fulfilled their cherished desires.

46-47. O sage, at the bidding of Śiva they returned to their abodes. They were highly delighted since their desires were fulfilled. Then lord Śiva asked me and Viṣṇu to sit down. Then He lovingly blessed us and said:—

Śiva said.:—

48. “Dear Sons, O Viṣṇu, Brahmā, you are great favourites of mine, entrusted with the work of creation and sustenance of the three worlds. You are the best of the Devas.

49. Go back to your abodes without any fear. I shall always provide you with happiness. I shall particularly look after you both”.

50. On hearing the words of Śiva, Viṣṇu and I duly bowed to him and though not delighted (in leaving him) returned to our abodes.

51. At the same time Śiva delightfully made the lord of treasures sit down and holding his hands with his own said the auspicious words.

52. Dear friend, I am charmed by your love. I have become your friend. Go to your place fearlessly. O sincere friend, I shall always assist you.

53. On hearing these words of Śiva, Kubera was highly delighted. At His bidding he returned to his abode.

54. Śiva stayed on Kailāsa, the best of all mountains, along with his Gaṇas, practising Yoga and meditation at his own sweet will.

55. In some places he meditated upon his own soul. In some places he practised Yoga. At times, of his own accord, he gave discourses on ancient historical tales.

56. He, being an expert in divine sports, sported with his Gaṇas in the different regions of the Kailāsa hill.

57. Thus lord Śiva who had assumed the form of Rudra performed divine sports on the mount Kailāsa though he was foremost among Yogins.

58. Thus lord Śiva spent some time without his divine consort. After some time He married Satī, the daughter of Dakṣa Prajāpati.

59. Lord Śiva sported with her. Following the conventions of the world, O celestial sage, he became happy.

60. O sage, thus I have explained to you the manifestation of Śiva in the form of Rudra, his arrival at Kailāsa and his friendship of Kubera, the lord of treasures.

61. Thus I have explained the inner sport also which increases perfect knowledge and which confers the fulfilment of desires here and hereafter.

62. He who reads or listens to this story attentively will enjoy all worldly pleasures here and attain salvation hearafter.

Footnotes and references:


Kubera or Kuvera. He is the God of wealth and the chief of the Yakṣas and Guhyakas. His name Ku-bera or Ku-vera signifies his deformed body having three legs and eight teeth. He is married to Yakṣī, the daughter of the Dānava Mura. As an especial friend of Śiva he is called Śiva-sakhā. His capital Alakā on the Himālaya mountain is mentioned also in the RV.


A class of Gaṇas attending on Śiva.


Lords of Gaṇas. Gaṇas are troops who generally appear in classes. Nine such classes are mentioned in the Purāṇas: They are (1) Ādityas (2) Viśvas or Viśvedevas (3) Vasus (4) Tuṣitas (5) Ābhāsvaras (6) Anilas (7) Mahārājikas (8) Sādhyas (9) Rudras. These are attached to Lord Śiva and serve under the command of Gaṇeśa, dwelling on Gaṇaparvata identified with Kailāsa—a peak of the Himālaya mountain.

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