Sanskrit Portal
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
Portal · ArticlesOverview of all Sanskrit books:
1,128,640 chars
221,736 chars
525,779 chars
359,036 chars
3,475,941 chars
29,873 chars
630,185 chars
1,679,294 chars
1,618,677 chars
2,710,630 chars
560,352 chars
440,997 chars
352,643 chars
127,053 chars
32,861 chars
1,367,514 chars
1,025,383 chars
511,093 chars
1,231,702 chars
851,850 chars
80,034 chars
503,339 chars
389,679 chars
2,172,027 chars
108,806 chars
501,067 chars
308,169 chars
583,938 chars
12,510,139 chars
590,285 chars
154,321 chars
7,763,060 chars
1,579,034 chars
516,067 chars
1,137,838 chars
270,301 chars
2,446,635 chars
379,263 chars
5,093,261 chars
992,242 chars
48,297 chars
122,191 chars
830,550 chars
633,304 chars
200,321 chars
1,894,684 chars
920,602 chars
766,477 chars
851,924 chars
1,493,899 chars
961,252 chars
2,513,177 chars
9,675,273 chars
369,280 chars
36,896 chars
593,045 chars
106,458 chars
261,412 chars
396,813 chars
250,159 chars
2,835,386 chars
123,546 chars
124,240 chars
374,493 chars