Agni Purana
by N. Gangadharan | 1954 | 360,691 words | ISBN-10: 8120803590 | ISBN-13: 9788120803596
This page describes Description of herbs used in charms which is chapter 140 of the English translation of the Agni Purana, one of the eighteen major puranas dealing with all topics concerning ancient Indian culture, tradition and sciences. Containing roughly 15,000 Sanskrit metrical verses, subjects contained in the Agni-Purana include cosmology, philosophy, architecture, iconography, economics, diplomacy, pilgrimage guides, ancient geography, gemology, ayurveda, etc.
Chapter 140 - Description of herbs used in charms
[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]
The Lord said:
1-3. I shall describe (drugs) used in charms. These should be written in eight squares. They are bhṛṅgarāja, sahadevī, mayūraśikhā, putrañjīva, kṛtāñjalī, adhaḥpuṣpā, rudantikā, kumārī, rudrajaṭā, viṣṇukrāntā, white arka, lajjālukā, mohalatā, black dhattūra, gorakṣa, karkaṭī, meṣaśṛṅgī and snuhī.
4-5. The symbolical numbers of herbs are ṛtvijaḥ (priests) (16), vahnayaḥ (fires) (3), nāgāḥ (elephants) (8), pakṣau (wings) (2), muni (sage) (3), Manu (14), Śiva (11), vasavaḥ (vasus) (8) dik (directions) (10), rasāḥ (tastes) (6), vedāḥ (4), grahāḥ (planets) (9), ṛtavaḥ (seasons) (6), Ravi (Sun) (12), Candramāḥ (Moon) (1) and tithayaḥ (phases of the Moon) (15). The first four (of the above-said herbs) should be used to fumigate (the body of the votary) or in the burning sticks.
6. Collyrium should be made out of the third (in the list). Bathing should be done with the fourth. The unguent of four kinds should be made with the bhṛṅgarāja and the one following it (in the list).
7-8. (The herbs represented symbolically by) muni in the list should be used in unguent for the right side, by yuga for the left side, by bhujaga for the foot and īśvara for the head. Fumigation of the centre should be done with arka (12) and śaśi (I), in all acts. A body besmeared with these would be worshipped even by the celestials.
9. Incense sticks made of the sixteenth (herb in the list) should be burnt and taken round the house. (The herbs standing as) the fourth should be used in the collyrium and those (standing as) the fifth should be used in bathing.
10. (The herbs denoted by the number) eleven should be used for eating and fifteen for drinking. A mark on the forehead with (the herbs denoted by the numbers) ṛtvik (16), veda (4), ṛtu (6), nayana (2) captivates the world.
11. A lady being besmeared with (the herbs denoted by) sūrya (12), tridaśa (13), pakṣa (2) and śaila (7) gets captivated. Women get captivated by besmearing their genital organ with (herbs denoted by) candra (1), Indra (1), phaṇi (8) and rudra (11).
12. A pill made of (herbs denoted by) tithi (15), dik (8), yuga (4), and bāṇa (5) can subjugate. This pill should be given in eatables, food and drink as a charm.
13. (The herbs denoted by) ṛtvik (16), graha (9), akṣi (2) and śaila (7) if had on the face (are effective) in paralysing weapons. One can remain in waters by besmearing limbs with (the herbs denoted by) Saila (7) Indra (1), veda (4) and randhra (9).
14. A pill of (the herbs denoted by) bāṇa (5), akṣi (2), manu (14) and rudra (11) removes hunger and thirst. A miserable woman would be made happy by besmearing with (herbs denoted by) tri (3), ṣoḍaśa (16), dik (8) and bāṇa (5).
15. One would (be able to) play with serpents by besmearing with (herbs denoted by) tri (3), daśa (10), akṣi (2), dik (8) and netra (2). A woman delivers a child comfortably by an application of the unguent of (the herbs represented by) tri (3), daśa (10), akṣi (2), īśa (11) and bhujaga (8).
16. One is sure to win in dice (by wearing) a cloth besmeared with (the herbs represented by) sapta (7), dik (8), muni (3) and randhra (9). Male child (would be born) by besmearing the penis with (the herbs denoted by) tri (3), daśa (10), akṣa (2), abdhi (7) and muni (3) before coition.
17. A pill made (of the herbs represented by) graha (9), abdhi (7), sarpya (8), tri (3) and daśa (10) would be able to charm. The efficacy of the herbs in the sixteen places has been explained.