Agni Purana
by N. Gangadharan | 1954 | 360,691 words | ISBN-10: 8120803590 | ISBN-13: 9788120803596
This page describes Vows relating to different asterisms (nakshatra-vrata) which is chapter 196 of the English translation of the Agni Purana, one of the eighteen major puranas dealing with all topics concerning ancient Indian culture, tradition and sciences. Containing roughly 15,000 Sanskrit metrical verses, subjects contained in the Agni-Purana include cosmology, philosophy, architecture, iconography, economics, diplomacy, pilgrimage guides, ancient geography, gemology, ayurveda, etc.
Chapter 196 - Vows relating to different asterisms (nakṣatra-vrata)
[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]
Fire-god said:
1-7. I shall describe (the practice) of vows in (different) asterisms [i.e., nakṣatra-vrata/vrataka], Lord Hari worshipped in the asterism gives material prosperity. Lord Hari in the form of asterisms should be first worshipped in the month of caitra (April-May). The legs should be worshipped in (the asterism) mūla. The shanks of lord Hari should be worshipped in (the asterism) rohiṇī, the knee in the combination of aśvini, the two thighs in the āṣāḍha, the male organ in the pūrva and uttara, the hip in the kṛttikā, the two sides in the bhādrapada, the belly in the revatī, breasts in the anurādhā, the backside in the dhaniṣṭhā. The arms should be worshipped in the viśākhā, the fingers in the punarvasu. Having worshipped nails in the āśleṣā, the neck should be worshipped in the jyeṣṭhā. The two ears of lord Viṣṇu should be worshipped in the śravaṇa and the face in the puṣya. The tip of the tooth should be worshipped in the svāti, the face in the śata-bhṣak, the nose in the maghā, the eyes in the mṛgaśīrṣa, the forehead in the citrā and the hair in the Ārdrā. A golden image of lord Hari should be worshipped in a pot filled with molasses at the end of a year and bed, cow and materials (should be given) as fees.
8-22. Lord Viṣṇu should be worshipped in the form of the asterisms and in the form of lord Śiva. One who practises the vow (known as), Sāmbhavāyanīya [Śāmbhavāyanīya?] should worship lord Hari in the asterisms of every month, in the kṛttikās in the (month of) kārttika, in the mṛgaśīrṣa in the mṛgāsyaka (māgha), with the names, such as Keśava etc. or (with the words) “Obeisance to Acyuta (one without a loss)”. One should worship lord Hari of the form of the asterisms on the day of (the asterism) kṛttikā in the (month of) kārttika. (One should resolve that) “I shall do the vow (known as the) Sāmbhavāyanīya [Śāmbhavāyanīya?], that confers enjoyment and emancipation. I invoking the lord of great forms such as Keśava etc., that bestows everything and furthers longevity and health”. Food together with a pool (should be offered) for four months commencing with kārttika. Rice and pulse boiled with spices (should be offered for four months) beginning with phālguna and sweet gruel from āṣāḍha. Offering should be made to the lord and brahmins in the night. One becomes pure after bathing in water (mixed with) the five things got from a cow and drinking the same. Whichever material is offered before allowing the invoked deity to go is told as offering. When lord Jagannātha (the lord of the world) is allowed to go it becomes the remains of the offering in a moment. “O Acyuta (one without a loss)! Obeisance to you. Let my sin get destroyed and (my) merits grow. Let all my fortune, wealth etc. be without decay. Let not my progeny get destroyed. Just as you are decayless, greater than the greatest, that Supreme soul who has become the Brahman, in the same way, you make that desired by me as without a loss. O Immeasurable one! You take away the sin done by me. One without a loss! Limitless! One who protects the cows! You grace me with the desired things. O Immeasurable being! You make me without a loss, O Excellent among beings!” After having worshipped for seven years one would get enjoyment and emancipation. I shall describe the vow (known as) Ananta, (endless) among the vows relating to asterisms, that would yield wealth. One should worship lord Hari in the (asterism) mṛgaśīra [mṛgaśira?] in (the month of) mārgasīrṣa [mārgaśīrṣa?] drinking cow’s urine. Lord Ananta (the limitless) confers endless fruits for all desires and also the same endless (fruits) in the next birth. This great vow makes one acquire a limitless acquisition of merits. It would make one get the desired objects without loss. After having worshipped the feet etc., one should eat without oil in the night. Oblation should be made for four months for the sake of Ananta with ghee. Oblation (should be made) with rice (for four months) commencing with caitra and with milk in (the four months) beginning with śrāvaṇa. Māndhātā was born as the son of Yuvanāśva as a result of (doing) Anantavrata.