Yoga-sutra with Bhoja Vritti [sanskrit]

9,596 words

Summary: The Sanskrit edition of the Rājamārtaṇḍa or Bhojavṛtti by Bhojarāja.—This represents the commentary on the yoga aphorisms of Patañjali by King Bhoja who ruled in the 11th century. The material was typed by Suryansu Ray from a traditional old manuscript belonging to the family Guru.

Copyright Suryansu Ray 2012
Distributed by SARIT under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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The full text of the Yoga-sutra with Bhoja Vritti [sanskrit] is available here and publically accesible (free to read online). Of course, I would always recommend buying the book so you get the latest edition. You can see all this book’s content by visiting the pages in the below index:


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