Harivamsha Purana
by Manmatha Nath Dutt | 1897 | 293,872 words | ISBN-10: 8178542188 | ISBN-13: 9788178542188
This page is entitled “rukshmi attacks krishna and is defeated” and represents Chapter 61 of the second book (‘Vishnu Parva’) of the Harivamsa (English translation in Prose). The Harivamsha Purana narrates the lineage and life-story of Krishna (Hari). Although not officially mentioned in the list of Puranas, this book includes topics such as geology, creation theory, time (manvantaras), ancient historical legends and accounts of royal dynasties.
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Chapter 61 - Rukshmi Attacks Krishna and Is Defeated
1-2. Vaishampayana said:—Hearing that his sister had been carried away by Krishna Rukshmi, filled with anger, promised before Bhishmaka saying "I shall not return to the city of Kundina without slaying Krishna and bringing back Rukshmini".
3. Saying this in anger the heroic Rukshmi get upon a car abounding in dreadful weapons and flags. And surrounded by a large army he speedily set out.
4-5. Bhishmaka’s sons, the foremost of car-warriors, Kratha, Amshuman Shrutarva, the valiant Venudari, the kings of Deccan and other mighty car-warriors, headed by Kratha and Kaishika followed him.
6. Having wended a great distance in anger they saw Govinda with his beloved wife near the river Narmada.
7-8. Having kept his army there proud Rukshmi, in order to fight a duel of cars, went to the slayer of Madhu and pierced him with sixty four sharpened arrows. Janarddana too wounded him in return with seventy arrows.
6. Although Rukshmi was very careful the highly powerful and valiant Madhava cut off the standard of his car and the head of his charioteer from his body.
10. Seeing him in difficulty the kings of Deccan, bent upon killing him, encircled Janarddana.
11. The mighty armed Amshumana struck him with ten arrows Shutarva with five and Venudari with seven.
12. Thereupon when the energetic Govinda wounded the breast of Amshuman that king, in pain, sat down on his car.
13. Thereafter having slain with four shafts the four horses of Shrutarva Madhava cut down Venudari’s standard and and wounded his right arm.
14. The very next moment he wounded Shrutava with five arrows who, in great-pain, sat down, holding the standard of the car.
15. While Vasudeva began thus to make a downpour of arrows, all the mighty car-warriors, Kratha, Kaishika and others ran towards him.
16. Janarddana, in anger, cut off their arrows with his own. And although they were very careful he wounded them all.
17. Having wounded all those kings with sixty four arrows that highly powerful one ran towards other angry kings.
18-19. Beholding his army taking to their heels Rukshmi, filled with anger, wounded Keshava on the breast with five sharpened arrows, his charioteer with three such shafts and sundered his standard with a bent one.
20. Piercing in anger, Rukshmi with sixty arrows Keshava cut off his bow although he was very careful.
21. Taking up another such bow the energetic Rukshmi began to discharge celestial weapons for killing Keshava.
22. Counteracting his weapons with his own the highly powerful Madhava again cut off his bow and car with three arrows.
23. Thus having his bow and car sundered the heroic and valiant king Rukshmi, taking up his sword and shield, jumped down from the car.
24. Beholding him thus leap down Keshava, in anger, cut off his sword which fell down on the battle-field and pierced his breast with three winged arrows.
55. Thereupon the mighty-armed king Rukshmi, resounding the whole earth, fell down unconscious like a mighty demon struck down by a thunderbolt.
26. Thereupon Keshava began to assail other kings with his arrows. They however, beholding Rukshmi fallen, took to their heels.
27. Beholding her brother lying down motionless on earth, Rukshmini, for his life, fell at Vishnu’s feet.
28. Keshava took up her, embraced and consoled her. And then promising safety to Rukshmi he set out for his own city.
29. On the other hand having vanquished Jarasandha and others, the Vrishnis, headed by Rama, gladly set out for Dvarka.
30. After the departure of the lotus-eyed Keshava Shutarva came to the battle-field, placed Rukshmi on his own car and took him to his own city.
31. Being unable to bring back his sister and seeing his promise broken the haughty and sensitive Rukshmi did not like to enter into the city of Kundina.
32. For his residence he built another city in the province of Bidharbha which is celebrated on earth under the name of Bhojakata.
33. Residing in that city the highly powerful Rukshmi began to govern the southern districts and the mighty-armed king Bhishmaka lived in the city of Kundina.
34. When Rama, with the Vrishni army, arrived at Dvaraka the powerful Keshava duly espoused Rukshmini.
35. Thereupon as did Rama lively happily with Sita, as Purandara lived with Saci, Puloma’s daughter so he enjoyed in the company of his sweet partner.
36. That beautiful, good natured and chaste Rukshmini, endued with all accomplishments, was the first wife of Krishna.
37-39. The powerful Madhava begat on her ten sons—all mighty car-warriors, namely the highly powerful Pradyumna, Carudeshna, Sudeshna, Sushena, Carugupta, the valiant Caruvaha, Caruvinda, Sucharu, Bhadracaru and Caru, the foremost of the strong and a daughter by name Carumati. They were all masters of weapons, dreadful in battle and well read in religious lore and political science.
40-45. The mighty-armed Madhusudana married seven other beautiful and accomplished maidens born in high families, namely Kalindi, Mitravinda, Satya, the daughter of Nagnajita the king of Ayodhya, Jamvavati, the daughter of Jamvavan, Rohini capable of assuming forms at will, the good-natured daughter of Madra king, Lakshmana of fair eyes and Satrajita’s daughter Satyabhama. Besides Gandhari, the daughter of Shavya, like unto an Apsara in beauty, was his another queen. Hrishikesha, of unlimited prowess, simultaneously married sixteen thousand maidens and enjoyed in their company simultaneously. They were all used to luxuries and were honored with precious dresses and ornaments of all sorts as they desired. And thousands of highly powerful and great sons, whom Madhava begat on them, were all great car-warriors, endued with great strength, masters of all weapons and performers of sacrifices and religious rites.
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Battle-field, Mighty car-warrior, Slayer of Madhu, Mighty son, Own city, Mighty armed, Great distance, Ten sons, Simultaneously married, Arrows pierced, Sharpened arrow, Bhishmaka's son.