Jarasandha, Jara-sandha, Jarāsandha: 11 definitions


Jarasandha means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit, Jainism, Prakrit, the history of ancient India. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.

In Hinduism

Purana and Itihasa (epic history)

[«previous next»] — Jarasandha in Purana glossary
Source: Wisdom Library: Bhagavata Purana

Jarāsandha (जरासन्ध):—Son of Bṛhadratha (one of the sons of Uparicara Vasu, who was the son of Kṛtī). He was originally born as two male halves by another wife of Bṛhadratha, but was later joined together by Rakṣasi named Jarā. Jarāsandha had a son named Sahadeva. (see Bhāgavata Purāṇa 9.22.8-9)

Source: archive.org: Puranic Encyclopedia

1) Jarāsandha (जरासन्ध).—A terrible King of Magadha. Genealogy. Descended from Viṣṇu in the following order:—Brahmā-Atri-Candra-Budha-Purūravas-Āyus-Nahuṣa-Yayāti-Pūru-Janamejaya-Prācinvān-Pravīra-Namasyu-Vītabhaya-Śuṇḍu-Bahuvidha-Saṃyati-Rahovādi-Raudrāśva-Matināra-Santurodha-Duṣyanta-Bharata-Suhotra-Suhotā-Gala-Garda-Suketu-Bṛhatkṣeṭra-Hasti-Ajamīḍha-Ṛṣa-Saṃvaraṇa-Pūru-Sudhanvā-Cyavana-Kṛti-Vasu-Bṛhadratha-Jarāsandha. (See full article at Story of Jarāsandha from the Puranic encyclopaedia by Vettam Mani)

2) Jarāsandha (जरासन्ध).—(Śatrusaha). One of the hundred sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra. It is mentioned in Mahābhārata, Droṇa Parva, Chapter 137, Stanza 30 that this Jarāsandha was killed by Bhīmasena.

3) Jarāsandha (जरासन्ध).—In Karṇa Parva of the Mahābhārata, Chapter 5, Stanza 30, we see a King Jayatsena who fought on the side of the Kauravas and had been killed by Abhimanyu. The father of this King Jayatsena was one Jarāsandha, a Kṣatriya of Magadha.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: The Purana Index

1a) Jarāsandha (जरासन्ध).—Born to Bṛhadratha in two parts and cast away by the mother. Jarā (s.v.) joined them together, saying in sport ‘Live, Live’. It was Jarāsandha. He was father of Sahadeva.1 King of Magadha and father-in-law of Kaṃśā who married his daughters Asti and Prāpti; acted as Kaṃśā's guru in his wicked plans. Heard of Kaṃśā's death from his widowed daughters and resolved to destroy all the Yādavas. He besieged Mathurā with twenty-three akṣauhinis, stationing at the four gates king of Kalinga and others. Drums were sounded as a call to arms. Told Kṛṣṇa that he was a boy unfit to fight him and asked Rāma to meet him in battle. Rāma challenged him on the western gate. Finding all his army followers killed, Jarāsandha attacked Rāma. When the latter was about to bind him with ropes, Kṛṣṇa asked that he be set free. Jarāsandha went home greatly distressed. Three months after, Jarāsandha collected another huge army of twenty-three akṣauhinis, encamped at Yamunā banks and slept that night. Kṛṣṇa divided his army into three divisions and attacked the enemy on all sides by surprise. All Jarāsandha's followers took to flight leaving all their belongings which were presented to Ugrasena.

  • 1) Bhāgavata-purāṇa I. 15. 9; IX. 22. 7-8; Matsya-purāṇa 50. 31-32; 271. 18; Viṣṇu-purāṇa IV. 19. 83-4; 23. 2-3.

1b) A son of Nabhasa; a powerful conqueror of all Kṣatriyas.*

  • * Vāyu-purāṇa 99. 226-7.
Purana book cover
context information

The Purana (पुराण, purāṇas) refers to Sanskrit literature preserving ancient India’s vast cultural history, including historical legends, religious ceremonies, various arts and sciences. The eighteen mahapuranas total over 400,000 shlokas (metrical couplets) and date to at least several centuries BCE.

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Vaishnavism (Vaishava dharma)

Source: ISKCON Press: Glossary

Jarāsandha (जरासन्ध).—The King of Magadha. He was killed by Bhīma. (Sabhā Parva in Mahābhārata)

Vaishnavism book cover
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Vaishnava (वैष्णव, vaiṣṇava) or vaishnavism (vaiṣṇavism) represents a tradition of Hinduism worshipping Vishnu as the supreme Lord. Similar to the Shaktism and Shaivism traditions, Vaishnavism also developed as an individual movement, famous for its exposition of the dashavatara (‘ten avatars of Vishnu’).

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General definition (in Hinduism)

[«previous next»] — Jarasandha in Hinduism glossary
Source: Apam Napat: Indian Mythology

Jarasandha was the king of Magadha. His father had been childless for many years and finally got a magical mango from a sage, which would get his queen pregnant if she ate it. He had two wives, so he gave them half a mango each. They both got pregnant and delivered two halves of the same baby, born dead. The king was grief stricken and ordered the lumps of flesh to be tossed outside.

Source: WikiPedia: Hinduism

Jarāsandha (जरासंध): A rākshasa father-in-law of Kamsa, Son of Brihadratha. Mighty king of Magadha of whose prowess all Kshatriyas were afraid. Killed by Bhima in a thirteen-day non-stop physical combat: with Sri Krishna and Arjuna as witnesses.

In Jainism

General definition (in Jainism)

[«previous next»] — Jarasandha in Jainism glossary
Source: Wisdom Library: Jainism

Jarāsandha (जरासन्ध) is the name of the ninth Prativāsudeva according to both Śvetāmbara and Digambara sources. He is also known by the name Magadheśvara. Jain legends describe nine such Prativāsudevas (anti-heroes) usually appearing as powerful but evil antagonists instigating Vāsudeva by subjugating large portions of Bharata-land. As such, they are closely related with the twin brothers known as the Vāsudevas (“violent heroes”) and the Baladevas (“gentle heroes”).

The Prativāsudevas (such as Jarāsandha) fight against the twin-heroes with their cakra-weapon but at the final moment are killed by the Vāsudevas. Their stories are narrated in the Triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacarita (“the lives of the sixty-three illustrious persons”), a twelfth-century Śvetāmbara work by Hemacandra.

General definition book cover
context information

Jainism is an Indian religion of Dharma whose doctrine revolves around harmlessness (ahimsa) towards every living being. The two major branches (Digambara and Svetambara) of Jainism stimulate self-control (or, shramana, ‘self-reliance’) and spiritual development through a path of peace for the soul to progess to the ultimate goal.

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India history and geography

Source: archive.org: Studies In Indian Literary History

Jarāsandha (जरासन्ध) refers to one of the various  Ghats of Varanasi (Benares) mentioned in the Gīrvāṇapadamañjarī authored by Varadarāja (A.D. 1600-1650), a pupil of Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita.—Varadarāja in his Gīrvāṇapadamañjarī refers to several works which ought to be studied by a Pandit. In the same text are listed some Ghats of Benares (Varanasi) [e.g., jarāsandha-ghaṭṭa]. This contemporary list of Ghats would be useful for the history of Benares topography.

India history book cover
context information

The history of India traces the identification of countries, villages, towns and other regions of India, as well as mythology, zoology, royal dynasties, rulers, tribes, local festivities and traditions and regional languages. Ancient India enjoyed religious freedom and encourages the path of Dharma, a concept common to Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism.

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Languages of India and abroad

Sanskrit dictionary

[«previous next»] — Jarasandha in Sanskrit glossary
Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary

Jarāsandha (जरासन्ध).—Name of a celebrated king and warrior, son of Bṛhadratha. [According to a legend, he was born divided in two halves which were put together by a Rākṣasī called Jara, whence the boy was called Jarāsandha. He became king of Magadha and Chedi after his father's death. When he heard that Krisna had slain his son-in-law Kaṃsa, he gathered a large army and besieged Mathurā eighteen times, but was as often repulsed. When Yudhiṣṭhira performed the great Rājasuya sacrifice, Krisna, Arjuna and Bhīma went to the capital of Jarāsandha disguised as Brāhmaṇas, chiefly with the object of slaying their enemy and liberating the kings imprisoned by him. He, however, refused to release the kings, whereupon Bhīma challenged him to a single combat. The challenge was accepted; a hard fight ensued, but Jarāsandha was at last overpowered and slain by Bhīma.]

Derivable forms: jarāsandhaḥ (जरासन्धः).

Jarāsandha is a Sanskrit compound consisting of the terms jarā and sandha (सन्ध).

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Jarāsandha (जरासन्ध).—m.

(-ndhaḥ) A proper name, a celebrated king and warrior, sovereign of Magad'ha, father-in-law to Kansa, and foe to Krishna; he was slain in single combat by Bhima. E. jarā a female demon, and sandha connection, union; he was born in two halves, which were put together by the Rakshasi Jara.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Yates Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Jarāsandha (जरासन्ध):—[jarā-sandha] (ndhaḥ) 1. m. A proper name, the father-in-law of Kaṃsa.

context information

Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.

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