Jarasandhavadha Mahakavyam

by Pankaj L. Jani | 2010 | 82,365 words

The English translation of the Jarasandhavadha Mahakavyam: a Sanskrit epic poem written by Goswami Hariraiji. The story revolves around the story of Krishna’s vanquishing of the Magadha King, Jarasandha. The soul message of this epic Jarasandhavadha is “where there is righteousness there is victory”. The sources for this story include the Mahabhar...

Canto 19 - Vishkanya

1. In the eastern horizon of the town there occurred the dawn by the reddish rays of the sun, simultaneously with beatings of two kettledrums of the king.

2. That moment, while the former touched the sights (eyes), latter the ears of the awakened residents of Magadha.

3. Their beholding got pleasant, their faculty of learning (ears) opened their mind surmised at once at this pleasantness and the despondency

(Occurring together).

4. There spread in the space more swiftly than that of the wind, the rumours (hearsay) as numerous as the mouths present in the town.

5. In the town the vile uttered maliciously of the consequences while the pious men spread happily (the news of) imminent war by beating a small drum thus.

6. The sound of the small drum announced the fortitude of the Magadha king. How did the iniquitous men think of the courage of the Magadha king?

7. Indeed the virtuous man of Magadha got delighted, also did the other virtuous (man) in his heart; the man of Magadha who was scared of the imminence transpired the same in other Magadha.

8. Some wise people kept themselves composed; some thought this was caused by fate; some people of evil speculation feared of this; some had remained regardless of the happening.

9. Some took to the party of pacifism; some were desirous of strife;some remained neutral; rest was happy to be curious of (the whole affair).

10. Some said favourably of the death of human-killer Jarasandha in the war; some said ‘it should not happen that way’.

11. Some sighed ‘alas! Who is that fool striving to kill the warrior of Magadha, whose protector being Hara himself’.

12. Some uttered loudly in turn ‘alas! Who is that ignoramus trying, to kill powerful Bhima whose protector being Hari himself?

13. With Hari's constant might helping and safeguarding the deed of pulverizing the blemishes (of the wrongdoers,) the furious warrior ready to wage the battle, instantly would annihilate the foe.

14. Others said who knows not the formidable and fierce koushika (the armyin-chief), whose influence has made our Jarasandha the most puissant one?

15. Someone said “Who could prevent the wicked one who is born of wind (Bhima) going near the god of death alas! When the lord himself the slayer”?

16. Actually Jarasandha is Jarasandha no doubt. In the past he was conjoined by Jara (A harpy), now also joined by Jara (old age). (Jara-daughter of death).

17. Someone spoke, ‘this wretched-king will be extirpated in the war, who is miserly in his compassion, would kill many a kings with his sword'.

18. ‘This Jarasandha intoxicated by pride, vindictive by nature, if killed by illfate, there is nothing wrong in it’ said someone thus.

19. One other supported this opinion ‘this mean minded man could be restrained in a deceitful way, he should be killed thus, it is apt to have tit for tat’.

20. Other one cried out loudly with fury ‘O' who is that fool speak thus’, when liberal and high-minded people are there for the sake of Magadha king alas!

21. 'Let Bhima or Mahabhima be victorious, or Magadha or Vagadha be victorious, what is there for us to be interested in?' Thus prated some others.

22. Thus in Girivraja, many in their capacities blew their words of opposing agitated opinions, reciprocally.

23. There in the morning Jarasandha becoming worried sat in privacy. To ward off all the evils, he took to observing a vow in the name of Shiv.

24. On the other hand Krishna who is prudent in setting up disguise, spoke confidentially to Bhima and Arjuna, who were joyous with their free will, thus.

25. "Let this be known to both of you, you will have a duel with Magadha for certain, on the morrow, and also look for our military force as well as of the king's.

26. "Let our force be kept ready, as there is a probability of war of weapons by some reason, with the enemy camp of kings, accidentally.

27. "Or in the event of death of Jarasandha, the Chedi kings who are difficult warriors, clever in making guise, impiously may venture out a war with us with rage.

28. "Hence, our arms and ammunitions, competent soldiers, have to be (marshalled) brought in at the earliest, from Chaityaka Mountain.

29. "Therefore, with that purpose in mind ‘O Bhima, I will go there with the son of Shakra (Arjuna) you while in your dwelling never confide (make a sound) anything by mistake.

30. "Whence a mischievous foe moves freely at will without being hindered, perhaps when the expedients of politics of 'Sama' (negotiation) and others become futile, then 'Bheda' (dissension) is desirable to be employed."

31. Thus advising Bhima, Shri Krishna followed by Phalguna (Arjuna) watching the town on the way, went to Chaityaka Mountain.

32. Bhima looked resplendent; desirous of seeing the town, he adorned with beautiful ornaments, left his place of stay.

33. Seeing the wonderful town of variegated colours on the way his composure melted away;stopping at some distance on the way, like an elephant in rut, with rush of thoughts (in him).

34. As it happened by the wandering son of Pandu moving ahead in the open, there came the new woods that were touched by falling ruddy rays of the sun.

35. As the end of the day approached, the lustrous consort of the western horizon caressing his love's quarters, intensely in solitude, pervaded the entire region.

36. The multitude of soft chirping birds rendered a marvelous sight, ever soothing to the eyes; the gentle breeze wafting over blossomed blooms set the entire Magadha, sweet-scented.

37. Seeing the swiftness of movement of flock of birds in contrast with the splendour of the sun; listening to the hum of bees helped by lustrous sun, likened to the speed of an elephant;

38. Wandering secretly in the delightful woods that are mind capturing: recollecting in his heart his wishful sweetheart (he) became elated.

39. The hero wandered about the forest unrestricted, Bhima being fearless roamed there at (his) free will; perhaps the valiant men are selfintoxicated.

40. In this manner, he who being curious of gazing at the forest, anxiously desirous of pleasure, overjoyed in the abode of love where he saw the bees intent on kissing the lotus.

41. At that time, the son of Wind (Marut) happened to hear a strange jingling sound coming from somewhere, produced out of ornaments like girdle, bracelets and anklets.

42. Having heard the sounds reaching the ears, wondering as to where from they were coming, at that moment, he being fascinated and attracted by a woman, wished to acquire.

43. He waited, watched valiantly, thereupon, there appeared before him a luster like thunder; descending from the sky some celestial damsel a receptacle of love.

44. Dark though in complexion, she was lovely of sixteen years, stood indeed like a tree on the ground; she looked like a bank of clouds with her face round like a moon, her hips so beautiful,

45. Bhima (Vrakodara) having seen that beautiful young maid in that secluded place though astonished as he was, having looked her negligently moved ahead slowly.

46.47. Seeing him proud of youthfulness exhuming in every limb, like a lordly elephant, going forth without care at the same time thieving the mind copiously; the lady with elegance of gait, of gorgeous lips, of eyes of doe, following him, indeed spoke thus softly and slowly.

48. "How, in this remotely wonderfully tranquil forest this youth should create desire in any beautiful woman?

49. "Even as the moon-lord very much intent on kissing the face of his consort, this privacy where mind tend to melt in the union of a young lady.

50. "Likewise you also seeing repeatedly at the splendor of the woods as well as your love's eyes, being passionate with love, joy is derived in the heart.

51. "What are you looking at, the moon that gently touching the earth, the beautiful pinnacles of bosoms of lovely woman with his cool rays, there upon rising above gradually, for our sake.

52. "Be pleased to watch those birds cuddling their mates’ bosoms intimately, are joyously sleeping (together) in the tree-nests.

53. "Be pleased to behold minutely at the beautifully enveloped lotuses wherein couples of bees milking together the nectar, how making movements with delight?

54. "Look at the herd of antelopes on the grass-beds seemingly are rubbing their consorts’ limbs pretending to be scratching the itch.

55. "Somewhere the fragrant breeze from Malaya Mountain combined with that of austral gently touching the limbs often making them thrilled."

56. With this invigorating ambiance, the cupid-lion would kill even mind-dear (heart) of celestial being, what to say about earthly men?

57-58 Hearing her words as sweet as elixir at that instant, Bhima knowing well the intent of the impassioned lady for pleasure; In remembering god of love (cupid), whose composure got slackened a little, Bhima spoke thus to that desirous lady as though counseling her with love.

59. "O! Thee of lovely-brows, as charming as you are with blush yet daring, feeling deserted in a secret place; Alas! It is unbecoming of thee to obstruct a strange-man vehemently in this manner.

60. "When I am unaware of your acquaintance as to whom you are, or wherefrom you come, there shall be no deeds of flattery, Hence O! Gorgeous maiden get back, do not impede me in vain."

61. Thus curbing his mind (instinct) that got perturbed for a while by the god of passion (cupid), he a man of valor moved ahead with a desire to see the wilderness.

62. She overwhelmed with passion (smitten by lust) again having reached Bhima’s proximity swiftly, who had disregarded her and kept moving forth, spoke to him thus.

63. "O! Hero what you said was true that it was unbecoming of a women to act that way, Alas! But whose constancy in this world is kept intact from fetish for sensual passion?

64. "Furthermore, O! Knower of secrets of Dharma (righteousness), whether in the book of codes, do men of piety defend women's entreaty for pleasure being turned down?

65. "What is there to be wondering, having gotten you in this solitude if a woman longs for sensual passion (love-making) being enjoyed through chakrabhandha and other postures of coition, O! my hero!

66. "Perhaps when even the sages were infatuated with love, how passion becomes undesirable to ordinary men?

67. "You are all-knowing, powerful, competent, and dear to all, O! My most beloved-man, I should not be abandoned who adore you thus;

68. "Your prowess as well as fame have gone far and wide reaching all the ten quarters; As lovely woman as I am who to be enjoyed, you have got (her) in privacy, by virtue of that valour.

69. "As though stung by morning-bee I am whose passion has grown intensively, indeed a lovely woman of this kind could be obtained by one endowed with great fortune.

70. "There is no bliss greater than loosing one's virginity, men those who are deceived from this pleasure by chance are unfortunate ones for certain.

71. "Drink quickly the succulent juice of mango at once O Lord, this celestial bliss from cups of gratifying organs.

72. "This lovely-browed heavenly maid with succulent juice is desired by celestials even; though I have come to you utterly surrendered yet being wearied of pleasure-starvation.

73. "In this wilderness I have become yours fully blossomed, O! Thee of great valour, the god of love (cupid) stealing my heart, making it heavier in this privacy, so be adventitious.

74. "He the cupid taking seat in my hairs, he who adorns bow of flowers. Alas! Indeed this young damsel’s body is getting lethargic with her aspiration lost for a man.

75. "Brilliant-faced likened to a swan as I am, overpowered by the cupid, my breasts intoxicated as it were, as do the nipples of mine.

76. "With hips corpulent round like Bimba, the waist being slender, widely opened fine-looking thighs, lovely loins splendid and well built.

77. "My body smeared with hue of love, as tender as lotus stalk, enjoy this verily in an uninterrupted amorous play, and please take this dear of yours.

78. "Take away the weight of cupid pervaded me, for this lovely woman who shines forth in sensual union, begs of you to begin the act in privacy."

79-80. 'Sarvtobhadra and Ardhabhramak' -play on words. From front and back side auspicious all round - (same words).

81. "Myself would wish to be verily placed as though bound by cord from both sides, and then with your grace admit me in the amorous Chitra play.

82. "Many combatants have been won by you before in great battles; today O! Hero this woman is to be won in great amorous encounter.

83. "In heightened friction of weapon of limbs, I have been rubbed and rubbed well, I do not make sound derived out of pleasure as I'm yours for I know there happens to be the moon (in front)

84. "Even after this if there happens to be no confidence, test yourself embracing me compactly again and again, O my dearest, and then myself be accepted.

85. "If this woman overpowered by sensual passion driven by the god of love is not taken, I will leave my breath, being tormented by passion in the burning fire of god of love."

86. She being impassioned continued her deed of expression that flowed with sentiment of love; her words of passion were persistently followed.

87. He who did not halt even then suddenly was obstructed on his way by her whose mind got agitated by scores of cupids at once, as though becoming blind by the wind of lust.

88. She with love in her eyes, smiling gently, with passion did hold her lover's hands persistently, who was eager to go from there.

89. Watching this happening in wonderment, he who having gone forth untied by the cupid, Bhima though valorous and valiant as he was, neither stood nor moved for a second.

90. Taking shelter firmly in the broad and high shoulders of him, likened to a yoke–post, she was eager like a Chataka bird for 'Swati' rain, with her arms posited garland on his neck.

91. She a slender beauty leaning upon Bhima shone more brilliantly now, swung like a Madhavi–creeper holding onto huge Shala–tree.

92. Thus seized by the cupid as well as by the charming lady tenaciously Bhima embraced her, men of piety indeed are innocent of sucking.

93. Embracing him intensely she (and he) both shone more splendidly in the woods, creeper and the tree were well knit in harmony.

94-95. She who cuddled him, her soft chin shone radiantly; her lovely innocent face blossomed, like a lotus in the proximity; having kissed her copiously, intoxicated by passion (god of love) like an elephant in rage, Bhima, trussed his love with various postures of coition. (Padmabandha and other postures).

96. She, whose clothing disheveled in the amorous sport oozing pleasure of passion, causing a gentle smile, was exquisitely fondled by him who was blinded by the cupid.

97. Kissing lavishly her lotus like face, stroking smoothly her round hips with sprout like fingers, He conversed with her who was held in one of the postures of coition (Padmabandha).

98. O! (My consort) play like playful bee O! One who is desirous of Bhima, be cheerful always, be pleased to pour down pleasure of joy, thou art homed with cupid be generous to transcend me who is seeker of pleasure to culmination.

99. Having heard him prate about passion for the pleasure of union with the consort thus, she with love said to him who was after pleasure of union with his consort.

100. "I am favoured by you in this forest by good fortune my dear! Who could that be as a female bring on her face refusal, O my dear."

101-102. "You have begun hurriedly in the middle of amorous encounter; I am wearied so is my sentiment of love, thou desirous of pleasure stop your on the fatigued; as I am no more eager to have pleasure, I have become wearied as though a swan; O one who is intent on venture, promise me that, who am in the middle of the mating."

103. Having said thus, she who was adept in the art of making love taking him like a moon, she played, the most beautiful among women.

104. He made that forest before him look brilliant like a moon instantly; she with all her elegance ornamentations, shone splendidly with the woods.

105. She who indulged in the amorous play like a she–bee with him a he-bee swinging to and fro she being pushed wholly by the wind, plucked variously by him, she fondled (him), herself as tender as a lotus indeed.

106. He who had his faculties absorbed in his consort, settled in her girdle in a ceaseless pleasure trip; she who was intent on pleasure spree did stay with her consort.

107. He becoming forgetful of his younger-brotherhood to Dharma, kinship with Krishna, recollecting repeatedly the cupid alone (the god of love), Bhima deeply took his sweetheart in his soul.

108. He did not remember himself to be born of wind in this manner continually. He did engage in copulation smitten by god of lust in the woods.

109. He who was made to shine splendidly by the cupid, having luster of molten gold thus, sporting with the damsel in the forest, the one who was born of wind looked brilliant.

110. In this manner Bhima having engaged himself in novel way of deriving pleasure being too passionate, created delightfully an agitated sea of lust.

111. His consort (mate) being idle in his intimate passion that produced sweat in their toil of lust, though fatigued as she was, effort-fully sustained her lover's carnal gratification.

112. Muraj bandha -in the shape of 'Mridang'. (Musical Instrument)

113. He, the son of wind (as lovely as moon-stone) as lovely as moon and she, his sweetheart of the hue of a ruby (lotus) both (paused their act) becoming resplendent under eastern ruddy rays.

114. Whence Bhima being excited by the god of love again getting intoxicated, at that time he happened to hear some deep-sounding words of courage.

115. "O Hero! Not in this manner, becoming submissive to the will of nefarious god of love (cupid) uselessly, while moving in an enemy's town Alas! You had completely deviated yourself."

116. Hearing the deep-sounding speech leaving the beautiful damsel in confusion, He saw Hari appearing himself before him in reddish hue of the sun.

117. He recollecting repeatedly his friendship (with him), a sense of shame grew in him; for contemplating not repeatedly upon his Lordship of the world his heart slightly felt for a blemish.

118. The great Lord charmingly handsome shone magnificently in a lotus-hue having made the sun simple, the supreme-soul appeared before the latter the individual-soul.

119. He who had his face bent downward paid obeisance to him the Lord of those who are reverential, whose agitated mind being pushed afar.

120. He duly prostrated before Krishna, the Lord of yogis, of the power scores of horses (or of the splendor of innumerable swans), appearing himself like god in the disc of the sun.

121-122. 'Dwaya Akshar' use of only two words - (T and N)

123. "O Bhima, if you are desirous of victory over the class of unconquerable foes like Chaidya, Magadha, Shalva, king of Kashi, and Paundraka (if it should come true) you have to conquer the class of six inner foes.

124. "Those belonging to the class of men of fortitude who are on righteous path never become ill-disposed; likewise your intellect should never fall (descend) from scrupulous path.

125. "Remember O! My friend (the one) blinded by god of love, that warrior of Shalva, adept in (setting up) fraudulent tricks, for safeguarding the son of Jara, this lure had set up this lure.

126. "O! Bhima, the woman who you are lusting after, be pleased to know that she a wanton lady being sent by the foe for thinning your excellent might."

127. Having heard, these words of truth thus, the son of wind being shameful and feeling low prostrating Krishna with all humility at his lotus feet appeared before him.

128. "Alas! My friend, having disregarded your words of command meant for me I have committed this disgraceful act being overpowered by the god of love (cupid).

129. "Hence protect (me) O protector of the world from (who is smeared with) the pigment of pernicious blemish O Lord, (me) whose intellect obscured by god of love, this is your friend who has come to you seeking your refuge.

130. "Be pleased to advise me O! Hari, what is essentially good in this current of worthless mundane world, the philosophy that which would make for my welfare."

131. Thus having been requested by him thus, God Hari, with compassion, instructed him the means of attaining the highest bliss (Salvation).

132. 'Ek Akshar' i.e. use of one word (H)

133. Those who are fallen into pleasure hunting perish; pain for pleasure never would suffice;those who are mad of women perish; women’s madness would never go off.

134. "Hence, be pleased to return home being humble (subdued of intellect), be not intoxicated by pride, is that not? O! Son of wind." Having advised (him) affectionately in this manner who was overcome by a sense of indignity, he was led by the foe of Madhu himself to the mansion, soon.

135. While the one born of wind began to go being advised by Krishna; this deceitful woman who had her deceitful trap futile (ruined) and her mind deprived of sense, dreading her own ties of wrong-doing, she having gone to Shalva, told him all the exploits of Hari.

136. Thereafter hearing at once the deed of Hari in safeguarding Bhima from the mouth (jaws) of venomous girl, the king of Saubha, becoming as if confounded, he bore in him much wrath combined with delusion.

137. Here, having seen his elder brother with Hari, returning back safely, learning his friend's exploits during Bhima’s clandestine rendezvous with a smiling beauty sent by evil design, Arjuna bearing a sense of shame for a moment, at that instance, there happened a rain in the sky caused by the class of gods with grace.

138. In whose righteous king, he who happened to be his devotee, to whom it was proper to instruct about things to be abandoned, as he was intoxicated by passion, taken near by a foe in guise of an unassuming female, eventually he who took resort in pleasure deriving ways, to him as well as those infatuated with attachment in midst of worldly current, the proper restraint of Hari laid upon them, his solitude, sportily-demeanor, his gentle smile, all these the men of noble disposition ponder over again and again.

This verse, which is arranged in ‘Chakrabandha’ shows as follows.

'Hariraya Jarasandhavadham Kavyam'.

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