Varahi Tantra (English Study)
by Roberta Pamio | 2014 | 29,726 words
This English essay studies the Varahi Tantra and introduces the reader to the literature and philosophy of the Shakta Tradition to which this text belongs. These Shakta Tantras are doctrines where the Mother Goddess is conceived as the Supreme deity who is immanent and transcendental at the same time. The Varahitantra (lit. the "Doctrine of th...
Chapter 8 - Āpadūddharaṇa Kavaca (a hymn dedicated to Kālī)
Solicited by the Goddess, the Lord reveals the Āpadūddharaṇa Kavaca, a hymn dedicated to Kālī which is to be recited for protection from all kinds of misfortune (vv.1-13).
Requested again by the Devī, Bhairava describes some mudrās (ritual gestures made with hands), such as mukulī, padma, vyoma, āvāhanī, sthāpanī, saṃmukhī, prārthana, liṅga and seventeen others (vv.14-46). He then explains the thirty-eight, sixteen, ten and the five standard offerings (upacāra) which should be presented to the deity during the external worship; one is also warned that one shouldn't offer rice to Viṣṇu, tulasī (holy basil) to Gaṇeśa, dūrvā (durb grass) to the Goddess or bilva leaves to the Sun (vv.47-65).
The last part of the chapter deals with different kinds of flowers to offer to the deities and the benefits each species gives (vv.66-213); the Mothers are well-pleased by the flowers jātī, mālatī and kubjā (verse 14'), the Supreme Goddess (Parameśvarī) is as satisfied by the flower Droṇa as she is by animal sacrifice (verses 15"-16'). Verses 99-102 describe the greatness of the Aparājitā flower: there is no flower dearer to the Goddess then the Aparājitā which, in having the form of a yoni, is the residence of Śivā Herself, just as the liṅgas haped Karavīra is the abode of Śiva. The Goddess is thereby delighted when offered them together mixed with red chandana, symbolizing the union of Śiva and Śakti. Verses 111"-112' mention the five "mental flowers", ie. non-violence, which is the supreme flower, control over the senses, compassion, dharma and wisdom. Verses 117-190' name the flowers which are dear to Viṣṇu. In verses 190"-193' it is said that gods are pleased by the offering of flowers, where they themselves reside: on the bottom of the flower dwells Brahmā, in the middle Viṣṇu, on the top Śiva and on the petals, all the other gods.