Srila Gurudeva (The Supreme Treasure)
by Swami Bhaktivedanta Madhava Maharaja | 2010 | 179,005 words
This page relates ‘Lakshmi-Devi as stated by Shri Madhvacarya’ of the book dealing with life and teachings of Srila Gurudeva, otherwise known as Shri Shrimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja. Srila Gurudeva is a learned and scholar whose teachings primarily concern the spiritual beauties of Bhakti—devotional service and the qualities and pastimes of Shri Krishna.
Go directly to: Footnotes.
Lakṣmī-Devī as stated by Śrī Madhvācārya
“Śrī Lakṣmī-devī, the beloved consort of Lord Viṣṇu, is full of eternity, knowledge and bliss. She is free from material distress and happiness; from all kinds of difficulties; and she is always present with Lord Viṣṇu. She is omnipresent like Lord Viṣṇu, and she sports amorously in unlimited forms with the unlimited forms of Lord Viṣṇu.[1]
“Śrī Lakṣmī-devī appears as the beloved consort of Lord Viṣṇu when He incarnates in this world. Like Viṣṇu, Lakṣmī-devī also has innumerable eternal names and forms. Different names of Lakṣmī are Śrī, Bhū, Durgā, Māyā, Jayā, Kṛti, Śānti, Satī, Dakṣiṇā, Jayantī and so forth. Śrī Lakṣmī-devī is the controller of three modes of material nature in her three forms, namely, Śrī, Bhū and Durg ā. As the Śrī potency, she manifests goodness, bewildering the demigods; as the Bhū potency, she manifests passion, bewildering the human beings; and as the Durgā potency, she manifests ignorance, bewildering the demons.
श्रीभूर्दुर्गार्म्व्रणी ह्रीः च महालक्ष्मीः च दक्षिणा
सीताजयन्तीसत्या च रुक्मिणीत्यादिभेदिता
प्रकृतिः तेन चाविष्टा तद्वशा न हरिः स्वयम्
ततोऽनन्तांशहीना च वलज्ञाप्ति-सुखादिभिः
गुणैः सर्वैः तथाप्यस्य प्रसादाद्दोषवर्जिता
सर्वदा सुखरूपा च सर्वदा ज्ञानरूपिणीśrībhūrdurgārmvraṇī hrīḥ ca mahālakṣmīḥ ca dakṣiṇā
sītājayantīsatyā ca rukmiṇītyādibheditā
prakṛtiḥ tena cāviṣṭā tadvaśā na hariḥ svayam
tato'nantāṃśahīnā ca valajñāpti-sukhādibhiḥ
guṇaiḥ sarvaiḥ tathāpyasya prasādāddoṣavarjitā
sarvadā sukharūpā ca sarvadā jñānarūpiṇīBṛhadā-bhāṣya (3.5)
The goddess of fortune appearing in different forms with names such as Śrī, Bhū, Durgā, Amvraṇī, Hṛī, Māhālakṣmī, Kṛti, Śānti, Satyā, Dakṣiṇā, Jayantī, rukmiṇī and so forth, are all being enamoured and subjugated by Lord Śrī Hari, but Śrī Hari is not under their control or subdued by them. These goddesses of fortunes are inferior to Śrī Hari in power, knowledge and bliss; but by His mercy they are faultless, full of knowledge and blissful.
“Śrī Madhvācārya has stated that the world is true. Making the self-born and self-existent goddess of fortune His consort, Lord Viṣṇu, at the beginning of a kalpa, creates different objects such as the three modes of material nature, mahat-tattva, the ego, and the universe with five elements (brahmāṇḍa). After that, He creates the fourteen planets and planetary systems; the oceans; mountains like Meru, Mandāra and so forth; rivers like Gaṅgā, Yamunā and so forth; forests, trees, rocks, medicinal plants, grains, flowers, fruits, the nine types of gems, gold, iron and so forth. All these are temporary as the effect (kārya), but eternal as the cause (kāraṇa). As the effect, they are temporary; but they are not illusory, imaginary, or non-existent like day-dreams, or the ideas of building castles in the sky, seeing horns on a rabbit, hairs on a tortoise and so forth. They are also not false like the mistaking of a snake to be a rope.
“For a short span of duration matter exists, therefore it is temporal (anitya), but not false (asatya), or momentary (kṣaṇika). Although it is related to momentary relation (kṣaṇasambandhi), we cannot say that it exists momentarily (kṣaṇamātravartī).
“Śrī Madhvācārya used one verse repeatedly to establish the truth of the existence of the material world:
विश्वं सत्यं वशे विष्णोर् नित्यमेव प्रवाहतः
न क्वाप्यनीदृशं विश्वं तत् तत् कालानुसारतः
असत्यं-अप्रतिष्ठं ये जगदाहुरनीश्वरं
त आसुराः स्वं नष्टा जगतः क्षयकारिणःviśvaṃ satyaṃ vaśe viṣṇor nityameva pravāhataḥ
na kvāpyanīdṛśaṃ viśvaṃ tat tat kālānusārataḥ
asatyaṃ-apratiṣṭhaṃ ye jagadāhuranīśvaraṃ
ta āsurāḥ svaṃ naṣṭā jagataḥ kṣayakāriṇaḥVyāsa-smṛti-vākyam in Tattva-udyata
This universe is true–and under the jurisdiction of Lord Viṣṇu, its eternality is present in flowing succession. In all times, this universe has remained in the same manner. Those demons that refer to the world as untrue, shelterless, and godless are not only the killer of the world, but are also killing their own souls.”
Footnotes and references:
According to Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava siddhānta, Śrīmatī rādhikā is the Supreme Goddess. Scripture states: “devī kṛṣṇa-mayī proktā rādhikā para-devatā, sarva-lakṣmīmayī sarvakāntiḥ sammohinī parā–Śrīmatī rādhikā is the Supreme Goddess, the exclusive abode of Kṛṣṇa’s playful pastimes or the illustrious enactress of amorous līlā, and the shelter of all goddesses of fortune. She is superlatively beautiful. Her whole being is nothing but Kṛṣṇa, and She is incessantly absorbed in Kṛṣṇa. She is the embodiment of all splendor, and is the enchantress of Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s heart” (Bṛhad-gautamīya-tantra).