Historical Elements in the Matsya Purana
by Chaitali Kadia | 2021 | 91,183 words
This page relates ‘Lineages of Kashyapa’ of the study on the historical elements of the Matsya-purana: one of the eighteen Mahapuranas which are Sanskrit texts that have preserved the cultural heritage, philosophy, religion, geography, etc of ancient India. This Matsyapurana was originally written in 20,000 verses and deals with topics such as architecture, ancient history, polity, religion and philosophy.
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Lineages of Kaśyapa
Maharṣi Marīci’s son was Kaśyapa. The Gotra Pravartaka who were born in the Kaśyapa’s dynasty are follows–Āśrāyaṇi, Meṣakīritakāyana, Udagraj, Māthara, Bhoja, Vinyalakṣaṇa, Śalāhaleya, Kauriṣṭa, Kanyaka, Āsurāyaṇa, Mrgaya, Srotana, Bhautapāyana, Devayāna, Gomayāna, Adhaschāya, Abhaya, Kātyāyana, Śākrāyaṇa, Bodhayāṇa, Kartikya, Hastidāna, Vātsyāyana, Kouberaka, Syākāra, Agniśarmāyaṇa, Meṣapa, Kaikarasapa, Babhru, Prāceya, Jñana-Sānjñeya, Āgna, Prāserya, Śyāmodara, Vaivaśapa, Udbalāyana, Kāśtāhārina, Mārica, Ājihāyana, Hāstika, Vaikarneya, Kāsyapeya, Sāsi, Sāhāritāyana and Mātangi Bhṛgu. These sages were belonging to the Vatsara, Ksyapa and Nidhuva Pravara . Mutual marriage is also prohibited in these.
The names of sages originated in the tirbe of Dvyāmuṣyāyaṇa were–Anusūya, Nākuray, Snātapa, Rājavartapa, Śaisira, Udvahi, Sairandhrī, Roupasevaki, Yāmuni, Kādrupingakṣi, Sajātambi and Divāvaṣṭa. Vatsara, Kaśyapa and Vasiṣṭha these three were considered as Pravara of all these sages. Mutual marriage is also prohibited in these. Sanjāti, Nabha, Pippalya, Jalandhara, Bhujātapura, Pūrya, Kardama, Gardabhīmukha, Hiraṇyabāhu, Kairāta, Kāśyapa, Gobhila, Kulaha, Vṛṣakaṇḍa, Mṛgaketu, Uttara, Nidāgha, Masṛṇa, Bhartsya, Mahān, Kerala, Śāndilya, Dānava, Devajati and Paippalāda. These sages were belonging to the Pravara of Asita, Devala and Kaśyapa. They were prohibited to intermarry to each other.[1]
Footnotes and references:
Matsya Purāṇa, Ch.–199 Chapter