Bhoja, Bhojā: 29 definitions


Bhoja means something in Buddhism, Pali, Hinduism, Sanskrit, Jainism, Prakrit, the history of ancient India, Marathi, Hindi, biology. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.

In Hinduism

Purana and Itihasa (epic history)

Source: Puranic Encyclopedia

1) Bhoja (भोज).—A king of the ancient country named Mārttikāvata. In Mahābhārata Ādi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 6, we see that this king had attended the Svayaṃvara of Draupadī. He was slain by Abhimanyu at the battle of Kurukṣetra. (Mahābhārata Droṇa Parva, Chapter 48, Verse 8).

2) Bhoja (भोज).—A king of Yaduvaṃśa. Mahābhārata, Śānti Parva, Chapter 166, Verse 79 says, that he died under the stroke of the sword of Mahārāja Uśīnara. Bhojavaṃśa takes its source from this king.

3) Bhoja (भोज).—A king who became renowned as a Sanskrit scholar. It is believed that he lived from 1018 to 1054 A.D. His capital city was Dhārā. Bhoja is credited with the authorship of two scholarly books entitled, "Sarasvatīkaṇṭhābharaṇa" and "Sṛṅgāraprakāśa". Of these, the first is a compendious volume in five chapters, dealing with the merits and defects of poetry, figures of speech, etc. Bhoja observes that besides the four styles (in poetry) laid down by Rudraka, there are two more styles, namely, "Avanti" and "Māgadhī".

4) Bhoja (भोज).—A follower of Sudās. In Ṛgveda, 3rd Maṇḍala, 58th Anuvāka, 7th Sūkta we find that this Bhoja had given help to sage Viśvāmitra in performing his Aśvamedha yāga.

5) Bhoja (भोज).—A king of Kānyakubja. Once this king Bhoja met a woman with a fantastic shape. Her body was of human shape while her face was that of a female deer. When the king asked her about her strange shape, she related her past history as follows:—"In my previous birth, I was a female deer. On one occasion the whole of my body except my face, was plunged in a river and those parts of the body under the water were transformed into human shape. From that day, I have been changed into this form."

On hearing her story, the king took her to the holy river and immersed her again in it. She was at once transformed into an actual woman and the king married her. (Skanda Purāṇa, 7-2-2).

6) Bhojā (भोजा).—An exquisitely beautiful virgin of the country, Sauvīra. Mahābhārata Droṇa Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 33 says that Sātyaki abducted her and made her his wife.

7) Bhoja (भोज).—(BHOJAVAṂŚA). This is a branch of Yaduvaṃśa. (Mahābhārata Ādi Parva, Chapter 217, Verse 18).

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: The Purana Index

1a) Bhoja (भोज).—A Yadu prince. He once dreamt that he ate the remnants of the food of his enemy, and that his enemies deprived him of his wives, and kingdom. This caused deep misery in his mind. He left his home and bestowed all his thoughts on Paramātman from that day: entered brahmanirvāṇa. Fought with Akrūra at Prabhāsā.*

  • * Bhāgavata-purāṇa X. 36. 33; VI. 15. 26 [1-4]; XI. 30. 16. Brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa III. 61. 23.

1b) A king noted for his large elephant forces.*

  • * Brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa II. 71. 126-7.

1c) A son of Bali.*

  • * Brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa III. 5. 43.

1d) A son of Jāmbavatī.*

  • * Brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa III. 7. 303.

1e) A son of Pratikṣetra and father of Hṛdīka.*

  • * Matsya-purāṇa 44. 80.

1f) A Vindhya clan;1 in Dvāravatī: one of the five clans (gaṇas) of the Haihayas beginning with Druhyu, son of Yayāti;2 had two hundred branches;3 all of them Kṣatriyas;4 Kaśyapa gotrakāras.5

  • 1) Brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa II. 16. 64; Vāyu-purāṇa 45. 132; 86. 28.
  • 2) Brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa III. 69. 52; 74. 265; Matsya-purāṇa 34. 30; 43. 48; 44. 69; 163. 72; Vāyu-purāṇa 94. 52.
  • 3) Ib. 99. 452.
  • 4) Ib. 32. 48.
  • 5) Matsya-purāṇa 199. 2.

1g) A Yādava tribe to which Kaṃsa belonged: were related to the Pāṇḍavas;1 defended Dvārakā against the enemies and praised the heroic deeds of Kṛṣṇa;2 Kaṃsa planned in vain to vanquish them. Fought with their kith and kin and ended their lives;3 line of the, traced from Mahābhoja; kings of Mṛttikāvara Pura; hence Mārttikāvaras: killed Sātvata Śatrughna and left Dvārakā with Akrūra.4

  • 1) Bhāgavata-purāṇa X. 1. 35, 37 and 69; IX. 24. 11 and 63; I. 14. 25; Matsya-purāṇa 114. 52; 273. 70.
  • 2) Bhāgavata-purāṇa I. 11. 11; IX. 24. 63.
  • 3) Ib. X. 36. 33; 39. 25; XI. 30. 18.
  • 4) Viṣṇu-purāṇa IV. 13. 7, 11.

1h) Usually a title of a monarch;1 Śamīka, abandoned this title being a Rājaṛṣi.2

  • 1) Brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa III. 71. 194, 223; Vāyu-purāṇa 96. 190.
  • 2) Matsya-purāṇa 46. 28.

2a) Bhojā (भोजा).—The queen of Viravrata: mother of Manthu and Pramanthu.*

  • * Bhāgavata-purāṇa V. 15. 15.

2b) The wife of Śūra; mother of ten sons and five daughters.*

  • * Matsya-purāṇa 46. 1.
Source: JatLand: List of Mahabharata people and places

Bhoja (भोज) is a name mentioned in the Mahābhārata (cf. I.177.6) and represents one of the many proper names used for people and places. Note: The Mahābhārata (mentioning Bhoja) is a Sanskrit epic poem consisting of 100,000 ślokas (metrical verses) and is over 2000 years old.

Source: Shodhganga: The saurapurana - a critical study

Bhoja (भोज) refers to one of the sons of Kroṣṭā and grandson of Yadu, according to the Vaṃśānucarita section of the 10th century Saurapurāṇa: one of the various Upapurāṇas depicting Śaivism.—Accordingly, [...] Nahuṣa married Virajā (the daughter of Pitṛ) and was blessed with five sons of whom Yayāti was the most famous. Yayāti had two wives—Devayānī and Śarmiṣṭhā. Devayānī gave birth to Yadu and Turvasu. [...] The Son of Yadu was Kroṣṭā in whose race the most glorious kings were born. The text only names them as [viz., Bhoja].

Purana book cover
context information

The Purana (पुराण, purāṇas) refers to Sanskrit literature preserving ancient India’s vast cultural history, including historical legends, religious ceremonies, various arts and sciences. The eighteen mahapuranas total over 400,000 shlokas (metrical couplets) and date to at least several centuries BCE.

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Kavya (poetry)

Source: Shodhganga: A critical appreciation of soddhalas udayasundarikatha

Bhoja (भोज).—He was a celebrated king of the Paramāra dynasty, He ascended the throne of Dhārā in 1018 A.D. and had a glorious reign till 1063 A.D. Like his uncle Muñja, Bhoja cultivated the art of war and peace.

Kavya book cover
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Kavya (काव्य, kavya) refers to Sanskrit poetry, a popular ancient Indian tradition of literature. There have been many Sanskrit poets over the ages, hailing from ancient India and beyond. This topic includes mahakavya, or ‘epic poetry’ and natya, or ‘dramatic poetry’.

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Vyakarana (Sanskrit grammar)

Source: Wikisource: A dictionary of Sanskrit grammar

Bhoja (भोज).—The well-known king of Dhārā who was very famous for his charities and love of learning. He flourished in the eleventh century A.D. He is said to have got written or himself written several treatises on various śāstras. The work Sarasvatīkaṇṭhābharaṇa which is based on the Astādhyāyi of Pāṇini, but which has included in it the Vārttikas and Paribhāṣās also, has become in a way a Vyākaraṇa or a general work in grammar and can be styled as Bhoja-Vyākaraṇa.

Vyakarana book cover
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Vyakarana (व्याकरण, vyākaraṇa) refers to Sanskrit grammar and represents one of the six additional sciences (vedanga) to be studied along with the Vedas. Vyakarana concerns itself with the rules of Sanskrit grammar and linguistic analysis in order to establish the correct context of words and sentences.

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Ayurveda (science of life)

Dietetics and Culinary Art (such as household cooking)

Source: Shodhganga: Dietetics and culinary art in ancient and medieval India

Bhoja (भोज) is the name of an author of books dealing with the topics of dietetics and culinary art, also known as Pākaśāstra or Pākakalā as quoted by Raghunātha in his 17th century Bhojanakutūhala.—It is a noticeable fact that Āyurveda and its tradition, stood as the champions for the development of critical notions of dietetics and culinary art in ancient and medieval India. [...] Bhojanakutūhala records many earlier important treatises [...] and quotes many other scholars like [...] Bhoja.

Ayurveda book cover
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Āyurveda (आयुर्वेद, ayurveda) is a branch of Indian science dealing with medicine, herbalism, taxology, anatomy, surgery, alchemy and related topics. Traditional practice of Āyurveda in ancient India dates back to at least the first millenium BC. Literature is commonly written in Sanskrit using various poetic metres.

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General definition (in Hinduism)

Source: WikiPedia: Hinduism

Bhoja (भोज): A branch of the Yadava clan belonging to Krishna’s tribe.

In Buddhism

Theravada (major branch of Buddhism)

Source: Pali Kanon: Pali Proper Names

1. Bhoja. A brahmin, one of the eight who read the auspicious marks on the Buddhas body on the fifth day after his birth. J.i.56; in the Milinda (p.236) he is called Subhoja.

2. Bhoja. A physician of old. J.iv. 496, 498.

3. Bhoja. A country. See Bhojaputta.

context information

Theravāda is a major branch of Buddhism having the the Pali canon (tipitaka) as their canonical literature, which includes the vinaya-pitaka (monastic rules), the sutta-pitaka (Buddhist sermons) and the abhidhamma-pitaka (philosophy and psychology).

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In Jainism

General definition (in Jainism)

Source: Trisastisalakapurusacaritra

Bhoja (भोज) refers to a sub-division of the Jātyārya class of Āryas (one of the two types of human beings), taking birth in the “middle world” (madhyaloka), according to chapter 2.3 [ajitanātha-caritra] of Hemacandra’s 11th century Triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacaritra: an ancient Sanskrit epic poem narrating the history and legends of sixty-three illustrious persons in Jainism.

Accordingly:—“In these 35 zones on this side of Mānuṣottara and in the Antaradvīpas, men arise by birth; [...]. From the division into Āryas and Mlecchas they are two-fold. The Āryas have sub-divisions: kṣetra (country), jāti (caste), kula (family), karma (work), śilpa (craft), and bhāṣā (language). [...] The Jātyāryas are the Ikṣvākus, Jñātas, Haris, Videhas, Kurus, Ugras, Bhojas, and Rājanyas”.

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Jainism is an Indian religion of Dharma whose doctrine revolves around harmlessness (ahimsa) towards every living being. The two major branches (Digambara and Svetambara) of Jainism stimulate self-control (or, shramana, ‘self-reliance’) and spiritual development through a path of peace for the soul to progess to the ultimate goal.

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India history and geography

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Indian Epigraphical Glossary

Bhoja.—(IE 8-2; EI 1; 27; HD; LL), a Jāgīrdār; title of a feudatory; cf. the feminine form Bhojikī; also Mahā- bhoja. See Ep. Ind., Vol. I, p. 5. (EI 3; CII 3), a priest; title of a class of priests. Cf. Tamil pośar (SITI), one who enjoys a thing; the possessor. Note: bhoja is defined in the “Indian epigraphical glossary” as it can be found on ancient inscriptions commonly written in Sanskrit, Prakrit or Dravidian languages.

See also (synonyms): Bhojaka.

Source: Ancient Buddhist Texts: Geography of Early Buddhism

Bhoja (भोज) is the name of a locality situated in Dakkhiṇāpatha (Deccan) or “southern district” of ancient India, as recorded in the Pāli Buddhist texts (detailing the geography of ancient India as it was known in to Early Buddhism).—Bhoja coincides with Berar or ancient Vidarbha, and Chammaka, four miles south east of Elichpur in the Amaraoti District. In the Barhut inscriptions there is a reference to Bhojakaṭa. The Sabhāparva of the Great Epic mentions Bhojakaṭa and Bhojakaṭapura as two places in the south conquered by Sahadeva. If Bhojakaṭa be the same as Bhoja or Bhojya of the Purāṇas, then it must be a country of the Vindhya region.

References to the Bhoja country in Pāli Buddhist literature are not uncommon. In the Saṃyutta Nikāya we find mention of a Ṛṣi named Rohitassa Bhojaputta, as also of sixteen Bhojaputtas in a Jātaka story.

Source: Tessitori Collection I (history)

Bhoja (भोज) is the name of an ancient king “Bhojarājā Bhānumatī rī vārttā” by Bhavanīdāsa (classified as Rajasthani literature), which is included in the collection of manuscripts at the ‘Vincenzo Joppi’ library, collected by Luigi Pio Tessitori during his visit to Rajasthan between 1914 and 1919.—King Bhoja and Bhānumatī are legendary magicians. In this version Bhānumatī is Bhoja’s wife, while in others she is told to be Bhoja’s daughter and Vikramāditya’s wife. In this work Bhoja teaches her the ‘fifteenth magical science’ (panaramī vidyā), relating to women’s conduct. According to Mhamia ‘Vyāsa Bhavanī dāsa composed it for Kalyāna dāsa of Bilāḍā. In the name of fifteenth art, Rājā Bhoja experienced himself that women are never faithful in life’. The author’s name is present in this ms.

India history book cover
context information

The history of India traces the identification of countries, villages, towns and other regions of India, as well as mythology, zoology, royal dynasties, rulers, tribes, local festivities and traditions and regional languages. Ancient India enjoyed religious freedom and encourages the path of Dharma, a concept common to Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism.

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Biology (plants and animals)

Source: Google Books: CRC World Dictionary (Regional names)

Bhoja in India is the name of a plant defined with Betula utilis in various botanical sources. This page contains potential references in Ayurveda, modern medicine, and other folk traditions or local practices It has the synonym Betula bhojpattra Lindl. ex Wall. (among others).

Example references for further research on medicinal uses or toxicity (see latin names for full list):

· Plantae Asiaticae Rariores, or ‘Descriptions and figures of a select number of unpublished East Indian plants’ (1830)
· Journal of the Linnean Society, Botany (1899)
· Plantae Wilsonianae (1916)
· Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou (1865)
· Prodromus Florae Nepalensis (1825)

If you are looking for specific details regarding Bhoja, for example health benefits, extract dosage, side effects, pregnancy safety, chemical composition, diet and recipes, have a look at these references.

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This sections includes definitions from the five kingdoms of living things: Animals, Plants, Fungi, Protists and Monera. It will include both the official binomial nomenclature (scientific names usually in Latin) as well as regional spellings and variants.

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Languages of India and abroad

Pali-English dictionary

Source: Sutta: The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

Bhoja, (lit. grd. of bhuñjati2, to be sorted out, to be raised from slavery; thus also meaning “dependence,” “training,” from bhuj, to which belongs bhujissa) one who is getting trained, dependent, a freed slave, villager, subject. Only in cpds. like bhojisiyaṃ (bhoja+isi+ ya=issariya) mastery over dependence, i.e. independence S. I, 44, 45; bhojājānīya a well-trained horse, a thoroughbred J. I, 178, 179; bhojaputta son of a villager J. V, 165; bhojarājā head of a village (-district) a subordinate king Sn. 553=Th. 1, 823.—In the latter phrase however it may mean “wealthy” kings, or “titled” kings (khattiyā bh-r. , who are next in power to and serve on a rājā cakkavatti). The phrase is best taken as one, viz. “the nobles, royal kings.” It may be a term for “vice-kings” or substitute-kings, or those who are successors of the king. The explanation at SnA 453 takes the three words as three diff. terms and places bhojā= bhogiyā as a designation of a class or rank (=bhogga). Neumann in his translation of Sn. has “Königstämme, kühn and stolz,” free but according to the sense. The phrase may in bhoja contain a local designation of the Bhoja princes (N. of a tribe), which was then taken as a special name for “king” (cp. Kaiser›Cæsar, or Gr. basileuζ). With the wording “khattiyā bhoja-rājāno anuyuttā bhavanti te” cp. M. III, 173: “paṭirājāno te rañño cakkavattissa anuyuttā bhavanti,” and A. V, 22: “kuḍḍarājāno” in same phrase.—Mrs. Rh. D. at Brethren, p. 311, translates “nobles and wealthy lords.” (Page 510)

Pali book cover
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Pali is the language of the Tipiṭaka, which is the sacred canon of Theravāda Buddhism and contains much of the Buddha’s speech. Closeley related to Sanskrit, both languages are used interchangeably between religions.

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Marathi-English dictionary

Source: DDSA: The Molesworth Marathi and English Dictionary

bhōja (भोज).—& bhōjapatra Properly bhūrja & bhūrjapatra.

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Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India. Marathi, like many other Indo-Aryan languages, evolved from early forms of Prakrit, which itself is a subset of Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages of the world.

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Sanskrit dictionary

Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary

Bhoja (भोज).—a.

1) Bestowing enjoyment; राजा भोजो विराट् सम्राट् क्षत्रियो भूपतिर्नृपः (rājā bhojo virāṭ samrāṭ kṣatriyo bhūpatirnṛpaḥ) Mahābhārata (Bombay) 12.68.54.

2) Leading a life of enjoyment, enjoying; देवासुरमनुष्येषु ये भजन्त्यशिवं शिवम् । प्रायस्ते धनिनो भोजाः (devāsuramanuṣyeṣu ye bhajantyaśivaṃ śivam | prāyaste dhanino bhojāḥ) Bhāgavata 1.88.1.

3) Liberal, bountiful.

--- OR ---

Bhoja (भोज).—[bhuj-ac]

1) Name of a celebrated king of Mālvā (or Dhārā); (supposed to have flourished about the end of the tenth or the beginning of the eleventh century, and to have been a great patron of Sanskṛt learning; he is also supposed to have been the author of several learned works, such as sarasvatīkaṇṭhābharaṇa &c.).

2) Name of a country.

3) Name of a king of the Vidarbhas; भोजेन दूतो रघवे विसृष्टः (bhojena dūto raghave visṛṣṭaḥ) R.5.39;7.18,29,35.

-jāḥ (m. pl.) Name of a people.

Derivable forms: bhojaḥ (भोजः).

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Bhoja (भोज).—m.

(-jaḥ) 1. A country, Patna and Bhagalpur. 2. The name of a sovereign of Oujein, or Malava who is supposed to have flour- ished about the end of the tenth century; he was a celebrated patron of learned men, and the nine gems or poets and philosophers, are often ascribed to his æra. 3. A cowherd. E. bhuj to enjoy, aff. ac and the final consonant unchanged.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Benfey Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Bhoja (भोज).—i. e. bhuj + a, m. 1. A cowherd. 2. The name of a country. 3. The name of a king, [Johnson's Selections from the Mahābhārata.] 19, 91.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Bhoja (भोज).—[adjective] bountiful, liberal; or = 2 bhogavant [adjective]; [masculine] [Name] of [several] kings, [plural] [Name] of a people.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Aufrecht Catalogus Catalogorum

Bhoja (भोज) as mentioned in Aufrecht’s Catalogus Catalogorum:—See Bhojadeva.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

1) Bhoja (भोज):—[from bhoga] mfn. bestowing enjoyment, bountiful, liberal, [Ṛg-veda]

2) [v.s. ...] enjoying, leading a life of enjoyment, [Bhāgavata-purāṇa]

3) [v.s. ...] m. a king with uncommon qualities, [Aitareya-brāhmaṇa]

4) [v.s. ...] ([plural]) Name of a country (near the Vindhya mountain) or of a people (the descendants of Mahā-bhoja), [Mahābhārata; Harivaṃśa; Purāṇa] etc.

5) [v.s. ...] a king of the Bhojas, [Mahābhārata]

6) [v.s. ...] Name of Bhoja-deva (q.v.), [Daśakumāra-carita; Sāhitya-darpaṇa; Rājataraṅgiṇī]

7) [v.s. ...] of various kings and other men, [Harivaṃśa; Raghuvaṃśa] etc.

8) [v.s. ...] = bhoja-kaṭa q.v., [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]

9) Bhojā (भोजा):—[from bhoja > bhoga] f. a princess of the Bhojas, [Mahābhārata; Harivaṃśa] ([varia lectio] bhojyā)

10) [v.s. ...] Name of the wife of Vīra-vrata, [Bhāgavata-purāṇa]

11) [v.s. ...] a cowherd, [Monier-Williams’ Sanskrit-English Dictionary]

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Yates Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Bhoja (भोज):—(jaḥ) 1. m. A country, Bhojpur; a king of Ougein; a cowherd.

Source: DDSA: Paia-sadda-mahannavo; a comprehensive Prakrit Hindi dictionary (S)

Bhoja (भोज) in the Sanskrit language is related to the Prakrit word: Bhoa.

[Sanskrit to German]

Bhoja in German

context information

Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.

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Hindi dictionary

Source: DDSA: A practical Hindi-English dictionary

Bhoja (भोज) [Also spelled bhoj]:—(nm) a banquet; feast.

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Kannada-English dictionary

Source: Alar: Kannada-English corpus

Bhōja (ಭೋಜ):—[noun] an erstwhile country or region near the Vindhya mountain, in the central India.

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Kannada is a Dravidian language (as opposed to the Indo-European language family) mainly spoken in the southwestern region of India.

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Nepali dictionary

Source: unoes: Nepali-English Dictionary

Bhoja (भोज):—n. 1. feast; banquet; treat; 2. food; 3. reception; 4. hist. name of a celebrated king of Malva (supposed to have flourished about the end of the tenth or the beginning of the eleventh century and to have been a great patron of Sanskrit learning; he is also supposed to have been the author of several learned works);

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Nepali is the primary language of the Nepalese people counting almost 20 million native speakers. The country of Nepal is situated in the Himalaya mountain range to the north of India.

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