Maharasnadi Kwath (Kadha)

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Ayurvedic Medicine
Sha. Sam. (M. Kh. A – 2) Vatvyadhi Chikitsa Pain in Joints & backache. 15 ml – 30 ml (1 to 2 tablespoonful) with water, twice a day or as directed by the
Physician. Each 100 ml Prepared/Derived from:
Rasna 70.5 g, Dhanvayasa, Bala, Eranda Mool, Devadaru, Shati, Vacha, Vasa, Shunthi, Haritaki,
Chavya, Musta, Rakta Punarnava, Guduchi, Vriddhadaru, Shatahva, Gokshura, Ashvagandha, Ativisha,
Aragvadha, Shatavari, Pippali, Sahachara, Dhanyaka, Brihati, Kantakari (each 1.41 g).
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