Agni Purana
by N. Gangadharan | 1954 | 360,691 words | ISBN-10: 8120803590 | ISBN-13: 9788120803596
This page describes Adding the krit affixes (primary affixes added to verbs) which is chapter 359 of the English translation of the Agni Purana, one of the eighteen major puranas dealing with all topics concerning ancient Indian culture, tradition and sciences. Containing roughly 15,000 Sanskrit metrical verses, subjects contained in the Agni-Purana include cosmology, philosophy, architecture, iconography, economics, diplomacy, pilgrimage guides, ancient geography, gemology, ayurveda, etc.
Chapter 359 - Adding the kṛt affixes (primary affixes added to verbs)
[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]
[Full title: The finished forms after adding the kṛt affixes (primary affixes added to verbs)]
Kumāra said:
1-3. The kṛts are to be known in all the three forms (such as) the impersonal, passive and active. Ac, lyuṭ (to form neuter abstract nouns by adding na), ktin (ti) (to form feminine abstract nouns), ghañ (added to roots ending in consonants), and yuc in the impersonal (are the affixes). (Their examples are) in the ac: vinaya (modesty), utkaraḥ [utkara] (heap, multitude), prakaraḥ [prakara] (collection, heap), devaḥ [deva] (lord), bhadraḥ [bhadra] (good), śrīkaraḥ [śrīkara] (conferer of prosperity). The form in lyuṭ (is) śobhanaṃ [śobhana] (auspicious), in ktin (ti) (the forms are) vṛddhi (increase), stuti (praise) and mati (intellect). (The form) in ghañ is bhāva (feeling or state), in yuñ—kāraṇā (doing action), bhāvanā (bringing into existence) etc. and in the syllable a—(represented) by cikitsā (remedy).
4. Then (the affixes) tavya and anīya (forming the words) kartavyaṃ, karaṇīyakaṃ (fit to be done), (the affix) yat (to form) deyaṃ [deya] (ought to be given) and dhyeyaṃ [dhyeya] (ought to be meditated), in ṇyat (to form) kāryaṃ [kārya] (a work or task) and kṛtyakāḥ (work to be done).
5. Kta and other (affixes) are to be known in the active, and some in the impersonal and passive. (A person) has gone to the village. The village has been reached. The preceptor has been embraced by you.
6. Śatṛṅ (present participle in the Parasmaipada) and śānac (present participle in the Ātmanepada) are bhavan (becoming) and edhamāna (being prosperous). Nvuh [? vuṅ?] and tṛc (are) added to all the roots (to form agents such as) (bhāvakaḥ and bhavitā (feeling or manifestation and that which is about to become).
7. (An example) for ending in kvip (is) Svayambhūḥ [Svayambhū] (self-originated). Kvas (vas) and Kānac (āna) (are the affixes) (of the participles) of the perfect (Parasmaipada and Ātmanepada). Babhūvivat and pecivat (in the Parasmaipada) and pecānaḥ and śraddadhānakaḥ (in the Ātmanepada) (are the examples).
8. Kumbhakāra (a potter) etc. would be (formed by adding the affix) aṇ. The uṇādis are known to be in the past. Vāyuḥ [Vāyu] (wind), pāyuḥ [pāyu] (the anus) and kāru (artisan) would be (formed from them). These are said to be widely used in the Vedas.