Chaitanya Mangala
100,055 words
This page relates Song 10 of the Balya-lila of the Adi-khanda of the Chaitanya Mangala by Locana Dasa Thakura (1520 A.D.) translated into English. This book contains songs narrating the activities (pastimes) of Lord Chaitanya and represents a Sanskrit biography written as a narrative poem which can be sung in various ragas.
Song 10
371. On another day Śacī’s son was playing in the dust of the royal path. His body was like a golden mountain covered with dust. He was accompanied by His friends.
372. Child after child played in the dust. One moment they hurled insults at each other. They next moment, their bodies clothed only by the four directions, they fought in the battlefield of dust. They were all the same age. Assembled together, their hearts beat as one. Because of the great effort they put into their playing, they were covered with drops of perspiration.
373. Together they played and played. They would hide, and then suddenly appear on the path. At that time, accompanied by his followers, a paṇḍita learned in the path of jñāna walked down that path.
374. Gesturing with his hands and moving his head, he was explaining the yoga-śāstras. Seeing this, Lord Viśvambhara, imitating his words and gestures, followed behind him.
375. From the corner of hīs eye glancing at the Lord, the physician Murārī continued his explanation of yoga. To Lord Viśvambhara he spoke about yoga. He spoke as if his hand was stuck in his mouth.
376. Again and again Lord Gaura-Harī and the boys mocked him. Seeing that he was being mocked, the physician Murārī angrily said:
377. "Who says this boy is well-behaved? I see this is Jagannātha Miśra’s son. Everywhere I have heard of His glories. His name is Nimāi."
378. Hearing thesae words, Lord Gaura-Hari, out of kindness to His followers, became angry. Knitting His eyebrows, eloquent Lord Gaura-Harī said: "When you take your meal I will teach you something.
379. Hearing these words, Murārī thought within his heart. His heart filled with wonder, he returned to his home. Absorbed in huis household duties, he forgot what had happened. Then the time for his meal came.
380. Lord Viśvambhara-Harī clad Himself in opulent garments, tied a sash about His waist, tied His hair in a triple topknot, and placed about His neck a string of tulasī beads and another string of great pearls.
381. He anointed His eyes with black kajjala, tied His hair five times, and decorated His body with glistening golden ornaments. On His feet he placed anklets. Carrying kṣīra-lāḍus in His hands, Lord Viśvambhara walked.
382. He walked to Murārī Gupta’s house. The king of physicians was taking his meal. With a voice like a thundering cloud the Lord compassionately called out: "Murāri!"
383. Hearing that sound, Murārī remembered what Lord Viśvambhara had said. His heart was filled with wonder. Asking, "What are you doing? What are you doing?" Lord Gaura-Harī approached.
384. He said: "Don’t be frightened. It is only I. Continue with your meal." As Murārī ate, slowly slowly the Lord approached. Suddenly Lord Gaura passed urine, filling the plate.
385. "Ah! Ah! What, what are You doing?", Murārī cried as he jumped up. Clapping his hands, Lord Gaura chanted: "You walked away from the path of devotion. Waving your hands and moving your head, you talk about yoga."
386. "Give up karma and jñāna! With all your heart worship Lord Kṛṣṇa! Become learned in tasting the nectar of devotional service. Become filled with spiritual bliss. He who sees only matter cannot make progress in devotion. He is fool. His intelligence has no power to understand devotion.
387. "Lord Harī is supremely merciful. He has all powers. He is the father of all souls. From Him the eternal Brahman is manifest. He is the life’s treasure of the gopīs. Why do you not dedicate your life to worshiping Him?"
388. Where did jewellike Lord Gaura go after He spoke those words? I have no power to say. All of a sudden Murārī Gupta had no power to see Him. Again and again in his heart Murārī thought: "He is not different from the Lord! Śacī’s son is the Supreme Lord Himself!"
389. Thinking in this way, Murārī Gupta hurriedly left his house. He had no power to walk on the regular path. His heart was overcome with bliss. Somehow he arrived at Jagannātha Miśra’s house.
390. Śacī and Jagannātha Miśra were caressing their son. To Him they said: "You are our nectar treasure. Wherever we go, whatever sufferings we feel, we forget them all when we gaze at the moon of Your face."
391. Speaking these words, they both kissed His two cheeks. At the same moment they both hugged Him. At that moment Murārī Gupta arrived. Overcome with bliss, he did not speak a word.
392. Seeing him, Śacī and Jagannātha Miśra became alarmed. They at once stood up before their physician guest. Murārī did not say anything. He had forgotten everything. He only gazed at Lord Gauracandra’s face.
393. From his head to his feet the hairs of his body stood erect. Flooding streams of tears flowed from his eyes. His reddish eyes were filled with love. He spoke with broken words.
394. He fell like a stick before Lord Gaura’s feet. Again and again he bowed down. Watching him, and acting as if He did not understand, Lord Gaura sat in His mother’s lap.
395. Śacī and Jagannātha Miśra said: "Ah! What happened? What happened? We see you are like a demigod. Please bless our son. Did He do something very bad?
396. "O great sudra-muni, you teach the whole world. Diod our boy offend you? Let whatever is destined to happen to us happen, but let only goiod fall on our son. Saying, ‘May He live long’, please bless our son."
397. Speaking these words, Śacī and Jagannātha Miśra grasped Murāri’s hand and humbly bowed down before him. Smiling, Murārī Gupta said: "Your son Viśvambhara is the master of the masters of the demigods.
398. "In the future you will know your son’s true identity. No one is fortunate like you. In your hearts remember my words: Your Viśvambhara is the Supreme Lord."
399. Saying these words, Murāri Gupta spoke no more. He quickly left. His heart filled with bliss from having seen Lord Gaura’s feet, he went to Advaita Acārya’s home.
400. Advaita Acārya is the abode of all transcendental virtuese. He is the siksa-guru of all living entities. Humbly falling at the Acārya’s feet, Murārī said: "To the devotees You are like a kalpav ṛkṣa tree.
401. "I have seen a great wonder. Jagannātha Miśra’s son Viśvambhara Nimāī Paṇḍita, who plays like a child with other children, is the most exalted person in the world."
402. Hearing these words, Advaita Acārya, who sī the jewel of the brahmanas, made a great roaring sound. On every limb of His body the hairs stood erect. He said: "I will tell you the secret of secrets. He sī the Supreme Lord. His body is the goddess of fortune’s resting place. He tastes the nectar of transcendental love."
403. When these words were spoken, the two of them made a great roraing sound. Overcome with bliss, They forgot everything. Only fools do not believe this story. The truth is that the master of all the worlds mercifully descnded to the earth. In this way Locana dāsa sings thr glories of Lord Gaura.