
Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Useful in Female Problems.3 to 6 teaspoons with equal water twice after meals or as directed by the physicians spices, oil, state and heavy food should be avoided.Each 10 ml Contains Extract derived from
Pattranga, Vasa Mula, Saimali, Puspa, Yava Puspa, Java Puspa, Gudhar Puspa, Atibala, Suddha, Bholtataka, Krsra, Sariva, Amragiri, Daruharidra, Kiratatikta, Posta Dana, Rasanjana, Bilva Giri, Bhmgarajam Khadira, Lauha Cuma, Sveta Jrka, Lavanga, Kankuma and Sveta Sariya 22mg, Madhu 600 mg, Draksa 220 mg Dhataki Puspa 180 mg, Sarkara 1.2 gm Asava Basa q.s.
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