Amarakoshodghatana of Kshirasvamin (study)

by A. Yamuna Devi | 2012 | 77,297 words | ISBN-13: 9788193658048

This page relates ‘Fauna (10): Miscellaneous information relating to Fauna’ of the study on the Amarakoshodghatana of Kshirasvamin (in English) which represents a commentary on the Amarakosha of Amarasimha. These ancient texts belong the Kosha or “lexicography” category of Sanskrit literature which deals with the analysis and meaning of technical words from a variety of subjects, such as cosmology, anatomy, medicine, hygiene. The Amarakosa itself is one of the earliest of such text, dating from the 6th century A.D., while the Amarakoshodghatana is the earliest known commentary on that work.

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Fauna (10): Miscellaneous information relating to Fauna

The Nānārtha-varga also has information relating to fauna which are as follows:

(a) Puṇḍarīka[1] (III. 3. 12; p. 271):

A leopard is denoted by the word puṇḍarīka in Amarakośa and Kṣīrasvāmin adds that the diggaja is also indicated by the presence of the word–

āpi śabdāddiggaje

(b) Dhenukā[2] (III. 3. 15, p. 272)–

[A cow which has recently delivered:]

If the moon is in Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus or Leo, the bride or lady will have few children.

Amarakośa gives dhenukā to denote a female elephant and Kṣīrasvāmin adds that the word ca includes a cow which has recently delivered–

cakārānnavaprasūtāyāṃ gavādau (dhenukā) |

(c) Kīnāśaḥ[3] (III. 3. 215; p. 323)–


In addition to the different things denoted by the word kīnāśaḥ in the Amarakośa, Kṣīrasvāmin says that an ape can also be denoted by the same word–

markaṭe'pi kīnāśaḥ |

(d) Nāga[4] (III. 3. 21, p. 274)–

[Snake, tusk:]

Amarakośa gives the word nāga to denote an elephant. Kṣīrasvāmin adds that the word api includes a snake and the tusk of an elephant–

āpi śabdātkādraveye sīse nāgakesare nāgadantyāṃ gajāhvaye jalade ca |

(e) Plavaga[5] (III. 3. 24; p. 27)–


Amarakośa gives plavaga to denote a monkey. Kṣīrasvāmin adds that the word can also denote a frog, or a variety of bird

ca śabdādbheke pakṣibhede ca

(f) Pataṅga[6] (III. 3. 19; p. 273)–


Pataṅga denotes both a bird and sun according to Amarakośa Kṣīrasvāmin adds that the term ca also denotes a moth:

ca śabdācchalabhaḥ pataṅgaḥ śāli viśeṣaśca |

(g) Vartaka[7] (III. 3. 11; p. 271)–


Amarakośa gives the word vartaka to denote the hoof of a horse.

Kṣīrasvāmin says that the word api in the reading indicates that a variety of bird, can also be denoted by the term vartaka

āpi śabdātpakṣiviśeṣe |

(h) Limbs/attributes of Fauna:

Śikhā[8] (III. 3. 19; p. 273)–

[Crown of a Peacock:]

Amarakośa gives the word śikhā denoting ray of light and flame. Kṣīrasvāmin adds that the word api means that it also denotes the crown of a peacock–

āpi śabdāccūḍāśākhāgramātre mayūracūḍā ca cinoti śīyate vā śikhā |

Lalāma[9] (III. 3. 143; p. 304)–

[Horn of an animal:]

Amarakośa gives many meanings for lalāma of which those relating to animals are ‘a tail’ and ‘a horse’.

Kṣīrasvāmin also adds the sense 'horn of an animal' forthe word lalāma

śṛṅge ca lalāmam |

Kṣveḍā[10] (III. 3. 43; p. 280)–

[Roar of a lion:]

Amarakośa gives the word kṣveḍā to denote a bamboo rod or a venom. Kṣīrasvāmin adds 'the roar of a lion' (siṃhanāda) as being indicated by the same word–

āpi śabdātsiṃhanādo dantoṣṭhavādyam |

Thus the classification mainly follows the natural habitat of the species rather than grouping them according to their phyllum irrespective of their habitat. Some other members of the animal kingdom like the snakes, acquatic beings elephants, horses, etc. are listed respectively under Pāṭālabhogi varga, Vāri varga, Kṣatriya varga and Vaiśya varga. This classification is also ingeneous since the afore-said animals belong to their categories of under ground creatures like that which live in burrows or holes like the snakes etc,. Kṣīrasvāmin's explanation of the synonyms reveal him to be conversant with animal behaviour. Fauna which comprises vehicle of Gods is listed under Myth and Mythology.

Footnotes and references:

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vyāghro'pi puṇḍarīko (III. 12. 6)


dhenukā tu kareṇvāṃ ca |


kṛtānte puṃsi kīnāśaḥ kṣudra karṣakayostriṣu |


gajepi nāga mātaṅgau |


kapau ca plavagaḥ |


pataṅgau pakṣi sūryau ca |


khurepya'śvasya vartakaḥ |


ghṛṇi jvāle āpi śikhe |


lalāmaṃ puccha puṇḍrāśva bhūṣā prādhānya ketuṣu |


kṣveḍā vaṃśa śalākā'pi |

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