Bhagavata Purana (Sridhara Svamin)
author: Prof. J.L. Shastri
edition: 1999, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
pages: 829
language: Sanskrit
ISBN-10: 8120805143
ISBN-13: 9788120805149
Topic: Purana
Summary: The English translation of the Bhagavata Purana with the Bhavarthabodhini commentary of Sridhara Svamin (in Sanskrit only) who interprets it on the lines of the Advaita School of Sankara. The text is based on the Venkatesvara edition. To the text is added a critical Introduction (both in English and Sanskrit), a Table of Contents in the beginning and an Index of Verses at the end.
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The Bhagavata Purana has a great attraction for Vaisnavas. It is called Bhagavata because it describes the nine fold devotion of the devotee for the illustrious Lord Krsna.
The Purana is divided into twelve Skandhas. Skandha I is introductory. It opens with the Dialogue between Suta and Saunaka in hte Naimisa Forest. The pivot is Lord Krsna, though, as his associates, the Pandavas are also introduced. Skandha II is related to Devotion as the path of liberation but it also contains Catuhsloki Bhagavata-the original text which in it essence was philosophical rather than devotional. Skandha III describes creation, Astanga and Bhakti yogas. Skandha IV narrates the story of Dhruva, Vena, Prthu, Puranjana, Pracetas and others. Skandha V contains the history of Priyavrata, Agnidhra, Nabhi, Rsabha and Bharata. It includes a dialogue between Rahugana and Bharata on the Spiritual Knowledge. It deals with the Geography of the Terrestrial Globe too. Skandha VI is an exposition of Bhagavata Dharma, it illustrates the efficacy of Lord's name and his glory. It narrates the story of Ajamila, history of Daksa, his progeny and Indra-Vrtru fight. Skandha VII describes the Virtue of Devotion by the story of Hiranyakasipu and his son Prahlada. Skandha VIII narrates the churning of the sea for nectar, manifestation of Mohini and Siva's fascination for her. It also contains the story of Lord Vamana and King Bali. Skandha IX records the history of Kings of Solar and Lunar race. Skandha X presents a detailed account of the life of Lord Krsna and his wondrous exploits. Skandha XI elucidates Karma, Jnana and Bhakti yogas. Skandha XII concludes with the description of Dissolution, Suka's precepts concerning Brahman, death of Pariksit and Janamejaya's serpent sacrifice.
The Bhagavata Purana is an excellent contribution to the study of Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology.
Contents of this online book (index):
The full text of the Bhagavata Purana (Sridhara Svamin) in Sanskrit can be quickly summarized in the following table of contents. Becaue these pages are not available to read online, I would recommend you buy the book.
1. Introduction vii
2. Glory of the Bhagavata Purana 1-12
1. Dialogue between Suta and Saunaka in the Naimisa Forest 13-15
2. Merits of Devotion to Hari 16-18
3. Twenty four incarnations of Lord Visnu 18-20
4. Arrival of Narada 20-22
5-6. Dialogue between Vyasa and Narada 22-27
7. Punishment to Asvatthaman 27-30
8. Kunti's Eulogy of Krsna; Yudhisthira's Remorse 30-33
9. Yudhisthira's Acquisition of Kingdom 33-35
10. Krsna's Departure to Dvaraka 35-37
11. Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 38-40
12. Birth of Pariksit 40-41
13. Discourse of Narada 42-44
14. Conjectures of Yudhisthira 44-46
15. Pandava's Ascent to Heaven 46-50
16. Dialogue between Earth and Dharma 50-52
17. Punishment and Control of Kali 52-54
18. Curse of Brahmana 54-56
19. Arrival of Suka 56-59
1. Discourse of Suka, Cosmic Form of the Lord 60-62
2. Liberation by the Yogic Path : Instantaneous and Gradual Liberation 62-65
3. Devotion to Hari-the only path of Liberation 65-66
4. Creation of the Universe-Prayers to Hari 66-68
5. Creation of the Universe-Dialogue between Narada and Brahmadeva 68-70
6. Descriptions of Virat Purusa-exposition of Purusa Sukta 70-73
7. Some Lilavataras and their exploits 73-78
8. Relation among Body, Soul and God 78-79
9. Suka's discourse, Catuhsloki Bhagavata 80-82
10. Ten characteristics of the Bhagavata Purana 82-85
1. Meeting of Vidura and Uddhava 86-89
2. Dialogue between Uddhava and Vidura 89-91
3. Dialogue between Vidura and Uddhava Glorious deeds of Krsna 91-92
4. Dialogue between Vidura and Uddhava-Destruction of Yadavas, Krsna's Message 92-94
5. Dialogue between Vidura and Maitreya-Tattvas and their Deities 94-97
6. Cosmology : Creation of the Universe 97-99
7. Vidura's Queries 99-101
8. Creation of Brahma—His vision of Narayana 101-103
9. Brahma's Prayer and Visnu's Boon 103-106
10. Brahma's Penance and generation of Ten-fold Creation 106-108
11. The Concept of time: manvantaras and life-span of men and gods 108-110
12. Creation of Rudra, the mind-Born Sons of Manu and Satarupa 110-112
13. Boar Incarnation 112-115
14. Diti's conception 115-117
15. Sanaka etc. curse Jaya and Vijaya 117-121
16. Fall of Jaya and Vijaya 121-124
17. Birth of Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu Hiranyaksa's Victories 124-125
18. Hiranyaksa's Fight with Visnu 125-127
19. Varaha kills Hiranyaksa 127-128
20. Various creations of Brahma 129-131
21. Kardama's Penance—Visnu's Boon 131-134
22. Marriage of Kardama and Devahuti 134-135
23. Marriage of Kardama and Devahuti (continued) 135-138
24. Kapila Incarnation 138-140
25. Dialogue between Kapila and Devahuti Importance of Bhakti-yoga 140-142
26. Kapila's description of Creation-Samkhya Cosmology 142-146
27. Samkhya Philosophy-Prakrti and Purusa 146-147
28. Exposition of Astangayoga (the eight-fold path of Yoga) 147-150
29. Path of Bhakti (Bhaktiyoga) and the Power of Time 150-152
30. Samsara and Suffering in Hell 152-153
31. Sufferings of Jiva-Rajasi gati 153-156
32. Excellence of Bhaktiyoga 156-158
33. Devahuti's Enlightenment and Liberation 158-160
1. Progeny of Svayambhuva Manu's Daughters 161-162
2. Rift between Siva and Daksa 163-165
3. Siva dissuades Sati from attendance at Daksa-yajna 165-166
4. Sati's Self-immolation by Yoga 167-169
5. Destruction of Daksa's Sacrifice 169-170
6. Appeasement of Rudra-Revival of Daksa's Sacrifice 170-173
7. Completion of Daksa's Sacrifice 173-176
8. Story of Dhruva 177-180
9. Visnu's boon and Dhruva's Coronation 180-183
10. Dhruva invades Alaka 183-184
11. Svayambhuva Manu dissuades Dhruva from fighting 184-186
12. Kubera's Boon and Dhruva's attainment of Visnu's realm 186-188
13. Dhruva's descendants : King Anga's abdication 188-190
14. Story of Vena : Prthu's Birth 190-191
15. Birth of Prthu and his Coronation 192-193
16. Eulogy of Prthu by Bards 193-194
17. Prthu subjugates of the Earth 194-195
18. Milking of the Earth 196-197
19. Prthu's Conquest : His Horse sacrifice and Conflict with Indra 197-198
20. Prthu initiated by Visnu 198-200
21. Prthu explains Dharma to his subjects 200-203
22. Sanatkumara's Sermon to Prthu 203-206
23. Prthu's penance and ascension to Heaven 206-208
24. Prthu's Descendants and the Hymn of Rudra 208-212
25. Story of Puranjana—Introduction 212-215
26. Puranjana's Hunting Expeditions and his queen's wrath pacified 215-216
27. Invsion of Candavega—the Episode of Kala-kanya 216-217
28. Puranjana's Rebirth as a woman and attainment of Liberation 218-220
29. Puranjana allegory explained 220-225
30. Story of Pracetas, marriage with Marisa; birth of Daksa 225-227
31. Story of Pracetasas : Their Renunciation and Liberation 227-228
1. Life of Priyavrata 229-232
2. History of Agnidhra 232-234
3. History of Nabhi-Incarnation of Rsabha 234-235
4. History of Rsabha 235-236
5. Rsabha's discourse of the Path of Liberation 236-239
6. Rsabha quits his body 239-240
7. Life of Bharata 240-242
8. Bharata reborn as a deer 242-244
9. Bharata reborn as a Brahmana, saved by Bhadrakali 244-246
10. Bharata's Life: King Rahugana accepts discipleship 246-247
11. Bharata imparts spiritual knowledge Rahugana 247-249
12. Dialogue between Bharata and Rahugana 249-250
13. The Samsara—a forest : An allegory 250-252
14. Allegory of Samsara-Forest 253-255
15. Bharata's Dynasty 255-256
16. Mythological Geography-Terrestrial Globe 256-258
17. Descent of the Ganga 258-260
18. Continents, Jambudvipa 261-263
19. Kimpurusa and Bharata Varsas 263-265
20. Remaining six Dvipas 265-268
21. Stellar Region 268-270
22. Moon and other Planets 270-271
23. Visnupada—the position of Dhruva and Sisumara Cakra 271-272
24. Rahu's Position and Subterranean Regions 272-274
25. Sankarasana—the Serpent Sesa 274-275
26. Hells 275-278
1. Story of Ajamila 279-282
2. Exposition of Bhagavata Dharma : Efficacy of the lord's name and Ajamila's Ascension to Visnu-loka 282-284
3. Yama explains Visnu's glory 284-286
4. History of Daksa, Son of Pracetas 286-289
5. Daksa curses Narada 289-291
6. Progeny of Daksa's Daughters 291-293
7. Brhaspati's insult and his abandonment of Preceptorship 293-294
8. Narayana-Kavaca 295-296
9. Slaying of Visvarupa. Approach of Gods to Dadhici 296-300
10. Indra-Vrtra fight 300-301
11. Indra-Vrtra fight 302-303
12. Vrtra slain by Indra 303-304
13. Indra's Triumph 304-305
14. Previous Birth of Vrtra-King Citraketu 305-308
15. Consolation of Citraketu 308-309
16. Citraketu's Realization of Lord Ananta 310-312
17. Citraketu cursed by Parvati 313-314
18. Birth of Maruts 314-317
19. Details of the Vow Pumsavana 317-318
1. Conversation between Yudhisthira and Narada, Jaya and Vijaya cursed 319-321
2. Hiranyakasipu consoles his mother and Kinsmen 321-324
3. Hiranyakasipu's Penance-Brahma grants Boons 324-326
4. Oppression of Hiranyakasipu and Description of Prahlada's Devotion 326-328
5. Life of Prahlada. Hiranyakasipu attempts to kill Prahlada 328-330
6. Prahlada's teaching 330-332
7. Prahlada, enlightened in mother's womb 332-335
8. Death of Hiranyakasipu. Praise of Nrsimha 335-338
9. Prahlada eulogises Nrsimha 339-343
10. Prahlada enthroned. Conquest of Tripura 343-346
11. Eternal path of Religion 346-348
12. Inquiry into the right conduct (Duties of Brahmacarins and Vanaprasthas) 348-349
13. Code of conduct for Samnyasins and a dialogue between Avadhuta and Prahlada 349-351
14. Duties of a householder 352-353
15. Exposition of right conduct 353-357
1. Manvantaras 358-359
2. An Elephant leader seized by an Alligator 359-360
3-4. Liberation of the Mighty Elephant 361-363
5. The Fifth and Sixth Manvantaras - Brahma eulogizes the Lord 363-366
6. Mount Mandara transported for churning the Ocean 366-368
7. Churning of the Sea for Nectar 368-370
8. Lord manifested as Mohini 370-372
9. Distribution of Nectar by Mohini 372-373
10. A battle between Gods and Asura-s 373-375
11. End of the Battle between Gods and Asura-s at Narada's Meditation 375-376
12. Lord Siva fascinated by Mohini 376-378
13. Future Manvantaras 379-380
14. Duties of Manu-s and their functionaries 380-380
15. Bali's Conquest of the Svarga (celestial Region) 380-382
16. Instruction to Aditi for the observance of Payovrata 382-384
17. Manifestation of the Lord as Vamana 384-385
18. Lord incarnates as Vamana. Visit to Bali's Sacrifice 385-386
19. Vamana's request to Bali for three paces of land-Sukra's opposition 386-388
20. Visnu manifests his Cosmic form 388-390
21. Bali bound down 390-391
22. A Dialogue between Bali and Vamana 391-393
23. Bali free from bonds, enters Sutala 393-394
24. Fish Incarnation of Lord Visnu 394-397
1. King Sudyumna 398-399
2. History of Karusa and other sons of Manu 399-400
3. Story of Cyavana and Sukany 400-401
4. Account of Nabhaga Ambarisa 401-404
5. Protection of Durvasas; Story of Ambarisa (concluded) 404-405
6. History of Iksvaku's posterity 405-407
7. Story of King Hariscandra 408-409
8. Story of King Sagara 409-410
9. Descent of Ganga ; Story of Kalmasapada 410-412
10. Story of Rama 412-414
11. Story of Rama (Concluded) 415-416
12. Iksaku's Race (Concluded) 416-416
13. Race of Nimi 416-417
14. Lunar Race 417-419
15. Story of Parasurama; Sahasrarjuna slain (concluded) 419-421
16. Story of Parasurama (concluded) 421-422
17. Lunar Dynasty. Descendants of Ayu, Son of Pururavas 422-423
18. History of Nahusa's Line ; Story of Yayati 423-425
19. Yayati's Retirement and Final Emancipation 425-426
20. History of Puru's race-Birth of Bharata 426-427
21. History of Bharata-History of Rantideva 427-429
22. History of Lunar Race-Royal Dynasties of Pancala, Magadha and Kuru 429-430
23. History of the Dynasties of Anu, Druhyu, Turvasu and Yadu 430-432
24. History of the Race of Yadu 432-434
1. Vasudeva marries Devaki 435-438
2. Lord's descent in Devaki's Womb 438-441
3. Birth of Srikrsna 441-444
4. Yogamaya's prophecy and Kamsa's Order to slaughter all children 444-445
5. Celebration of Krsna's Birth; Meeting of Nanda and Vasudeva 446-447
6. Putana emancipated 447-449
7. Destruction of Asuras : Sakata and Trnavarta 449-450
8. Krsna's Sprots; Display of Visvarupa 450-453
9. Grace upon the Gopi (Yasoda); Krsna tied to the mortar 453-454
10. Uprooting of Arjuna Trees-Redemption of Nala Kubara and Manigriva 454-456
11. Exodus from Gokula-Destruction of asuras Vatsa and Baka 456-458
12. Slaying of Aghasura 458-461
13. Infatuation of Brahma 461-464
14. God Brahma eulogizes Krsna 464-469
15. Slaying the Asura Dhenuka 469-471
16. Subjugation of Kaliya 471-475
17. Rescue from the Forest Conflagration 475-475
18. Slaying of Pralamba 476-477
19. Swallowing up of Forest-Conflagration 477-477
20. Description of the Rainy Season and the Autumn 477-479
21. Song of Gopis (cowherd-women) 479-481
22. Cowherd maids pray to Katyayani - Krsna's carrying away their garments 481-483
23. Spiritual emancipation of the wives of Brahmana Sacrificers 483-485
24. Prevention of Sacrifice to Indra 485-486
25. Lifting up of Mount Govardhana 487-488
26. Conversation between Nanda and cowherds 488-489
27. Indra Coronates Krsna 489-490
28. Nanda rescued from Varuna 491-491
29. Lord Krsna's Rasa with Gopis 491-494
30. Search after Krsna 494-496
31. Gopi's Song (prayer for Krsna's Return) 496-497
32. Krsna comforts Gopis 498-499
33. Description of Rasa Krida 499-501
34. Sudarsana emancipated and slaying of Sankhacuda 501-502
35. Gopi's song in pairs of Verses 502-504
36. Akrura deputed to bring Krsna and Balarama to Mathura 504-506
37. Slaying of Asuras Kesin and Vyoma 506-508
38. Arrival of Akrura to Gokula 508-510
39. Akrura returns with Krsna and Balarama 510-513
40. Akrura's Hymn (in praise of the lord) 513-515
41. Krsna's arrival at Mathura 515-517
42. Description of the wrestling arena 517-518
43. Killing of the elephant Kuvalayapida 518-520
44. Slaying of Kamsa 520-522
45. Restoration of preceptor Sandipani's son 522-524
46. Uddhava deputed for consoling Nanda 524-526
47. Uddhava's discourse on the real nature of the Lord 526-530
48. Visit to the Houses of Trivakra and Akrura 530-532
49. Akrura's mission to Hastinapura 532-533
50. Settlement at the Fort of Dvaraka 534-536
51. Mucukunda's Eulogy of the lord 536-539
52. Krsna and Balarama escape to Dvaraka Balarama's marriage. Rukmini's letter to Krsna 539-541
53. Rukmini's marriage. Rukmini carried away by Krsna 541-543
54. Celebration of Rukmini's marriage 543-545
55. Story of Pradyumna's Birth 545-547
56. Story of Syamantaka Jewel 547-549
57. Story of Syamantaka Jewel, Murder of Satrajit. Akrura allowed to retain the jewel. 549-550
58. Espousal of Lord Krsna 550-552
59. Narakasura slain 552-554
60. Conversation between Krsna and Rukmini (A sweet quarrel) 554-558
61. Aniruddha's marriage 558-560
62. Aniruddha taken captive by Banasura 560-561
63. Bana Vanquished. Aniruddha brought to Dvaraka 561-563
64. Story of Nrga 563-565
65. Balarama's visit to Gokula-the course of Yamuna diverted 565-566
66. Slaying of Pundraka and others 566-568
67. Balarama slays Dvivida 568-569
68. Hastinapura dragged by Balarama 569-570
69. Srikrsna's household life 571-572
70. Krsna's Daily observances; Deputation from captive Kings of Jarasandha 572-575
71. Srikrsna's Visit to Indraprastha 575-577
72. Jarasandha slain 577-579
73. Return of Krsna and others to Indraprastha 579-580
74. Yudhisthira's Rajasuya: Sisupala slain 581-583
75. Discomfiture of Duryodhana 583-584
76. Fight with Salva 584-585
77. Slaying of Salva 585-587
78. Dantavakra and Viduratha slain : Balarama's Pilgrimage 587-588
79. Balvala killed : Balarama's Pilgrimage 589-590
80. Story of the Brahmana Sridaman 590-591
81. Story of the Parched Rice (Story of Sridaman continued) 591-593
82. Meeting of Vrsnis and Gopis of Vrndavana 594-595
83. Narration of their Marriage. Episodes by Krsna's Consorts 595-598
84. Vasudeva's Sacrifice 598-601
85. Restoration of his Elder Borthers by Krsna form the Realm of Death 601-604
86. Elopement of Subhadra; The lord's Grace on Srutadeva 604-606
87. Hymn of praise by the Vedas 607-617
88. God Rudra saved 617-619
89. Supermacy of Visnu Vindicated 619-621
90. Song of Queens : Resume of Krsna's Sports 621-623
1. Sages' curse : Imprecating the annihilation of Yadu's Race 624-625
2. Bhagavata Dharma; Narada Narrates King Nimi's Dialogue with Jayanteya and others 625-629
3. Discourses on Maya, Means to transcend it. Brahman and the Path of Action 629-632
4. Lord's Incarnations, their description by Durmila 633-634
5. Nature and Fate of non-Devotees. Yuga-wise methods of worshipping the Lord 634-637
6. Lord Krsna requested to return to Vaikuntha Uddhava's desire to follow him 637-640
7. Krsna's Spiritual guidance to Uddhava. The Legend of Avadhuta and his preceptors 640-644
8. What the Avadhuta learnt from the nine Preceptors, from the Boa-Constrictor to Pingala 644-646
9. Discourse of Avadhuta Concluded 646-648
10. How Jiva is ensnared is Samsara 648-650
11. Characteristics of Bondage and Liberation and Devotion 650-653
12. Association with Saints. Performance and Renunciation of prescribed Karmas 653-655
13. Spiritual knowledge imparted by Hamsa 655-658
14. Path of Devotion and the Method of Meditation 658-661
15. Supernormal powers attained by Yoga 661-663
16. Visnu's glorious manifestations 663-665
17. Sacred duties of a Celibate and a Householder 665-668
18. Duties of Hermits (Vanaprastha and Sannyasins) 668-670
19. Exposition of Spiritual Knowledge, its Realization and Yogic Disciplines 670-672
20. Elucidation of Karma, Jnana and Bhakti Yogas 672-675
21. Criteria for determining the good and evil 675-678
22. Principles (Tattvas); Distinction between Prakrti and Purusa 678-682
23. Song of a Recluse (Bhiksu Gita) 682-686
24. Samkhya-yoga 686-687
25. Gunas (sattva, rajas and tamas) and their working 688-690
26. Song of Aila (Pururavas) 690-691
27. Yoga of Active Service 691-694
28. Path of Knowledge (Jnana-yoga) 694-697
29. Bhakti-yoga Departure of Uddhava to Badarikasrama 697-700
30. Extermination of the Race of Yadavs 701-702
31. Lord Krsna's Return to Vaikunthaa 702-704
1. Dynasties of the Kali Age 705-706
2. Evils of the Kali Age 706-708
3. Dharma in every Yuga; Efficacy of God's Name 708-711
4. Four-fold Dissolution 711-713
5. Suka's concluding precept concerning Brahman 713-714
6. Taksaka bites Pariksit : Janmejaya's Serpent Sacrifice. Classification of Vedas in different recensions 714-718
7. Recensions of the Atharva Veda. Characteristics of the Puranas 718-719
8. Markandeya's Penance and Praise of Lord Narayana 719-722
9. Lord exhibits his Maya 722-723
10. God Siva's Boon to Markandeya 723-725
11. Significance of Various parts of Lord's image. The Retinue of Sun-God every month 725-727
12. Twelve Skandhas of Srimad Bhagavata- A review 728-730
13. Eighteen Puranas, their extent; Glory of the Bhagavata Purana 730-731