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- Kapotaka 25 Jan.
- Devadutabhavadassana 25 Jan.
- Abhisambujjhati 25 Jan.
- Arincamana 25 Jan.
- Vatthuvisesakittana 25 Jan.
- Bhogantaraya 25 Jan.
- Vinipatanahetu 25 Jan.
- Gijjhavantu 25 Jan.
- Manunnasaddaravana 25 Jan.
- Patthanalakkhana 25 Jan.
- Upayapathamanasikaralakkhana 25 Jan.
- Upasamalakkhana 25 Jan.
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- Kakkarata 25 Jan.
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- Antevasikabhiseka 25 Jan.
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- Amisalola 25 Jan.
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- Bhavenabhavalakkhana 25 Jan.
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- Upakaradhamma 25 Jan.
- Cittagara 25 Jan.
- Bodhisattabhumi 25 Jan.
- Kalaparicchedayutta 25 Jan.
- Kodhupayasapaccaya 25 Jan.
- Anivaretva 25 Jan.
- Anacarakiriya 25 Jan.
- Tamasitagirisikhara 25 Jan.
- Catusaccadhammadassana 25 Jan.
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- Kanayagga 25 Jan.
- Navacanda 25 Jan.
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- Nanapatilabha 25 Jan.
- Abbhutadhammapatisamyutta 25 Jan.
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- Asincamanakhiradhara 25 Jan.
- Todeyyagama 25 Jan.
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- Bandhapetva 25 Jan.
- Bhumiguha 25 Jan.
- Upasampadavacana 25 Jan.
- Duddubha 25 Jan.
Recently updated Articles:
- Musical instruments in the Naishadha Charita of Harsa 24 Jan
- Musical Instruments from Ancient Africa 24 Jan
- Musical Instruments from Ancient Tibet and Nepal 24 Jan
- Musical Instruments from Ancient Egypt 24 Jan
- Musical Instruments from Ancient Greece 24 Jan
- Musical Instruments from Ancient Afghanistan 24 Jan
- Musical Instruments from Ancient China 24 Jan
- Musical Instruments from Ancient Japan 24 Jan
- Other Technical facts 24 Jan
- References to some Musical Instruments by Sri Muthuswami Diksitar 24 Jan
- List of plates: Musical Instruments as Ensembles 24 Jan
- List of plates: Percussion Instruments 24 Jan
- List Of Plates: Wind Instruments 24 Jan
- List of plates: Stringed Instruments 24 Jan
- Biblography 24 Jan
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I have released an online tool for the ancient Indian language spoken in Kerala, called Malayalam. You can convert between the Malayalam script and their Unicode representation in Latin characters,…
As the title suggest, this new script is used for typing Ancient Greek characters. This is done by using a program called AutoHotkey. You will have to install the proper version for your system fir…
The following script let's you type characters such as ȧ ā ṣ ś ṭ easily by using a program called AutoHotkey. You will have to install the proper version for your system first. After you installed …