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- Appatiladdhamaggaphalupanissaya 11 Feb.
- Tidivangana 11 Feb.
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- Chavidosabhava 11 Feb.
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- Works Cited 31 Jan
- Verse 14 (text and translation) 31 Jan
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- Verse 9 (text and translation) 31 Jan
- Verse 8 (text and translation) 31 Jan
- Verse 7 (text and translation) 31 Jan
- Verse 6 (text and translation) 31 Jan
- Verse 5 (text and translation) 31 Jan
- Verse 4 (text and translation) 31 Jan
- Verse 3 (text and translation) 31 Jan
- Verse 2 (text and translation) 31 Jan
- Verse 1 (text and translation) 31 Jan
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I have released an online tool for the ancient Indian language spoken in Kerala, called Malayalam. You can convert between the Malayalam script and their Unicode representation in Latin characters,…
As the title suggest, this new script is used for typing Ancient Greek characters. This is done by using a program called AutoHotkey. You will have to install the proper version for your system fir…
The following script let's you type characters such as ȧ ā ṣ ś ṭ easily by using a program called AutoHotkey. You will have to install the proper version for your system first. After you installed …