
by Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī | 180,912 words

The English translation of the Sri Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu verse 2.4.6; a medieval era Sanskrit book, written by Rupa Goswami (fl. 15th century) which represents a devotional (bhakti) masterpiece. In this work Goswami describes the nature and different forms of pure love (rasa) as well as various other topics on Vaishnavism and devotion.

Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation:

निर्वेदो’थ विषादो दैन्यं ग्लानि-श्रमौ च मद-गर्वौ ।
शङ्का-त्रासावेगा उन्मादापस्मृती तथा व्याधिः ॥२.४.४॥
मोहो मृतिर् आलस्यं जाड्यं व्रीडावहित्था च ।
स्मृतिर् अथ वितर्क-चिन्ता-मति-धृतयो हर्ष उत्सुकत्वं च ॥२.४.५॥
औग्र्यम् अर्षासूयाश् चापल्यं चैव निद्रा च ।
सुप्तिर् बोध इतीमे भावा व्यभिचारिणः समाख्याताः ॥२.४.६॥

nirvedo’tha viṣādo dainyaṃ glāni-śramau ca mada-garvau |
śaṅkā-trāsāvegā unmādāpasmṛtī tathā vyādhiḥ ||2.4.4||
moho mṛtir ālasyaṃ jāḍyaṃ vrīḍāvahitthā ca |
smṛtir atha vitarka-cintā-mati-dhṛtayo harṣa utsukatvaṃ ca ||2.4.5||
augryam arṣāsūyāś cāpalyaṃ caiva nidrā ca |
suptir bodha itīme bhāvā vyabhicāriṇaḥ samākhyātāḥ

English translation

“The vyabhicārī-bhāvas are as follows:

  1. self-disgust (nirveda)
  2. remorse (viṣāda)
  3. thinking oneself unqualified (dainyam or dīnatā)
  4. debility (glāni or mlāni)
  5. fatigue (śrama)
  6. rapture (mada)
  7. pride (garva)
  8. apprehension (śaṅka)
  9. sudden fear (trāsa)
  10. confusion of the mind (āvega)
  11. insanity (unmāda)
  12. epilepsy (apasmṛti)
  13. sickness (vyādhi)
  14. loss of internal awareness (moha)
  15. death-like symptoms (mṛti)
  16. sloth (ālasyam)
  17. indecision (jāḍyam)
  18. shame (vrīḍā)
  19. concealment (avahitthā)
  20. remembrance (smṛti)
  21. conjecture (vitarka)
  22. pondering (cintā)
  23. finding meaning through scriptural reference (mati)
  24. steadiness (dhṛti)
  25. joy (harṣa)
  26. impatience (autsukhyam)
  27. ferocity (augrya)
  28. indignation (amarṣa)
  29. fault-finding (asūyā)
  30. insolence (cāpalya)
  31. sleep (nidrā)
  32. dreaming (supti)
  33. enlightenment (bodha)”

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