Brahmanda Purana

by G.V. Tagare | 1958 | 319,243 words | ISBN-10: 8120838246 | ISBN-13: 9788120838246

This page describes appropriate tithis for performing shraddha which is Chapter 17 of the English translation of the Brahmanda Purana: one of the oldest puranas including common Puranic elements such as cosmogony, genealogy, ethics, geography and yoga. Traditionally, the Brahmandapurana is said to consist of 12,000 verses metrical Sanskrit verses.

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Chapter 17 - Appropriate Tithis for performing Śrāddha

Note: This chapter is textually identical with Ch. 81 of the Vā.P. with a few variants.

Bṛhaspati continued:—

1. “Henceforth I shall describe the three types of Śrāddhas. Viz. the Ajasra (i.e. the Nitya or daily one) the Naimittika (the conditional or occasional and the Kāmya (i.e. one performed with some desirable object in view). These Śrāddhas are honoured ones.

2-4. The three Aṣṭaka Śrāddhas[1] are performed for the welfare of sons and wives. They are performed on the 8th day in the Dark half of the lunar months Mārgaśīrṣa Pauṣa Māgha. The first one is the most excellent one with Ākhaṇḍala (Indra) for its deity. The second one is Prājāpatya (with Prajāpati for its deity) The third one is Vaiśvadevika (with Viśve Devas as deities) The first one is always to be performed with sweet rice peas. The second one should always be performed with meat. The third one should be performed with greens (and vegetables). This is the injunction regarding the articles (used for Śrāddha). In this connection it is laid down that the Nitya Śrāddha is desired by the Pitṛs.

5-6a. The other one, that is the fourth type of Śrāddha on a new moon day (?) should be performed always with special care. A learned man performing Śrāddha in all these (Tithis) even by sacrificing his entire possession, immediately attains welfare and rejoices both here and hereafter.

6b-7a. The Pitṛs are the presiding deities during the Parvan days (new moon days) and the Tithi days (i.e. 7th, 8th and 9th days). These persons go to (all the places of Śrāddha) like the cows going towards the trough of drinking water.

7b-8. If they are not duly honoured during the Aṣṭakas they may return at the end of the month. His hopes and wishes (i.e. the wishes of the person who does not perform Śrāddha) become fruitless everywhere, both here and hereafter. There is progress and welfare to those who worship; there is downfall unto the atheists.

9-10. Those who give (the donors) go to the Devas and those who do not give go to the lower strata of animals. Those who perform worship on these Tithis enjoy in full everything such as nourishment, power of memory, intellect, sons, glory and riches.

[2] The Pratipad (the first d.ay of the lunar fortnight) is conducive to the acquisition of wealth (if Śrāddha is performed on that day. Whatever is acquired by him does not perish.

11. He who performs (Śrāddha) on the second Tithi shall become the overlord of all bipeds.

To those who seek excellent things Tṛtīyā (the third day of the lunar fortnight) is the destroyer of enemies and sins.

12. He who performs (Śrāddha) on the fifth day attains great glory and splendour.

13-14. One who performs Śrāddhas on the sixth day shall be worthy of respect due to his effort.

The man who always performs Śrāddhas on the seventh day attains the status of the ruler of the Earth. He shall be the chief of Gaṇas (Groups or followers of Śiva).

The man who performs Śrāddha on the eighth day attains complete richness and perfect affluence.

15-16. Śrāddha should be performed on the ninth day by one who desires affluence and lordly glory as well as women.

A man who performs Śrāddha on the tenth day shall attain the magnificence of the Brahman. He shall also attain (mastery over) all the Vedas and be on a par with Brāhmaṇas.

(The performance of Śrāddha and) the offering of great charitable gifts on the eleventh Tithi yields perpetual lordly affluence.

17. (One who performs Śrāddha) on the twelfth day acquires victory, kingdoms, longevity, wealth, increase in the progeny, cattle, wealth, intellect, freedom and excellent nourishment.

18-19. One who performs (Śrāddha) on the thirteenth tithi attains long life and lordly affluence.

Śrāddha should be performed on the fourteenth day to those persons in the house who happened to die while young or who had been struck down dead by means of weapons.

One shall always be pure and endeavour to perform Śrāddha on the new moon day.

20-22. He attains all desires and enjoys infinite heavenly bliss.

Similarly, in the case of all those who were born as twins and those who were born under unfavourable (stars) Śrāddha should be performed on the new moon day. One shall (thereby) attain all that one desires.

One who performs Śrāddha under Maghā constellation shall attain all desires. It will be as though the Pitṛs arc directly worshipped as Pitṛs are the presiding deities of the Maghā constellation, the Śrāddha rite performed under it is remembered as yielding everlasting benefits.”

Footnotes and references:

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The word Aṣṭakā aṣṭan according to Vārttika 9 on Pāṇini VII.3.45 means “a rite with Pitṛs as deities”. Āśvalāyana Gr.S.II.4.1 states that the 8th day in the dark halves of seasons Hemanta—and Śiśira are Aṣṭakas i.e. there are four Aṣṭakās. But most other Gṛhya Sūtras differ and regard the 8th day in the dark halves of Mārgaśīrṣa, Pauṣa and Māgha as Aṣṭakā days. Our text does not follow Āśvalāyana Gṛ.S. Gṛhya Sūtras differ about the offerings on these Aṣṭakās and the deities for which they are meant, though the Vārttika mentioned above regards Pitṛs as the devatā on these days. But according to our Purāṇa, Indra is the deity of the 1st Aṣṭaka, Prajāpati of the 2nd and Viśvedevas on the third and not the Pitṛs (!).

When Aṣṭakā was to be performed in one month, the 7th, 8th and 9th days after the Full Moon day of Māgha are to be taken.


1W.9-20 state the fruit of performance of Śrāddha on each Titbh

(Lunar day) from the 1st to the 15ṃ day. Āpastamba Dh. S II.7.16.-22, Mbh. Anuśāsana 87, Vā. P.8U0-I9, BM.P.220. 15-21, KP 11.20.17-22 state the reward a man gets for performance of Śrāddha on these Tithis. The rewards so promised in these works differ. For example the following comparative table of rewards on various Tithis for such performance as given in our Text and KP shows little co-relation:

The Tithi Reward as per our Text. Reward as per KP II.20.
1 Acquisition of wealth. Auspicious sons.
2 Over-lordship on bipeds. Begets daughters.
3 Destroys enemies and sins. Gets animals.
4 Not mentioned. Gets small animals and thing;
5 Great glory and splendour. Splendid sons.
6 Great respect. Lustre and good cultivation


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