Buddha-Carita [sanskrit]
by E. B. Cowell | 2003 | 11,474 words | ISBN-10: 8187418788 | ISBN-13: 9788187418788
The Buddha Carita (Saddharma-pundarika) by Asvaghosa a famous Sanskrit text revolving around the live and exploits of the Buddha. The Buddha Carita (Buddhacarita) is written in the style of a Kavya (or Mahakavya, epic poetry) and extant original Sanskrit text consists of roughly 1,000 metrical verses.
Verse 1.16
प्रजासु मातेव हितप्रवृत्ता गुरौ जने भक्तिरिवानुवृत्ता ।
लक्ष्मीरिवाधीशकुले कृताभा जगत्यभूदुत्तमदेवता या ॥ १६ ॥
prajāsu māteva hitapravṛttā gurau jane bhaktirivānuvṛttā |
lakṣmīrivādhīśakule kṛtābhā jagatyabhūduttamadevatā yā || 16 ||
Like a mother to her subjects, intent on their welfare,—devoted to all worthy of reverence like devotion itself,—shining on her lord's family like the goddess of prosperity,—she was the most eminent of goddesses to the whole world.
English translation by E. B. Cowell (2003) Buy now!
Glossary of Sanskrit terms
Note: This extracts Sanskrit terms and links to English definitions from the glossary, based on an experimental segmentation of verse (1.16). Some terms could be superfluous while some might not be mentioned. Click on the word to show English definitions.
Praja, Matri, Mata, Mati, Iva, Hitapravritta, Guru, Jana, Jani, Bhakti, Anuvritta, Lakshmi, Adhisha, Kula, Kuli, Krit, Krita, Jagat, Jagati, Jagatya, Uttama, Devata,
Analysis of Sanskrit grammar
Note: this is an experimental feature and only shows the first possible analysis of the Sanskrit text (Buddha-carita Verse 1.16). If the system was successful in segmenting the sentence, you will see of which words it is made up of, generally consisting of Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Participles and Indeclinables. Click on the link to show all possible derivations of the word.
- Line 1: “prajāsu māteva hitapravṛttā gurau jane bhaktirivānuvṛttā ”
- prajāsu -
prajā (noun, feminine)[locative plural]
- māte -
māta (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single], [locative single]māta (noun, neuter)[compound], [nominative dual], [vocative single], [vocative dual], [accusative dual], [locative single]mātṛ (noun, masculine)[nominative single]mātā (noun, feminine)[nominative single], [nominative dual], [vocative single], [vocative dual], [accusative dual]māti (noun, feminine)[vocative single]mātṛ (noun, feminine)[nominative single]√mā (verb class 2)[imperative active second plural], [periphrastic-future active third single]√mā (verb class 3)[periphrastic-future active third single]√mā (verb class 4)[periphrastic-future active third single]√mā (verb class 3)[periphrastic-future active third single]√mā (verb class 1)[periphrastic-future active third single]
- iva -
iva (indeclinable adverb)[indeclinable adverb]iva (indeclinable)[indeclinable]
- hitapravṛttā* -
hitapravṛtta (noun, masculine)[nominative plural], [vocative plural]hitapravṛttā (noun, feminine)[nominative plural], [vocative plural], [accusative plural]
- gurau -
guru (noun, masculine)[locative single]
- jane -
jana (noun, masculine)[locative single]jana (noun, neuter)[nominative dual], [vocative dual], [accusative dual], [locative single]janā (noun, feminine)[nominative dual], [vocative single], [vocative dual], [accusative dual]jani (noun, feminine)[vocative single]√jan (verb class 1)[present middle first single]√jan (verb class 2)[present middle first single]
- bhaktir -
bhakti (noun, feminine)[nominative single]
- ivā -
iva (indeclinable adverb)[indeclinable adverb]iva (indeclinable)[indeclinable]
- anuvṛttā -
anuvṛttā (noun, feminine)[nominative single]
- Line 2: “lakṣmīrivādhīśakule kṛtābhā jagatyabhūduttamadevatā yā ”
- lakṣmīr -
lakṣmī (noun, feminine)[nominative single], [accusative plural]
- ivā -
iva (indeclinable adverb)[indeclinable adverb]iva (indeclinable)[indeclinable]
- adhīśa -
adhīśa (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single]
- kule -
kula (noun, masculine)[locative single]kula (noun, neuter)[nominative dual], [vocative dual], [accusative dual], [locative single]kulā (noun, feminine)[nominative dual], [vocative single], [vocative dual], [accusative dual]kuli (noun, feminine)[vocative single]kuli (noun, masculine)[vocative single]
- kṛtā -
kṛta (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single]kṛta (noun, neuter)[compound], [vocative single]kṛt (noun, masculine)[instrumental single]kṛt (noun, neuter)[instrumental single]kṛtā (noun, feminine)[nominative single]√kṛ -> kṛta (participle, masculine)[vocative single from √kṛ class 1 verb], [vocative single from √kṛ class 2 verb], [vocative single from √kṛ class 5 verb], [vocative single from √kṛ class 8 verb]√kṛ -> kṛta (participle, neuter)[vocative single from √kṛ class 1 verb], [vocative single from √kṛ class 2 verb], [vocative single from √kṛ class 5 verb], [vocative single from √kṛ class 8 verb]√kṛ -> kṛtā (participle, feminine)[nominative single from √kṛ class 1 verb], [nominative single from √kṛ class 2 verb], [nominative single from √kṛ class 5 verb], [nominative single from √kṛ class 8 verb]√kṛ (verb class 1)[injunctive middle third single]√kṛ (verb class 2)[imperative active second plural], [injunctive middle third single]√kṛ (verb class 5)[injunctive middle third single]√kṛ (verb class 8)[injunctive middle third single]
- abhā* -
√bhā (verb class 2)[imperfect active second single]
- jagatya -
jagatī (noun, feminine)[compound], [adverb], [nominative single], [vocative single]jagatya (noun, neuter)[compound], [vocative single]jagat (noun, masculine)[locative single]jagat (noun, neuter)[nominative dual], [vocative dual], [accusative dual], [locative single]
- abhūd -
√bhū (verb class 1)[aorist active third single]
- uttama -
uttama (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single]uttama (noun, neuter)[compound], [vocative single]
- devatā* -
devatā (noun, feminine)[nominative plural], [vocative plural], [accusative plural]devata (noun, masculine)[nominative plural], [vocative plural]
- yā -
yā (indeclinable relative)[indeclinable relative]yā (noun, feminine)[nominative single]yā (pronoun, feminine)[nominative single]
Other editions:
Also see the following editions of the Sanskrit text or (alternative) English translations of the Buddha-carita Verse 1.16
The Buddha-Carita By Asvaghosa or Acts of Buddha
by E. B. Cowell (2003)
Buddha Carita of Asvaghosa
by Shanti Lal Nagar (2011)
Sanskrit text, English translation, Index of Verse and Photographs of Archaeological Evidence
Buy now!
Asvaghosa’s Buddhacarita or Acts of the Buddha
by E. H. Johnston (2016)
Sanskrit text with English Translation
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