Chaitanya Mangala
100,055 words
This page relates Song 12 of the Grantharambha of the Sutra-khanda of the Chaitanya Mangala by Locana Dasa Thakura (1520 A.D.) translated into English. This book contains songs narrating the activities (pastimes) of Lord Chaitanya and represents a Sanskrit biography written as a narrative poem which can be sung in various ragas.
Song 12
Refrain: I will take shelter of the Lord’s reddish lotus feet. Go. Go and freely distribute ecstatic spiritual love. I will make the world wild with ecstatic love.
544. Bidding farewell to Nārada, the Supreme Lord sat down. Then a thought sprouted in His heart.
545. He said: "Im will take birth on the earth. Now I will tell the reason why. Everyone please carefully hear."
546. Surrounded by His associates, the Supreme Lord spoke His heart. The supreme controller of all controllers was worried about the earth.
547. On His right was Rādhikā. On His left was Queen Rukmiṇī. All around Him were the most important gopīs and queens.
548. All around Him were His dear associates. All around Him were His followers.
549. The Lord’s dear associates, for whom He is more dear than life, were eager to hear Him. Millions and millions of eyes gazed at His handsome face.
550. As cakora birds yearn after a single moon, so the Lord’s associates yearned to drink the nectar rays of the Lord’s moonlike face.
551. The Lord said: "Yuga after yuga I take birth on the earth. I protect the devotees and I also protect the principles of religion. That is My mission.
552. "I establish the principles of religion. Still, the people do not understand. Sin has greatly increased. The people are now addicted to sin.
553. "In Tretā-yuga sin increased. Now there was more sin than in Satya-yuga. Then in Dvāpara-yuga sin increased even more. That made Me very sorrowful.
554. "Then came horrible Kalī-yuga filled with blinding darkness. Not the smallest particle of true religion remained. Seeing everyone’s sufferings, I felt very compassionate.
555. "What is My duty when irreligion increases? To destroy irreligion I must descend to the material world.
556. "Compassion has now taken birth in My heart. To show the people the ecstatic spiritual love the devotees feel for Me I will now take birth in the material world.
557. "I will show the people rare ecstatic loving devotional service (prema-bhakti). I will teach them what is true religion and what is not.
558. "In Navadvīpa, in Jagannātha Miśra’s house near the Gaṅgā, I will take birth in Śacī’s womb.
559. "This avatāra will not be like the other avatāras. In the other avatāras I conquer the earth to kill the demons.
560. "Then My form is great, My weapons are great, and My demon adversaries are great. Fighting great battles, I kill the demons. I crush them to powder.
561. "But now everyone is a demon at heart. Now I will not cut them to pieces with My word. How can I attack them with My weapons?
562. "I will show them My holy names, My glories and transcendental qualities, My saṅkīrtana movement, and the power of My Vaiṣṇava devotees, I will show them the glory of the ecstatic spiritual love the devotees feel for Me.
563. "In this way I will destroy the sins of Kalī-yuga. All of you please go there before Me. Go, and I will follow. Don’t hesitate.
564. "Wielding the sharp sword of nāma-saṅkīrtana (chanting the holy names), I will cut to pieces the demonic desires in their hearts.
565. "If the sinners flee far away, the great devotees who are generals in My armies will pursue them.
566. "I will plunge the whole world in the nectar of ecstatic spiritual love for Me. Not a single particle of suffering or grief will remain.
567. "Into that nectar I will plunge the demigods and all the moving and unmoving beings." Hearing these words, Locana dāsa is now filled with bliss.