Chaitanya Mangala
100,055 words
This page relates Song 13 of the Grantharambha of the Sutra-khanda of the Chaitanya Mangala by Locana Dasa Thakura (1520 A.D.) translated into English. This book contains songs narrating the activities (pastimes) of Lord Chaitanya and represents a Sanskrit biography written as a narrative poem which can be sung in various ragas.
Song 13
568. Sounding his vīṇā, Nārada Munī traveled. Then he could no longer move his hands or feet. His eyes filled with tears, he no longer saw the way to go. He trembled and stumbled like a drunkard.
569. When he took two or four steps forward, again he took the same steps back. His voice choked with emotion, he wildly chanted the Lord’s holy names. Ten million times he fell to the ground and with great effort stood again. Rivers of tears streamed from his eyes.
570. One moment he became like a madman. He roared like a lion. In his heart he was rapt in thinking of Lord Gaura. Of the outside world he was not aware. He knew neither himself nor others. He thought only of Lord Gaura.
571. His body glorious like ten million suns, Nārada flew in outer space. In a moment he came to Śvetadvīpa, the effulgent abode of Lord Balarāma.
572. There he gazed at a wonderful city effulgent like millions of millions of cooling moons. A gentle breeze fragrant with the scent of many glorious flowers, blew. Every door was made of glorious elephant pearls.
573. Everyone was in pure goodness. There was no old age, death, or grief. Everyone was a friend. Ever person he saw was sweet and charming. The milk ocean was glorious like Lord Balarāma Himself.
574. Gazing at all this, Nārada thought within his heart: "I am fortunate. Very fortunate. With my own eyes I will soon see the master of the three worlds. Weeping, I will fall at His feet.
575. "Yuga after yuga, Lord Balarāma descends to the material world and helps Lord Kṛṣṇa. He enjoys limitless pastimes. He kills a host of demons.
576. "Manifesting His plenary expansion, Lord Balarāma manifests in three spiritual abodes. There He pleases Lord Kṛṣṇa with His service. He is the beginning, middle, and end. In His expansion of Lord Ananta, He holds the earth on one of His many hoods.
577. "He is the Supreme Lord enjoying many blissful pastimes in Śvetadvīpa. Going to the highest spiritual abode, with wonderful happinness He serves Lord Mahāprabhu.
578. "When Lord Mahāprabhu walks, Balarāma becomes His parasol. When Lord Mahāprabhu sits, Balarāma becomes His cloth for sitting. At the time of cosmic annihilation, Balarāma becomes a banyan leaf for Lord Mahāprabhu. During great battles, Balarāma becomes a host of divine weapons. In these many ways Balarāma serves Lord Mahāprabhu.
579. "In one expansion He serves Lord Mahāprabhu. In another expansions He holds up the earth. That is my Lord Balarāma. Soon I will see Lord Balarāma, the master of the three worlds as He sits in the midst of the milk ocean. Soon I will receive His command.
580. "These two Lords are like a king and his minister. with one will They protect the earth. Accompanied by Lord Śiva and by The expansions of Their expansions, They will both descend to the earth."
581. Filled with these thoughts, Nārada Munī joyfully entered the city. There, surrounded by His associates, he saw wonderful Lord Balarāmacandra, the master of the three worlds.
582. Lord Balarāma sat on a great white throne like a snow-covered mountain peak. His smile was sweet like nectar. His eyes were like red lotus flowers. His glance was sleepy with intoxication. The words on His mouth were half-spoken babbling.
583. Their pupils like black bees, His eyes were halfclosed. His necklace glistened with jewels, pearls, and coral. One could not see all the ornaments on His body.
584. Relaxed, He sat on a soft pillow. His helft hand rested on His head. His right hand held Revatī’s hand. Preparing betelnuts, Revatī placed them in Lord Balarāma’s mouth. Speaking words of love, she gazed at Him.
585. In the four directions were many maidservants. Their bracelets and ornaments tinkled. Some smiled and waved cāmaras. Some played the vīṇā or the flute. Some sang songs. Some beautiful girls gracefully played on drums.
586. There were hundreds and hundreds of maidservants, each engaged in her own duties. Nārada Munī sounded his vīṇā. Lord Balarāma suddenly glanced at him.
587. Overcome with bliss, Nārada Munī trembled and fell to the ground. Lord Balarāma picked him up and embraced him. The Lord gazed at Him with eternal love. He spoke pleasing, cooling words.
588. Smiling, Lord Balarāma said: "From whence have you come? Please tell Me. Tell Me your secrets. Tell what you have done. Tell what is in your heart. Floods and floods of bliss now rise up within Me."
589. Nārada Munī respectfully said: "What can I say? I know very well that You are the Supersoul present in every heart. Whatever I think, whatever I would say, You already know, O Lord.
590. "The people of Kalī-yuga are very sinful. Seeing that they have no hope of deliverance, You felt compassion for them in Your heart, O Lord. That is why now You will descend to the earth. You will protect Your devotees. You will establish the true religion.
591. "You hinted to me that now irreligion will peirsh and the true religion will be established. You commanded me to proclaim this news. Hearing this news, the worlds became joyful.
592. "Feeling Rādhā’s love within Your heart, and manifesting Rādhā’s complexion outside on Your form, within and without You will become like Rādhā. Accompanied by Your gopa and gopī associates and by numberless other devotees also, You will make everyone wild, intoxicated by tasting the blissful love the people of Vraja feel for You.
593. "Accompanied by Your associates, servants, and confidential companions, You will take birth on the earth. You will accept the name Nityānanda. Your body, heart, and deeds will not stay invisible to the people of the earth. All this Lord Gaurāṅga commanded me."
594. Hearing this words, Lord Nityānanda Rāya joyfully glanced in the four directions. Then He loudly, loudly laughed. His laughter was like thunder. He was very wonderful to see. Overcome with the bliss of ecstatic love, He forgot Himself.
595. Lord Balarāma said: "Command your followers to take birth on the earth. By the Lord’s orderdeliver the people. O Nārada Muni, you also go. Take birth on the earth. What formerly was invisible to the people of the earth I will now make visible to their eyes."
596. Everyone please attentively hear these nectar words, these songs filled with the glories of Lord Gaura. Lord Gaura is the best of avatāras. In a fair form He descended to the Kalī-yuga. O people, please remember HIm in your hearts.
597. Placing a straw between my teeth, and feeling great anguish in my heart, I beg you: Please do not neglect the glories of Lord Gaura. Dont fix your thoughts on this world of birth and death. Instead please fall in love with Lord Kṛṣṇa. Then you will escape the cycle of repeated births and deaths.
598. Lord Gaura, who had never come before, will descend to this world. He will bring to life they who are on the verge of death. He will show the true path to they who are blind. This Locana dāsa sings His glories.