Supari Pak (Laghu) Trusted Ayurveda

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Ayurvedic Medicine
Yog Chintamani/ Strirog Chikitsa Each 100 g is prepared from:
Puga 9.11g, Godugdha 72.88g, Goghrita 4.55 g, Sharkara 56.93 g, Musta,
Nagakeshara, Chandana, Shunthi, Maricha, Pippali, Javitri, Priyala, Kola,
Tvak, Sukshmaila, Tejapatra, Shveta Jiraka, Krishna, Jiraka, Shringataka,
Vamsha, Jatiphala, Lavanga, Dhanyaka each 0.56 g, Amalaki Swarasa 9.11 g,
Shatavari Swarasa 9.11 g. Relieves weakness, Headache and backache associated
with Leucorrhoea and other gynecological problems. When taken regularly
this helps to tone up reproductive tissues. 2-4 teaspoonful (12-24 g) two times a day or as directed by
the Physician. Butter, ghee, milk, old rice, wheat and other nutritious
food. Curd, tomato, potato and spicy food.
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