
by C. G. Kashikar | 1964 | 166,530 words

The English translation of the Bharadvaja-Srauta-Sutra, representing some of the oldest texts on Hindu rituals and rites of passages, dating to at least the 1st millennium BCE. The term Srautasutra refers to a class of Sanskrit Sutra literature dealing with ceremonies based on the Brahmana divisions of the Veda (Sruti). They include Vedic rituals r...

Praśna 13, Kaṇḍikā 25

1. (He should further recite over the cups the formula,) “Do you, O gods Śukra and Manthin, put in order the divine subjects, put in order the human subjects, give unto us food and vigour, vital breath unto the cattle, offspring unto me and the sacrificer.”[1]

2. They should maintain contact of the uttaravedi towards the cast facing towards the west, and throw away out of the Mahāvedi the pieces of wood not sprinkled with water[2] with the same formula.[3]

3. Having touched water they should put on the fire the pieces of wood sprinkled with water[4]—the Adhvaryu with the formula, “Thou art the fire-stick of the Śukra;”[5] the Pratiprasthātṛ with the formula, “Thou art the fire-stick of the Manthin.”[5]

4. The Camasādhvaryus should stand with their goblets towards the west facing towards the east.

5. After having caused the Āgnīdhra to announce, and after the latter has responded, the Adhvaryu should give out a call, “(O Maitrāvaruṇa), do you address a call to the Hotṛ in the morning to recite the yājyā relating to the offering for Indra of Soma characterised by Śukra and dropping honey at the morning pressing; O Camasādhvaryus belonging to the Madhyataḥkārins,[6] do you offer the goblets at the vaṣaṭ-utterance and at the secondary vaṣaṭ-utterance; O Camasādhvaryus belonging to the Hotrakas,[7] after having offered the goblets once, do you add to the goblets Soma from the Droṇakalaśa and come back.”

6. At the vaṣaṭ-utterance the Camasādhvaryus should offer the Soma.

7. The Adhvaryu and the Pratiprasthātṛ should offer the Śukra and the Manthin cups: the Adhvaryu should offer the Śukra cup with the verse, “He (= Indra) is the first restorer, all-doing: he is the first Mitra, Varuṇa and Agni; he is the first Bṛhaspati, the wise; I offer the pressed Soma to Indra, svāhā.”[8] The Pratiprasthātṛ should offer the Manthin cup with the verse, “...I offer the pressed Soma to Sūrya, svāhā.”[8]

8. Some teachers prescribe (the offering of) the Śukra and the Manthin as accompanied by the secondary vaṣaṭ-utterance; others not accompanied by the secondary vaṣaṭ-utterance; still others either of the two accompanied by the vaṣaṭ-utterance.

9. At the secondary vaṣaṭ-utterance, the Camasādhvaryus belonging to the Madhyataḥkārins should offer their goblets; those belonging to the Hotrakas should take away their goblets.

10. The Pratiprasthātṛ should take out burning embers towards the northeast, and offer on them drops of Soma from the Manthin cup[9] with the formula, “This; O Rudra, is tḥy portion which thou hast asked for; partake of it, svāhā.”[10]

11. After having placed at the proper place the Śukra cup containing the remnants of Soma, the Adhvaryu should give out a call, “Let the Hotṛ’s goblet be carried, that of the Brahman, that of the Udgātṛ, and that of the sacrificer.”

12. These are the goblets of the Madhyataḥkārins.

Footnotes and references:




XIII.23.14,15. According to Āpastamba-śrauta-sūtra XII.23.2, both should optionally throw away the pieces of wood with the formula, “Śaṇḍa and Marka have been driven away together with N.N.”




Taittirīya-brāhmaṇa I.1.1.1,2;


Namely, the Brahman, the Hotṛ, the Udgātṛ, and the sacrificer. cf. XIII.25.11,12.




Taittirīya-brāhmaṇa I.1.5.


Or the entire Manthin cup should be offered so that there would be no offering of drops, cf. Āpastamba-śrauta-sūtra XII.23.10.


Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.1.9.4.

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