Skanda Purana [sanskrit]
876,996 words | ISBN-10: 8170800978 | ISBN-13: 9788170800972
The Skanda-purana verse (Sanskrit text), including grammatical analysis, glossary and relevant print editions. The Skandapurana is one of the largest of the eighteen Mahapuranas, covering over 80,000 shlokas (verses). It is divided into seven large section each covering holy regions detailing their background and legends.
तस्मात्सर्वप्रयत्नेन ईश्वरं शरणं व्रऐजा ।
एवं ब्रुवति गोविन्द आगतः सैन्यसागरः ।
वीरभद्रेण सदृशो ददृशुस्तं तदा सुराः ॥ ५ ॥
tasmātsarvaprayatnena īśvaraṃ śaraṇaṃ vraaijā |
evaṃ bruvati govinda āgataḥ sainyasāgaraḥ |
vīrabhadreṇa sadṛśo dadṛśustaṃ tadā surāḥ || 5 ||
The English translation of Skandapurana Verse is contained in the book The Skanda-Purana by G. V. Tagare. This book is available online or you could buy the latest edition:
Read online Buy now! The English translation by G. V. Tagare (2007)
Glossary of Sanskrit terms
Note: This extracts Sanskrit terms and links to English definitions from the glossary, based on an experimental segmentation of verse ( Some terms could be superfluous while some might not be mentioned. Click on the word to show English definitions.
Tasmat, Tad, Sarvaprayatna, Ishvara, Sharana, Evam, Eva, Govinda, Agata, Sainya, Sagara, Virabhadra, Sadrish, Sadrisha, Tada, Sura,
Analysis of Sanskrit grammar
Note: this is an experimental feature and only shows the first possible analysis of the Sanskrit text (Skandapurana Verse If the system was successful in segmenting the sentence, you will see of which words it is made up of, generally consisting of Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Participles and Indeclinables. Click on the link to show all possible derivations of the word.
- Line 1: “tasmātsarvaprayatnena īśvaraṃ śaraṇaṃ vraaijā ”
- tasmāt -
tasmāt (indeclinable)[indeclinable]tad (noun, neuter)[ablative single]sa (noun, masculine)[ablative single]
- sarvaprayatnena -
sarvaprayatna (noun, masculine)[instrumental single]
- īśvaram -
īśvara (noun, masculine)[adverb], [accusative single]īśvara (noun, neuter)[adverb], [nominative single], [accusative single]īśvarā (noun, feminine)[adverb]
- śaraṇam -
śaraṇa (noun, masculine)[adverb], [accusative single]śaraṇa (noun, neuter)[adverb], [nominative single], [accusative single]śaraṇā (noun, feminine)[adverb]
- Cannot analyse vraaijā
- Line 2: “evaṃ bruvati govinda āgataḥ sainyasāgaraḥ ”
- evam -
evam (indeclinable adverb)[indeclinable adverb]evam (indeclinable)[indeclinable]eva (noun, masculine)[adverb], [accusative single]eva (noun, neuter)[adverb], [nominative single], [accusative single]evā (noun, feminine)[adverb]
- Cannot analyse bruvati*go
- govinda* -
govinda (noun, masculine)[nominative single]
- āgataḥ -
āgata (noun, masculine)[nominative single]
- sainya -
sainya (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single]sainya (noun, neuter)[compound], [vocative single]
- sāgaraḥ -
sāgara (noun, masculine)[nominative single]
- Line 3: “vīrabhadreṇa sadṛśo dadṛśustaṃ tadā surāḥ ”
- vīrabhadreṇa -
vīrabhadra (noun, masculine)[instrumental single]
- sadṛśo* -
sadṛś (noun, masculine)[nominative plural], [vocative plural], [accusative plural], [ablative single], [genitive single]sadṛś (noun, neuter)[ablative single], [genitive single]sadṛśa (noun, masculine)[nominative single]
- dadṛśus -
√dṛś (verb class 1)[perfect active third plural]
- tam -
ta (noun, masculine)[adverb], [accusative single]ta (noun, neuter)[adverb], [nominative single], [accusative single]tā (noun, feminine)[adverb]tan (noun, masculine)[adverb]sa (noun, masculine)[accusative single]
- tadā -
tadā (indeclinable adverb)[indeclinable adverb]tadā (indeclinable correlative)[indeclinable correlative]tadā (indeclinable)[indeclinable]tadā (noun, feminine)[nominative single]
- surāḥ -
sura (noun, masculine)[nominative plural], [vocative plural]surā (noun, feminine)[nominative plural], [vocative plural], [accusative plural]
Other editions:
Also see the following editions of the Sanskrit text or (alternative) English translations of the Skandapurana Verse
Skanda Purana (Hindi Translation)
by S. N. Khandelwal (2016)
(Set of 10 Books) - Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office
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Skanda Purana in Bengali
by Navabharat Publishers, Kolkata (0)
স্কন্ধ পুরাণম: - (Set of 7 Volumes)
Buy now!Preview of verse in Bengali sript:
তস্মাত্সর্বপ্রযত্নেন ঈশ্বরং শরণং ব্রঐজা ।
এবং ব্রুবতি গোবিন্দ আগতঃ সৈন্যসাগরঃ ।
বীরভদ্রেণ সদৃশো দদৃশুস্তং তদা সুরাঃ ॥ ৫ ॥
Skanda Purana in Kannada
by Vandana Book House, Bangalore (0)
ಶ್ರೀ ಸ್ಕಾಂದ ಮಹಾಪುರಣಂ: (Set of 25 Volumes)
Buy now!Preview of verse in Kannada sript:
ತಸ್ಮಾತ್ಸರ್ವಪ್ರಯತ್ನೇನ ಈಶ್ವರಂ ಶರಣಂ ವ್ರಐಜಾ ।
ಏವಂ ಬ್ರುವತಿ ಗೋವಿನ್ದ ಆಗತಃ ಸೈನ್ಯಸಾಗರಃ ।
ವೀರಭದ್ರೇಣ ಸದೃಶೋ ದದೃಶುಸ್ತಂ ತದಾ ಸುರಾಃ ॥ ೫ ॥
Skanda Mahapurana (Gujarati)
by Sahitya Sangam, Ahemdabad (2017)
સ્કંદ મહાપુરાણ: (Condensed/Summary)
Buy now!Preview of verse in Gujarati sript:
તસ્માત્સર્વપ્રયત્નેન ઈશ્વરં શરણં વ્રઐજા ।
એવં બ્રુવતિ ગોવિન્દ આગતઃ સૈન્યસાગરઃ ।
વીરભદ્રેણ સદૃશો દદૃશુસ્તં તદા સુરાઃ ॥ ૫ ॥
Shri Skanda purana (Malayalam)
by M.P. Pillai kaniyanthara (2015)
(Condensed/Summary) - Devi Book Stall, Kodungallur
Buy now!Preview of verse in Malayalam sript:
തസ്മാത്സര്വപ്രയത്നേന ഈശ്വരം ശരണം വ്രഐജാ ।
ഏവം ബ്രുവതി ഗോവിന്ദ ആഗതഃ സൈന്യസാഗരഃ ।
വീരഭദ്രേണ സദൃശോ ദദൃശുസ്തം തദാ സുരാഃ ॥ ൫ ॥