Section LXXXVII - Battle of Kurukshetra: Yudhishthira Challenges Bhishma in Fierce Combat

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Book index: Mahabharata (English)
This page contains a summary of the Mahabharata Section LXXXVII including examples of moral lessons in daily life. The Maha-Bharata is one of the largest epics ever written containing roughly 100,000 Sanskrit verses. It deals with the legendary history of ancient India and contains a large number of interwoven tales.

Short summary of the chapter:
In the midst of a fierce battle, Yudhishthira, supported by his brothers, faced off against the formidable Bhishma, showering him with arrows. Despite Yudhishthira's efforts, Bhishma skillfully countered each arrow and even managed to cut off the prince's car's steeds. Yudhishthira then mounted Nakula's car and watched as Bhishma turned his attention to the twin brothers, raining arrows upon them. With the Pandavas feeling the heat of battle, Yudhishthira urged his allies to unite against Bhishma, leading to a fierce confrontation between the two sides.

As the battle intensified, Bhishma's prowess on the battlefield became apparent as he felled countless warriors with his arrows, striking fear into the hearts of the Kshatriyas. Despite the chaos and confusion on both sides, the soldiers fought bravely, determined not to retreat. Sikhandin, recognizing the femininity of Bhishma, attempted to engage him in battle but was ignored by the veteran warrior. Meanwhile, Dhrishtadyumna and Satyaki wreaked havoc on the Kaurava army, inflicting heavy casualties with their precise attacks.

Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti targeted Dhrishtadyumna, forcing him to abandon his chariot and seek refuge on Satyaki's chariot. Yudhishthira encouraged his allies to take down the princes of Avanti, leading to a fierce exchange of arrows on the battlefield. Arjuna, enraged by the situation, fought valiantly against multiple Kshatriya warriors, displaying his unmatched skill and courage in battle. Drona, ever faithful to Duryodhana, launched a relentless assault on the Pancalas, causing chaos and destruction in his wake.

As dusk approached, Duryodhana urged his troops to press on, leading to a river of blood flowing on the battlefield, accompanied by eerie howls of jackals and sightings of rakshasas and Pisachas. Amidst the chaos, both sides eventually retreated to their tents, marking the end of the day's fierce battle. The warriors, exhausted but victorious, tended to their wounds as Brahmanas performed rituals and bards sang their praises. The night settled in as both armies rested, preparing themselves for the inevitable continuation of the war.

Full English translation:

This page is merely a summary which is automatically generated. If you are looking for authentic sources such as the Sanskrit text or the Full English translation of Mahabharata Section LXXXVII - Battle of Kurukshetra: Yudhishthira Challenges Bhishma in Fierce Combat, have a look at the following articles:

Section LXXXVII, online text

English translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli.

Read this and other chapters online.

Mahabharata (English Summary)

by Kisari Mohan Ganguli | ISBN-10: 8121505933

Buy the latest edition:

FAQ of Mahabharata, Section LXXXVII:

What was the result of Citrasena losing his chariot in battle?

Citrasena was rescued by Vikarna and mounted on his chariot to continue fighting.

Who engaged in fierce battle and was eventually surrounded by rulers?

Yudhishthira prompted his allies to surround and attack Bhishma in battle.

What happened when Dhrishtadyumna and Satyaki joined the fight?

They inflicted heavy casualties on the Kaurava army with arrows and lances.

How did the battle end at dusk?

Both sides retreated to their tents as night fell, with praise and rituals.

Daily life: Battle of Kurukshetra: Yudhishthira Challenges Bhishma in Fierce Combat:

The story from the epic Mahabharata, where warriors on both sides, filled with rage and the desire for victory, engage in a fierce battle till sundown, offers profound lessons for daily life. It teaches us about the persistence and resilience needed when confronting challenges. Like the warriors who fought valiantly, facing adversaries and obstacles head-on without yielding, we too must tackle the hurdles in our lives with courage and determination.

The narrative illustrates the importance of teamwork and support systems. Just as the warriors had their comrades to back them up in times of need, allowing them to regroup and recover, it's crucial for us to surround ourselves with supportive individuals. These people can provide us with strength and assistance when we face our own battles, whether they be at work, in personal endeavors, or during trying times.

Additionally, the story emphasizes the inevitability of rest and recovery after a day's struggle. Despite the warriors’ eagerness to prove their valor, the descent of night forced them to pause, highlighting the significance of balance between work and rest. In the modern world, where the hustle culture often glorifies overworking, this tale serves as a reminder to recognize the value of rest and rejuvenation for long-term success and well-being.

Finally, the conclusion of the day’s battle with warriors retreating to their tents, tending to their wounds, and engaging in soothing activities, underscores the necessity of self-care and healing. Just as these warriors healed their physical wounds and prepared for the next day, we should also address our mental and emotional needs. Taking time to heal and prepare ourselves for future challenges is essential for sustaining our efforts and achieving our goals.

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