Yoga Vasistha [sanskrit]
223,437 words | ISBN-10: 8171101519
The Sanskrit edition of the Yoga-vasistha including English translation and grammatical analysis. The Yogavasistha is a Hindu spiritual text written by Valmiki (who also authored the Ramayana) dealing with the philosophical topics from the Advaita-vedanta school. Chronologically it precedes the Ramayana.
Verse 2.4.20
कस्यांचित्स्वयमात्मदुःस्थितिवशात्पुंसो दशायां शनै रङ्गुल्यग्रनिपीडितैकचुलुकादावापबिन्दुर्बहुः ।
कस्यांचिज्जलराशिपर्वतपुरद्वीपान्तरालीकृता भर्तव्योचितसंविभागकरणे पृथ्वी न पृथ्वी भवेत् ॥ २० ॥
kasyāṃcitsvayamātmaduḥsthitivaśātpuṃso daśāyāṃ śanai raṅgulyagranipīḍitaikaculukādāvāpabindurbahuḥ |
kasyāṃcijjalarāśiparvatapuradvīpāntarālīkṛtā bhartavyocitasaṃvibhāgakaraṇe pṛthvī na pṛthvī bhavet || 20 ||
So a man laid up in a state of disability, is unable to twist his fingers in order to hold a little water in the hollow of his palm for drink: while there is another who (by his well directed efforts) gets the possession of seas and islands, mountains and cities for himself, supports all his dependents and relations, and does not think this earth too great for him.
English translation by Vihari-Lala Mitra (1891) Read online Buy now!
Glossary of Sanskrit terms
Note: This extracts Sanskrit terms and links to English definitions from the glossary, based on an experimental segmentation of verse (2.4.20). Some terms could be superfluous while some might not be mentioned. Click on the word to show English definitions.
Cit, Aya, Idam, Vasha, Pums, Dasha, Guli, Gulya, Agra, Nipidita, Aika, Culuka, Avapa, Bindu, Bahu, Bhartavya, Ucita, Samvibhaga, Karana, Karani, Prithvi,
Analysis of Sanskrit grammar
Note: this is an experimental feature and only shows the first possible analysis of the Sanskrit text (Yoga Vasistha Verse 2.4.20). If the system was successful in segmenting the sentence, you will see of which words it is made up of, generally consisting of Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Participles and Indeclinables. Click on the link to show all possible derivations of the word.
- Line 1: “kasyāṃcitsvayamātmaduḥsthitivaśātpuṃso daśāyāṃ śanai raṅgulyagranipīḍitaikaculukādāvāpabindurbahuḥ ”
- kasyāñ -
kā (pronoun, feminine)[locative single]
- citsva -
cit (noun, feminine)[locative plural]cit (noun, masculine)[locative plural]cit (noun, neuter)[locative plural]
- ayam -
aya (noun, masculine)[adverb], [accusative single]idam (pronoun, masculine)[nominative single]
- ātma -
ātman (noun, masculine)[compound]
- duḥsthiti -
duḥsthiti (noun, feminine)[compound], [adverb]
- vaśāt -
vaśa (noun, masculine)[adverb], [ablative single]vaśa (noun, neuter)[adverb], [ablative single]
- puṃso* -
puṃs (noun, masculine)[accusative plural], [ablative single], [genitive single]
- daśāyām -
daśā (noun, feminine)[locative single]
- śanai -
- raṅ -
rā (noun, feminine)[adverb]
- gulya -
gulī (noun, feminine)[compound], [adverb], [nominative single], [vocative single]gulya (noun, neuter)[compound], [vocative single]
- agra -
agra (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single]agra (noun, neuter)[compound], [vocative single]
- nipīḍitai -
nipīḍita (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single]nipīḍita (noun, neuter)[compound], [vocative single]nipīḍitā (noun, feminine)[nominative single]
- aika -
aika (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single]aika (noun, neuter)[compound], [vocative single]
- culukād -
culuka (noun, masculine)[adverb], [ablative single]culuka (noun, neuter)[adverb], [ablative single]
- āvāpa -
āvāpa (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single]
- bindur -
bindu (noun, masculine)[nominative single]
- bahuḥ -
bahu (noun, masculine)[nominative single]
- Line 2: “kasyāṃcijjalarāśiparvatapuradvīpāntarālīkṛtā bhartavyocitasaṃvibhāgakaraṇe pṛthvī na pṛthvī bhavet ”
- Cannot analyse kasyāñcijjalarāśiparvatapuradvīpāntarālīkṛtā*bh
- bhartavyo -
bhartavya (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single]bhartavya (noun, neuter)[compound], [vocative single]bhartavyā (noun, feminine)[nominative single]
- ucita -
ucita (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single]ucita (noun, neuter)[compound], [vocative single]√uc -> ucita (participle, masculine)[vocative single from √uc class 4 verb]√uc -> ucita (participle, neuter)[vocative single from √uc class 4 verb]
- saṃvibhāga -
saṃvibhāga (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single]
- karaṇe -
karaṇa (noun, masculine)[locative single]karaṇa (noun, neuter)[nominative dual], [vocative dual], [accusative dual], [locative single]karaṇi (noun, feminine)[vocative single]karaṇā (noun, feminine)[nominative dual], [vocative single], [vocative dual], [accusative dual]
- pṛthvī -
pṛthvī (noun, feminine)[compound], [nominative single]
- na -
na (indeclinable particle)[indeclinable particle]na (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single]na (noun, neuter)[compound], [vocative single]
- pṛthvī -
pṛthvī (noun, feminine)[compound], [nominative single]
- bhavet -
√bhū (verb class 1)[optative active third single]
Other editions:
Also see the following editions of the Sanskrit text or (alternative) English translations of the Yoga Vasistha Verse 2.4.20
Yoga Vasistha English (four volumes)
by Vihari-Lala Mitra (1891)
Yoga Vasistha Maha Ramayana (Gujarati)
by Sahitya Sangam, Allahabad (0)
[યોગ વસિષ્ઠએ] 9788192776460.
Buy now!Preview of verse 2.4.20 in Gujarati sript:
કસ્યાંચિત્સ્વયમાત્મદુઃસ્થિતિવશાત્પુંસો દશાયાં શનૈ રઙ્ગુલ્યગ્રનિપીડિતૈકચુલુકાદાવાપબિન્દુર્બહુઃ ।
કસ્યાંચિજ્જલરાશિપર્વતપુરદ્વીપાન્તરાલીકૃતા ભર્તવ્યોચિતસંવિભાગકરણે પૃથ્વી ન પૃથ્વી ભવેત્ ॥ ૨૦ ॥
Vasishtha Rama Samvadam (Telugu)
by Ramakrishna Math, Hyderabad (2019)
Set of 4 Volumes; 9789383972142.
Buy now!Preview of verse 2.4.20 in Telugu sript:
కస్యాంచిత్స్వయమాత్మదుఃస్థితివశాత్పుంసో దశాయాం శనై రఙ్గుల్యగ్రనిపీడితైకచులుకాదావాపబిన్దుర్బహుః ।
కస్యాంచిజ్జలరాశిపర్వతపురద్వీపాన్తరాలీకృతా భర్తవ్యోచితసంవిభాగకరణే పృథ్వీ న పృథ్వీ భవేత్ ॥ ౨౦ ॥
The Yogavasistha (Hindi translation)
by Khemraj Shrikrishnadass (2009)
Set of 2 Volumes; Khemraj Edition.
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