Chaitanya Mangala
100,055 words
This page relates Song 5 of the Vandana of the Sutra-khanda of the Chaitanya Mangala by Locana Dasa Thakura (1520 A.D.) translated into English. This book contains songs narrating the activities (pastimes) of Lord Chaitanya and represents a Sanskrit biography written as a narrative poem which can be sung in various ragas.
Song 5
(Dhanaśrī rāga-Tarajāchanda)
125. Glory, glory to You, O Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya, who personally descended to this earth, who are thw auspiciousness of the worlds, whose feet are the earth’s ornament, who are dearly loved by the whole earth!
126. The lamp that lights up the worlds has come to Navadvīpa. Now He shines with His light of mercy. Thirsting to receive the gift of ecstatic love, after many days the devotees ran to Him.
127. The devotees were like black bees flying to nectar-laden blossoming lotus flowers, or like cakora birds gazing at the moon, or like cātaka birds gazing at rainclouds and wildly singing "Piu! Piu!"
128. Overcome with ecstatic love, Lord Gaura danced. He showered a great monsoon of ecstatic love. He roared like a lion. Like poverty-stricken men who are suddenly rich, the devotees followed Him, worshiped Him, and wept.
129. As wild elephants jump into a nectar lake to escape a forest fire, so the devotees jumped into the nectar of ecstatic spiritual love to escape the burning sufferings of this world.
130. Someone called out, "Lord!" Someone else slapped his arms. Filled with the bliss of ecstatic love, the devotees forgot even themselves. The ecstatic love that Goddess Lakṣmī begs for with folded palms, Lord Gaura freely gave to all.
131. What more can I say? Even Lord Ananta was overwhelmed by tasting the sweetness of that ecstatic love. Lord Ananta Śeṣa, who holds all the worlds on His head, came to the earth and assumed the name Nitāi.
132. Overcome with bliss, He did not know who was a friend and who was not. He walked like a maddened elephant. The soles of His feet made the earth tremble.
133. Now hear of another wonder. Lord Śiva, whose glories are beyond conception, assumed the name Advaita. Talking with Lord Caitanya about the nectar of ecstatic love, Lord Śiva forgot all about yoga and jñāna.
134. Staying among the rasika devotees, Lord Advaita and Lord Nityānanda gave them ecstatic love without any restriction. Without these two Lords, Lord Gaura would not have given His mercy. They came to this world with Lord Gauracandra.
135. Glory, glory to the auspicious moment when the people of the world will chant "Hari!", and when everyone will yearn to attain ecstatic spiritual love, when everyone will desire to attain the ecstatic spiritual love even the demigod Brahmā finds only with difficulty. Smiling, Locana dāsa speaks these words.