by C. G. Kashikar | 1964 | 166,530 words
The English translation of the Bharadvaja-Srauta-Sutra, representing some of the oldest texts on Hindu rituals and rites of passages, dating to at least the 1st millennium BCE. The term Srautasutra refers to a class of Sanskrit Sutra literature dealing with ceremonies based on the Brahmana divisions of the Veda (Sruti). They include Vedic rituals r...
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Praśna 13, Kaṇḍikā 31
1. containing the drops, the cup of Indra-Agni with the verse, “O Indra-Agni, do you come through my prayers for the pressed Soma, the excellent mist. Do you, impelled by our prayers, drink of it. Thou art taken with a support; for Indra-Agni thee.”[1] (He should place it with the formula,) “This is thy birth-place, for Indra-Agni thee.”[1]
2. The Śastra[2] is recited at this stage.
3. Having sat in front of the Hotṛ, the Adhvaryu should initiate the Śastra with the remaining portion of the Anuvāka, “May Iḍā who summons the gods, Manu who leads the sacrifice, may Bṛhaspati recite the hymns and acclamations. Viśve Devas are reciters of the hymns. O mother earth, do not harm me. I shall think of honey; I shall produce honey; I shall proclaim honey; I shall speak honey; may I utter speech full of honey or the gods, and acceptable to men. May the gods aid me to radiance; may the Pitṛs rejoice in me.”[3]
4. He should initiate (each of) the Śastras with this very formula.
5. To the Adhvaryu who is sitting directed outwards and with his knees raised, the Hotṛ should address (with the words, “O Adhvaryu, I shall recite the Śastra”).
6. The Adhvaryu should turn by the right saying, śa3ṃsā moda iva.[4]
7. While touching the Ṛtu cup[5] and standing erect in the door of the Sadas or bent down, he should respond to the reciting by the Hotṛ.
8. At the half verse he should respond saying o3thā moda iva.
9. At the utterance of the praṇava be should respond, saying o3m othā moda iva.
10. He should not respond over and above. The response at the half verse should not be omitted.[6]
11. Whenever the Hotṛ finishes a verse, he should utter o3m othā moda iva.
12. At the utterance of the vyāhāva[7] by the Hotṛ, he should recite both śo3ṃsā moda ivo’ thā moda iva.
13. He should utter the praṇava along with the last praṇava of the enclosing verse paridhānīyā).
14. In this manner he should respond to the reciting of all the Śastras except the touching of the Ṛtu cup.
15. The sacrificer should follow the reciting of the Śastra with the formula, “Thou art the Śastra of the Śastra; may the Śastra milk strength for me; may the Śastra of the Śastra come to me. Possessed of strength....”[8]
16. He should follow all the Śastras with this formula.
17. After having responded to the reciting of the Śastra, the Adhvaryu should take up the cup. The Camasādhvaryus should take up the Nārāśaṃsa goblets.
18. After having crossed over, the Adhvaryu should cause the Āgnīdhra to announce and (after the latter has responded,) say (to the Hotṛ), “O reciter of the Śastra, do you recite the yājyā relating to the offering of the Soma(–cup).”
19. At the vaṣaṭ-uttetance he should make the offering.
Footnotes and references:
Taittirīya-saṃhitā I.4.14.1.
The Ājyaśastra to be recited by the Hotṛ. See ĀśvŚS V.9.11.
Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.3.2.1,2.
Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.9.5.
cf. Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.9.5.
cf. Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.9.5.