Mahabhringraj Tail (Oil)

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

100% Pure Ayurvedic Oil No Chemical, No Perfume Added.
Manufactured according to Ayurved Saar Sangraha – Govt. Recognised text on
Ayurveda, Written by Baidyanath.
Baidyanath Mahabhringraj oil is prepared scientifically from 15 invaluable
Ayurvedic herbs in pure Til oil as per the recognized Ayurvedic text.
Highly effective and an excellent remedy for dandruff.
Its regular use prevents premature graying, falling of hair, sleeplessness
and headaches.
Mahabhringraj oil keeps the brain cool and is also recommended for body
Helps Combat Dandruff.
KalkaManjistha, Lodhra, Padamaka, Rakta Candana, Bala, Haridra,
Daruharidra, Gainika, Naga Kesara, Kamala Phal, Ananta (Sariva), Priyangu &
Yasti each 307.67 mg,
Kvath: Bhrngaraja 10mg, Murchit Tila Taila to 10 ml.
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