Garga Samhita (English)

by Danavir Goswami | 425,489 words

The Garga-samhita Verses 5.21.47-49, English translation, including word-by-word: This text represents a Vaishnava scripture which narrates the life Krishna, It was composed in seventeen cantos by Garga Muni: an ancient sage and priest of the Yadu dynasty having. This is verse 5 of Chapter 21 (The Story of Shri Narada) of Canto 5 (mathura-khanda).

Sanskrit text, transliteration and word-by-word meaning:

रागैश् च रागिणीभिश् च
तत्-पुत्रैश् च तथैव च
देश-कालादि-भेदैश् च
ताल-मान-स्वरैः सह
अन्तर्-भेदैर् असङ्ख्यकैः
ग्रामैर् नृत्यैः स-वादित्रैर्
मूर्छन-सहितैः शुभैः
वैकुण्ठस्य पतेः साक्षात्
प्रिया मुख्या सरस्वती
स्वर-गम्यैः पदैः सिद्धैः
पाठयाम् आस नारदम्

rāgaiś ca rāgiṇībhiś ca
tat-putraiś ca tathaiva ca
deśa-kālādi-bhedaiś ca
tāla-māna-svaraiḥ saha
antar-bhedair asaṅkhyakaiḥ
grāmair nṛtyaiḥ sa-vāditrair
mūrchana-sahitaiḥ śubhaiḥ
vaikuṇṭhasya pateḥ sākṣāt
priyā mukhyā sarasvatī
svara-gamyaiḥ padaiḥ siddhaiḥ
pāṭhayām āsa nāradam

rāgaiḥ—with the rāgas; ca—and; rāgiṇībhiḥ—with the ragiṇīs; ca—and; tat-putraiḥ—with their children; ca—and; tathā—so; eva—indeed; ca—and; deśaplace; kālatime; ādi—beginning with; bhedaiḥ—distinctions; ca—and; tāla-māna-svaraiḥ—rhythms; sahawith; ṣaṭ-pañcāśat-koṭi-bhedaiḥ—with five-hundred and sixty million divisions; antar-bhedaiḥ—with sub-divisions; asaṅkhyakaiḥ—countless; grāmaiḥ—with scales; nṛtyaiḥ—with dances; sa-vāditraiḥ—with musical instruments; mūrchana-sahitaiḥ—with modulation; śubhaiḥ—beautiful; vaikuṇṭhasya pateḥof the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord of Vaikuṇṭha; sākṣātdirectly; priyāthe beloved; mukhyāfirst; sarasvatīSarasvatī; svara-gamyaiḥ padaiḥ—with notes; siddhaiḥ—perfect; pāṭhayām āsa—taught; nāradam—Nārada.

English translation of verses 5.21.47-49:

Goddess Sarasvatī, the dearest beloved of the Lord of Vaikuṇṭha, then taught Nārada the different rāgas and rāgiṇīs, their derivitives, the proper times and places for the different kinds of music, the different rhythms, the five-hundred-and-sixty-million divisions and numberless sub-divisions of scales, the various dances, the different musical instruments, and the different kinds of modulation.

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