Varam, Varaṃ, Vāram, Vaṟam: 12 definitions
Varam means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit, Buddhism, Pali, the history of ancient India, Hindi, biology, Tamil. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
India history and geography
Source: Project Gutenberg: Castes and Tribes of Southern India, Volume 1Varam (“day of birth”) refers to a factor taken into consideration, by consulting an astrologer, before marriage among the Agamudaiyans (a cultivating case foundin all the Tamil districts).—Days are calculated, commencing with the first day after the new moon. Counting from the day on which the girl was born, if the young man’s birthday happens to be the fourth, seventh, thirteenth, sixteenth, or seventeenth, it is considered good.

The history of India traces the identification of countries, villages, towns and other regions of India, as well as mythology, zoology, royal dynasties, rulers, tribes, local festivities and traditions and regional languages. Ancient India enjoyed religious freedom and encourages the path of Dharma, a concept common to Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism.
Biology (plants and animals)
Source: Google Books: CRC World Dictionary (Regional names)1) Varam in India is the name of a plant defined with Coscinium fenestratum in various botanical sources. This page contains potential references in Ayurveda, modern medicine, and other folk traditions or local practices It has the synonym Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebrooke (among others).
2) Varam is also identified with Zingiber officinale It has the synonym Amomum zinziba Hill (etc.).
Example references for further research on medicinal uses or toxicity (see latin names for full list):
· Bull. Bot. Survey India (1972)
· Plants of the Coast of Coromandel (1820)
· Chromosome Science (1998)
· Fl. Sichuanica (1992)
· Cytologia (1997)
· Regnum Vegetabile, or ‘a Series of Handbooks for the Use of Plant Taxonomists and Plant Geographers’ (1993)
If you are looking for specific details regarding Varam, for example extract dosage, health benefits, pregnancy safety, side effects, diet and recipes, chemical composition, have a look at these references.

This sections includes definitions from the five kingdoms of living things: Animals, Plants, Fungi, Protists and Monera. It will include both the official binomial nomenclature (scientific names usually in Latin) as well as regional spellings and variants.
Languages of India and abroad
Pali-English dictionary
Source: BuddhaSasana: Concise Pali-English Dictionaryvaraṃ : (adv.) better.

Pali is the language of the Tipiṭaka, which is the sacred canon of Theravāda Buddhism and contains much of the Buddha’s speech. Closeley related to Sanskrit, both languages are used interchangeably between religions.
Sanskrit dictionary
Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionaryVaram (वरम्).—ind. Rather or better than, preferably to, it is better that &c. It is sometimes used with the ablative; समुन्नयन् भूतिमनार्यसंगमाद्वरं विरोधोऽपि समं महात्मभिः (samunnayan bhūtimanāryasaṃgamādvaraṃ virodho'pi samaṃ mahātmabhiḥ) Kirātārjunīya 1.8. But it is generally used absolutely, वरम् (varam) being used with the clause containing the thing preferred, and न च, न तु (na ca, na tu) or न पुनः (na punaḥ) with the clause containing the thing to which the first is preferred, (both being put in the nominative case); वरं मौनं कार्यं न च वचनमुक्तं यदनृतं (varaṃ maunaṃ kāryaṃ na ca vacanamuktaṃ yadanṛtaṃ) ... वरं भिक्षाशित्वं न च परधनास्वादनसुखम् (varaṃ bhikṣāśitvaṃ na ca paradhanāsvādanasukham) H.1.116; वरं प्राणत्यागो न पुनरधमानामुपगमः (varaṃ prāṇatyāgo na punaradhamānāmupagamaḥ) ibid; वरं गर्भस्रावो वरमृतुषु नैवाभिगमनम्, वरं जातप्रेतो वरमपि च कन्यैव जनिता । वरं वन्ध्या भार्या वरमपि च गर्भेषु वसतिर्न चाविद्वान् रूपद्रविणगुणयुक्तोऽपि तनयः (varaṃ garbhasrāvo varamṛtuṣu naivābhigamanam, varaṃ jātapreto varamapi ca kanyaiva janitā | varaṃ vandhyā bhāryā varamapi ca garbheṣu vasatirna cāvidvān rūpadraviṇaguṇayukto'pi tanayaḥ) || Pt.; sometimes न (na) is used without च, तु (ca, tu) or पुनः (punaḥ); याच्ञा मोघा वरमधिगुणे नाधमे लब्धकामा (yācñā moghā varamadhiguṇe nādhame labdhakāmā) Meghadūta 6.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English DictionaryVaram (वरम्).—Ind. Better, sooner, rather, preferable: see vara . E. vṛ-amu .
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary1) Varam (वरम्):—[from vara] ind. (am) ([gana] svar-ādi) preferably, rather, better (also = preferable, sometimes with [ablative] which in Veda is often followed by ā e.g. agnibhyo varam, ‘better than fires’ [Ṛg-veda]; sakhibhya ā varam, ‘better than companions’ [ib.]; exceptionally with [accusative] e.g. śiṣyaiḥ śata-hutān homān, ekaḥ putra-huto varam, ‘better one sacrifice offered by a son than a hundred offered by disciples’ [ṢaḍvBr.]), [Ṛg-veda] etc. etc.
2) [v.s. ...] ind. it is better that, it would be best if (with [present tense] e.g. varaṃ gacchāmi, ‘it is better that I go’; or with [imperative] e.g. varaṃ naye sthāpyatām, ‘it would be better if he were initiated into our plan’ [Kathāsaritsāgara]; or without any verb e.g. varaṃ siṃhāt, ‘better [death caused] by a lion’ [Pañcatantra]; sometimes with [Potential], e.g. varaṃ tat kuryāt, ‘better that he should do that’ [Kāmandakīya-nītisāra]), [Kāvya literature; Kathāsaritsāgara] etc.
3) [v.s. ...] it is better than, rather than (in these senses varam is followed by na, na ca, na tu, na punaḥ, tad api na or tathāpi na, with [nominative case] e.g. varaṃ mṛtyur nacākīrtiḥ, ‘better death than [lit. ‘and not’] infamy’; exceptionally with [instrumental case] e.g. varam eko guṇī putro na ca mūrkha-śatair api, ‘better one virtuous son than hundreds of fools’ [Hitopadeśa]; na hi-varam, ‘by no mean but rather’), [Manu-smṛti; Mahābhārata] etc.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Yates Sanskrit-English DictionaryVaram (वरम्):—adv. Better, rather.
Source: DDSA: Paia-sadda-mahannavo; a comprehensive Prakrit Hindi dictionary (S)Varam (वरम्) in the Sanskrit language is related to the Prakrit word: Vari.
[Sanskrit to German]
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
Hindi dictionary
Source: DDSA: A practical Hindi-English dictionaryVaram in Hindi refers in English to:—(nm) swelling, inflammation..—varam (वरम) is alternatively transliterated as Varama.
Kannada-English dictionary
Source: Alar: Kannada-English corpusVaraṃ (ವರಂ):—[preposition] till; upto (the point of time or point, place).
Kannada is a Dravidian language (as opposed to the Indo-European language family) mainly spoken in the southwestern region of India.
Tamil dictionary
Source: DDSA: University of Madras: Tamil LexiconVaram (வரம்) noun < vara.
1. Boon, gift, blessing by a deity or a great person; தெய்வம். முதலியவற்றாற் பெறும் பேறு. காதலி னுவந்து வரங் கொடுத் தன்றே [theyvam. muthaliyavarrar perum peru. kathali nuvanthu varang koduth thanre] (பத்துப்பாட்டு [pathuppattu] 94).
2. Grace, favour, help; அனுக்கிரகம். [anukkiragam.] (W.)
3. Blessing; ஆசீர்வாதம். (யாழ்ப்பாணத்து மானிப்பாயகராதி) [asirvatham. (yazhppanathu manippayagarathi)]
4. Supplication, solicitation, entreaty, request, as made to a deity or a great person; வேண்டுகோள். வசையிலாள் வரத்தின் வந்தாள் [vendugol. vasaiyilal varathin vanthal] (சீவகசிந்தாமணி [sivagasindamani] 201).
5. Desire; விருப்பம். (பொருட்டொகை நிகண்டு) [viruppam. (poruttogai nigandu)]
6. Excellence, eminence; மேன்மை. [menmai.]
7. A treasure; ஒரு நிதி. (யாழ்ப்பாணத்து மானிப்பாயகராதி) [oru nithi. (yazhppanathu manippayagarathi)]
8. Enclosed space; சூழல். (யாழ்ப்பாணத்து மானிப்பாயகராதி) [suzhal. (yazhppanathu manippayagarathi)]
9. Sparrow; அடைக் கலாங்குருவி. (யாழ்ப்பாணத்து மானிப்பாயகராதி) [adaig kalanguruvi. (yazhppanathu manippayagarathi)]
10. Ant; எறும்பு. (யாழ்ப்பாணத்து மானிப்பாயகராதி) [erumbu. (yazhppanathu manippayagarathi)]
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Varam (வரம்) noun < varā. Turmeric; மஞ் சள். (வைத்திய மலையகராதி) [magn sal. (vaithiya malaiyagarathi)]
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Vaṟam (வறம்) noun < வறு-மை. [varu-mai.] [Telugu: varaṭu, K. bara, varē, vara, varaḍu, M. varaḍi, Travancore usage varaṭe.]
1. Drying up; வற்றுகை. பெருவறங் கூர்ந்த கானம் [varrugai. peruvarang kurntha kanam] (பத்துப்பாட்டு: பெரும்பாணாற்றுப்படை [pathuppattu: perumbanarruppadai] 23).
2. Drought; நீரில்லாமை. கயத்திட்ட வித்து வறத்திற் சாவாது தழைக்கும் [nirillamai. kayathitta vithu varathir savathu thazhaikkum] (புறநானூறு [purananuru] 137).
3. Hot season; கோடைக் காலம். வறந்தெற மாற்றிய வானம் [kodaig kalam. varanthera marriya vanam] (கலித்தொகை [kalithogai] 146).
4. Famine; பஞ்சம். [pancham.]
5. Poverty, barrenness; வறுமை. மாரி வறங்கூர்ந் தனைய துடைத்து [varumai. mari varangurn thanaiya thudaithu] (திருக்குறள் [thirukkural], 1010).
6. Parched land, dry soil; வறண்ட பூமி. வறனுழு நாஞ்சில் [varanda pumi. varanuzhu nanchil] (கலித்தொகை [kalithogai] 8).
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Vāram (வாரம்) noun probably from வார்¹-. [var¹-.]
1. Mountain slope; மலைச்சாரல். (பிங்கலகண்டு) வாரமதெங்கும் . . . பண்டிகளூர [malaicharal. (pingalagandu) varamathengum . . . pandigalura] (இரகுவமிசம் திக்கு. [iraguvamisam thikku.] 258).
2. Verandah of a house; தாழ்வாரம். [thazhvaram.] (W.)
3. Side; பக்கம். [pakkam.] (சிலப்பதிகாரம் அரும்பதவுரை [silappathigaram arumbathavurai] 5, 136, அரும். [arum.])
4. (Music) Mellifluous song; சொல்லொழுக்கமும் இசையொழுக்கமுமுடைய இசைப்பாட்டு. [sollozhukkamum isaiyozhukkamumudaiya isaippattu.] (சிலப்பதிகாரம் அரும்பதவுரை [silappathigaram arumbathavurai] 3, 67, அரும். [arum.])
5. (Pros.) A member of kali verse; கலிப்பாவுறுப்புக்களு ளொன்று. [kalippavuruppukkalu lonru.] (தொல். பொ. [thol. po.] 464.)
6. (Drama.) Song of an accompanist sung as a relief to the chief singer; பின்பாட்டு. தோரிய மடந்தை வாரம் பாடலும் [pinpattu. thoriya madanthai varam padalum] (சிலப்பதிகாரம் அரும்பதவுரை [silappathigaram arumbathavurai] 6, 19).
7. Song in praise of a deity; தெய்வப்பாடல். வாரமிரண்டும் வரிசையிற் பாட [theyvappadal. varamirandum varisaiyir pada] (சிலப்பதிகாரம் அரும்பதவுரை [silappathigaram arumbathavurai] 3, 136).
8. (Nāṭya.) A kind of dance; கூத்துவகை. [kuthuvagai.] (W.)
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Vāram (வாரம்) noun < vāra.
1. Days of the week, numbering seven, viz., āti-vāram, cōma-vāram, maṅkaḷa-vāram, caumiya-vāram, kuru-vāram, cukkira-vāram, caṉi-vāram; ஆதிவாரம் சோமவாரம் மங்களவாரம் சௌமியவாரம் குரு வாரம் சுக்கிரவாரம் சனிவாரம் என்ற ஏழு கிழமை கள். [athivaram somavaram mangalavaram saumiyavaram kuru varam sukkiravaram sanivaram enra ezhu kizhamai kal.]
2. Week; ஏழு கிழமைகள் கொண்ட காலப் பகுதி. (பிங்கலகண்டு) [ezhu kizhamaigal konda kalap paguthi. (pingalagandu)]
3. Proprietorship, ownership; உரிமை. (யாழ்ப்பாணத்து மானிப்பாயகராதி) [urimai. (yazhppanathu manippayagarathi)]
4. Tax; குடியிறை. நடை யல்லா வாரங்கொண்டார் [kudiyirai. nadai yalla varangondar] (கம்பராமாயணம் மாரீச. [kambaramayanam marisa.] 180).
5. Hire, rent; வாடகை. நான் அதை வாரத்துக்கு வளர்க்கிறேன். [vadagai. nan athai varathukku valarkkiren.] (W.)
6. Lease of land for a share of the produce; தானியக் கட்டுக்குத்தகை. [thaniyag kattukkuthagai.]
7. Share of a crop or the produce of a field, of two kinds, viz., mēlvāram, kuṭivāram; மேல் வாரக் குடிவாரங்களாகிய மகசூற்பங்கு. [mel varag kudivarangalagiya magasurpangu.]
8. Share, portion; பங்கு. வல்லோன் புணரா வாரம் போன்றே [pangu. vallon punara varam ponre] (தொல். பொ. [thol. po.] 662, உரை [urai]). (சூடாமணிநிகண்டு [sudamaninigandu])
9. Half, moiety; பாதி. [pathi.] (தொல். பொ. [thol. po.] 464, உரை. [urai.])
10. Love; அன்பு. தாளிணைக்கொரு வாரமாகுமென் னெஞ்சமே [anpu. thalinaikkoru varamagumen nenchame] (நாலாயிர திவ்யப்பிரபந்தம் பெருமாள். [nalayira thivyappirapandam perumal.] 2, 7).
11. Partiality; பட்சபாதம். நட்டார்க்கு வாரம் [padsapatham. nattarkku varam] (சிறுபஞ்சாங்கம் [sirupanchamulam] 85).
12. Impediment, obstacle; தடை. வாரமென்னினிப் பகர்வது [thadai. varamenninip pagarvathu] (கம்பராமாயணம் அயோத். மந்திரப். [kambaramayanam ayoth. manthirap.] 39).
13. Screen; திரை. (யாழ்ப்பாணத்து மானிப்பாயகராதி) [thirai. (yazhppanathu manippayagarathi)]
14. Doorway; வாயில். (யாழ்ப்பாணத்து மானிப்பாயகராதி) [vayil. (yazhppanathu manippayagarathi)]
15. Multitude; crowd; திரள். (யாழ்ப்பாணத்து மானிப்பாயகராதி) [thiral. (yazhppanathu manippayagarathi)]
16. Sea; கடல். (பிங்கலகண்டு) [kadal. (pingalagandu)]
17. Vessel; பாத்திரம். (யாழ்ப்பாணத்து மானிப்பாயகராதி) [pathiram. (yazhppanathu manippayagarathi)]
18. Turn, time; தடவை. செபிக்க மிருத்துஞ்செய மேழு வாரம் [thadavai. sepikka miruthuncheya mezhu varam] (சைவசமய நெறி பொது. [saivasamaya neri pothu.] 287).
19. Vēdic chant or recitation; வேதச்சந்தை. வாரமோதும் பரிசு [vethachanthai. varamothum parisu] (T. A. S. i, 8). மண்டப மொண்டொளி யனைத்தும் வாரமோத [mandapa mondoli yanaithum varamotha] (நாலாயிர திவ்யப்பிரபந்தம் பெரியதி. [nalayira thivyappirapandam periyathi.] 2, 10, 5).
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Vāram (வாரம்) noun < pāra. (பிங்கலகண்டு [pingalagandu])
1. Boundary, limit; வரம்பு. [varambu.]
2. Bank, shore; நீர்க் கரை. [nirk karai.]
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Vāram (வாரம்) noun perhaps from வார்-. [var-.] Post, pillar; தூண். [thun.] (பெருங்கதை உஞ்சைக். [perungathai unchaig.] 58, 46.)
Tamil is an ancient language of India from the Dravidian family spoken by roughly 250 million people mainly in southern India and Sri Lanka.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Starts with (+22): Varama, Varamakuta, Varamalai, Varamallige, Varamana, Varamanaterige, Varamandala, Varamandhata, Varamanem, Varamani, Varamatar, Varamatha, Varamaya, Varamba, Varambade, Varambara, Varambaram, Varambha, Varamgana, Varamgane.
Full-text (+265): Varamvara, Ekavaram, Anuvaram, Anekavaram, Bahuvaram, Vara, Trivaram, Nirvaram, Parovaram, Cintuvaram, Varavaram, Utavaram, Cukkiravaram, Atittavaram, Putavaram, Putanvaram, Caumiyavaram, Tiravaram, Stiravaram, Somavaram.
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Search found 113 books and stories containing Varam, Vaaram, Varaṃ, Vāram, Vaṟam; (plurals include: Varams, Vaarams, Varaṃs, Vārams, Vaṟams). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:
Garga Samhita (English) (by Danavir Goswami)
Verse 2.19.37 < [Chapter 19 - The Rāsa-dance Pastime]
Verse 3.5.24 < [Chapter 5 - The Dispute Among the Gopas]
Verse 4.2.15 < [Chapter 2 - The Story of the Gopīs That Had Been Sages]
Rig Veda (translation and commentary) (by H. H. Wilson)
Brihad Bhagavatamrita (commentary) (by Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktivedānta Nārāyana Gosvāmī Mahārāja)
Verse 2.1.97 < [Chapter 1 - Vairāgya (renunciation)]
Verse 2.4.3 < [Chapter 4 - Vaikuṇṭha (the spiritual world)]
Verse 1.1.63 < [Chapter 1 - Bhauma (the earthly plane)]
Manusmriti with the Commentary of Medhatithi (by Ganganatha Jha)
Verse 2.118 < [Section XXIII - Rules regarding Salutation]
Verse 9.114 < [Section XIII - Separation of the Brothers: Partition: Allotment of Shares]
Verse 10.97 < [Section X - Occupation of the Kṣatriya during Abnormal Times]
Chandogya Upanishad (english Translation) (by Swami Lokeswarananda)
Verse 5.3.6 < [Section 5.3]
Sahitya-kaumudi by Baladeva Vidyabhushana (by Gaurapada Dāsa)
Text 11.42 < [Chapter 11 - Additional Ornaments]
Text 9.32 < [Chapter 9 - Ornaments of Sound]
Text 10.96 < [Chapter 10 - Ornaments of Meaning]