Tiktakam Kashayam

Topic: Ayurveda

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Source: exoticindiaart.com

Detailled product description:

Text: Ashtangahridayam
Useful in leprosy, erysipelas, boils, itches, heart burns, thirst vertigo, anaemia, chronic ulcers, fistulae and
certain mental diseases. Honey or power of Katukruohini are added as adjuvants severe restrictions are
observed. 5 to 15 ml mixed with four times of boiled and cooled water or as directed by the
Each 10 ml prepared out of:
Patola 1.709g
Nimba 1.709g
Katuka 1.709g
Darvi 1.709g
Patha 1.709g
Duralabha 1.709g
Parpata 1.709g
Trayamana 1.709g
Musta 1.709g
Bhunimba 1.709g
Kalinga 1.709g
Kana 1.709g
Chandana 1.709g
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