Vrihat Purnachandra Ras (With Gold)

Topic: Ayurveda

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Source: exoticindiaart.com

Detailled product description:

Ayurvedic Medicine
Bhaishajya Ratnavali/ Rasayan prakaran
Net Contents: Tablets 25 N Each Tan (125 mg) contains:
Abhrak Bhasma 18.51 mg, Kajjali 18.51 mg, Lauha Bhasma 18.51 mg, Rajata
Bhasma 9.25 mg, Vanga Bhasma 9.25 mg, Swarna Bhasma 4.62 mg, Jatiphala 4.62
mg, Lavanga 4.62 mg, Karpur 4.62 mg, Tamra Bhasma 4.62 mg, Kamsya Bhasma
4.62mg, Sukshmaila 4.62 mg, Tvak 4.62 mg, Shveta Jiraka 4.62 mg, Priyangu
4.62 mg, Musta 4.62 mg. It is a nutritive tonic for blood, muscles, bones &
brain. Continuous administration of this tonic helps rejuvenate body and
mind. 1 to 2 Tables to be taken in the morning and evening with
warm milk or as directed by the Physician. To be taken under Medical Supervision only. Milk, ghee, butter, cream, mishri, almonds, pistachio, dry
fruits, ripe and sweet fruit juices. Irregular diet & sleep habits, Oil, Chillies.
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