Mudrarakshasa (literary study)

by Antara Chakravarty | 2015 | 58,556 words

This page relates ‘Use of Malini metre’ of the English study on the Mudrarakshasa: an ancient Sanskrit dramatic play (Nataka) authored by Vishakhadatta which deals with the life of king Chandragupta. This study investigates the Mudra Rakshasa from a literary perspective, such as metrics, themes, rhetorics and other poetical elements. Chandragupta ruled the Mauryan Empire during the 4th century BCE, hence this text can also be studied as a historical textbook of ancient India.

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[Full title: The Chandas employed in Mudrārākṣasa (9). Mālinī]

nanamayayayuteyaṃ mālinī bhogilokaiḥ[1]

In this way Mālinī meter has been defined in the Chandomañjarī of Gaṅgādāsa. It is stated here that where the gaṇas, namely, na, na, ma, ya and ya are found in a foot;and the pause come after the first eight (bhogi) syllables and then after seven syllables in a quarter then the meter there is Mālinī. Thus in this chandas there are 15 syllables in every pāda. This is a beautiful chandas specially being used in the end of the cantos of a Mahākāvya, appearing as a rapid rhythm towards the end of a song.[2]

In Mudrārākṣasa this meter has been used in four places. They are III.15,25; VI.1 and VI.3. But it can be noted that in VI.3 only the second foot of the verse is decorated with Mālinīchandas.

Let us examine by scanning the first verse of Act-VI in the following:

ta | bha | ja | ja | ga | ga
- - ⏑ | - ⏑ ⏑ | ⏑ - ⏑ | ⏑ - ⏑ | - | -

jayati| jalada|nīlaḥke|śavaḥ ke|śighātī
jayati| ca jana|dṛṣṭiśca|ndramāśca|ndraguptaḥ║|
jayati | jayana|kāryaṃ|vat kṛtvā |ca sarvaṃ

After scanning the verse, it has been proved that every foot of the verse is constituted with na, na, ma, ya and ya gaṇas making the verse an instance of Mālinī meter.

Footnotes and references:

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Chandomañjarī, II.138, p.104


kuryātsargasya paryante mālinīm drutatālavat/ Suvṛttatilaka, III.19

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