Atithi or Guest Reception (study)
by Sarika. P. | 2022 | 41,363 words
This page relates ‘Atithi in Shraddha’ of the study on Atithi-Saparya—The ancient Indian practice of hospitality or “guest reception” which, in the Indian context, is an exalted practice tracable to the Vedic period. The spirit of Vedic guest-reception (atithi-saparya) is reflected in modern tourism in India, although it has deviated from the original concept. Technically, the Sanskrit term Atithi can be defined as one who arrives from a far place with hunger and thirst during the time of the Vaishvadeva rite—a ceremony that includes offering cooked food to all Gods.
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Part 4 - Atithi in Śrāddha
Śrāddha is a sacrifice offered to the departed souls. Manu who enjoins śrāddha also says that the pitṛs should be honoured by offering food, rice, water, milk, fruit or by feeding one Brahmin.[1] Thus tarppaṇa and śrāddha would appear to be two modes of worshipping the forefathers. Normally śrāddha is offered to a dead person; but the Purāṇa has made provision of performing a śrāddha even when a person is alive. It is known as Jīvacchrādhavidhi. It is as good as offering śrāddha to oneself while he is alive. This type is highly spoken of and glorified by the Purāṇas.
Atithi-saparyā is a part of śrāddha. A reference of atithi-saparyā at the time of śrāddha can be seen in Viṣṇumahāpurāṇa. The guests are to be reverentially received with water for their feet and the like; and the entertainer, holding holy grass in his hand, is to place them, after they have rinsed their mouths, up on seats.[2]
Manusmṛti says that, give food to the brāhmaṇātithi and a brāhmaṇabhikṣu at the time of śrāddha with the permission of śrāddhabrāhmaṇas.[3] Kātyāyanasmṛti says that one should feed at least one Brahmin for accomplishing the pitṛyajña.[4]
Footnotes and references:
kuryādaharahaḥ śrāddhamannādyenodakena vā |
payomūlaphalairvāpi pitṛbhyaḥ prītimāvahan ||
ekamapyāśayedvipraṃ pitrarthe pāñcayajñike |
na caivātrāśayet kaṃcidvaiśvadevaṃ prati dvijam || ibid., 3.82-83
pādaśaucādinā gehamāgatānpūjayedvijān ||
pavitrapāṇirācāntānāsaneṣūpaveśayet || Viṣṇupurāṇa, 3.15.13, p.279, Makarand Joshi, Internet archive.
apyekamāśayedvipraṃ pitṛyajñārthasiddhaye |
adaivaṃ nāsti cedanyo bhoktā bhojyamathāpi vā || Kātyāyanasmṛti, 13.6