Swayambhunath Stupa photo

Image title: Swayambhunath Stupa photo

Description of the photo

Svetaketu, the one hindered by only one birth, Maturing all the Devas, enthroning Maitreya the exalted one Proclaiming the white deeds and teaching to benefit all Devas, I prostrate to the one who has come to tame beings in Jambudvipa.

In the degenerate times, within the clan of Gautama, Observing the five auspicious physical signs of the parents, With the sis-tooth white elephant you descended from Tushita Heaven, I prostrate to the one who peacefully entered the womb.

While in the womb, you have benefitted countless sentient beings, At the auspicious time, You were born in the Lumbini Groves, from the right arm-pit of the mother, While the Devas and Nagas made of ??ings, you took seven steps firmly on the ground.

Well-versed in the arts and science, as no one has ever attained before. As well as all forms of martial arts and skills. With such mastery of skills, you easily tamed all enemies. And subdued the arrogant to a calm abiding state.

Due to the ripening of your previous aspiration powers, Yashoda and Kopaka and others, Having wedded the eighty thousand consorts to uphold Dharma, I prostrate to the one who leads all beings towards the noble path of awakening.

Having witnessed the aging, sickness and death, the Bhikshu emanation, and filled with sorrow, you left the palace in an airborne manner. You shaved your head and wore a purple Dharma robe. I prostrate to the one with total renunciation.

With the liberation as the only goal, you practiced diligently, Mastering the austerities along the banks of River Nairanjana. For six years you mastered such practice as renunciation. I prostrate to the one who has attained all-pervasive emptiness in meditation.

Realizing the fruitlessness of the austerities of body and speech, you rose from meditation and took the milk broth offered to you. Taking the discarded clothes and cushions made of grass. I prostrate to the one abiding under the Bodhi tree.

Your radiance attracted the attention of the King of Maras, With great compassion you conquered the hordes of Maras! The earth deity requested your protection for all beings. I prostrate to the one who has subdued the strongest of evils.

Having accomplished all the extra-physical powers of eye-sight etc. An?? perfected the wisdom of Four Noble Truths and Interdependent Arising. In an instant, you attained ultimate awakening. I prostrate to the one who has accomplished supreme enlightenment.

The Brahma, Shravaka and Mahayana practitioners. All the Buddhas’ heirs ?long the different practice paths. The wheel of Dharma which benefitted the three types of practitioner. I prostrate to the one who turned the Wheel of Dharma three times, like never before.

When your activities to benefit all beings were fully accomplished. In your rest place within the sal wood gardens, You entered Nirvana just to demonstrate the nature of impermanence. I prostrate to the one who left behind ever-increasing crown relics.

Such are the Twelve Deeds of the noble one. In praise of all the Buddhas a?? their heirs, May we accomplish all the virtuous activities, And benefit sentient beings to accomplish the same great attainment. Praise of the Twelve Deeds of Buddha Shakyamuni, composed by
Pawo Tsuglag Threngwa.

Gallery information:

These photos are taken around the Swayambhunath Stupa Buddhist complex situated in Kathmandu Nepal. The site stands as perhaps the holiest of all Buddhist pilgrimage destinations, especially for the Buddhist Newars. Svayambhunath or Swayambhu-Nath has a rich legendary history associated with it which is recorded in the Swayambhu Purana. It is revered by both Buddhists and Hindus.

Photo details:
Date: 2019-12-04
Camera: SONY ILCE-6400
Exposure: 1/50
Aperture: f/4.5
ISO: 100
Focal length: 18mm

High resolution:
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Size: 2.71 MB
Resolution: 2000 x 3000
© Photograph by Gabe Hiemstra.
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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