Jirakadyarishta - Digestive and Restorative Tonic

Topic: Ayurveda

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Source: exoticindiaart.com

Detailled product description:

Ayurvedic Medicine
(B.R./Sutikarogadhikar)Digestive disturbances, like loss of appetite and as a
restorative after delivery. 15 ml to 30 ml (1 to 2 tablespoonfuls) with water, twice a
day or as directed by the Physician. Each 100 ml Prepared/Derived from:
Shveta Jiraka 45.0g, Guda 68.0g, Dhataki 3.6g, Nagakeshara, Musta, Yavani,
Lavanga, Tejpatra, Jatiphala, Tvak, Sukshmaila, Kankola (each 0.229g),
Shunthi 0.458g, Water Q.S.
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