Significance of the Moon in Ancient Civilizations

by Radhakrishnan. P | 2017 | 51,158 words

This study analyzes the Significance of the Moon in Ancient Civilizations and it’s contribution to modern astrology. This thesis also aims at integrated scientific explanations on New and Full Moon and their influence of Geo-physical phenomena and also analyzes how significant a role the moon plays in keeping the life on earth. Astrology is the or...

2. Difference between Modern and Traditional Astrology

Modern astrology is considered as the developed version of traditional astrology. Traditional occidental astrology is analogous to Vedic, Chinese or Arabic Astrology. All the streams are very different from modern astrology which is the result of post-industrialization. In that sense modern astrology have mixture of complexities having certain similarities between traditional and western. Modern Astrology concentrates on Natal Astrology whereas traditional astrology needs new skill for the subsidiary branches covered. Traditional Astrology focused mostly on prediction whereas modern on justification. Modern Astrology seldom uses accident significations using philosophical foundation theories that are not astrological in nature.

The traditional western Astrology is very similar to Vedic, Chinese or Arabic Astrology. Modern Astrology viewed as the developed form of traditional astrology incorporating outer planets as the fabrication of post-industrialization world consequent to change into human thought matching with the civilized life. Till resurgence, lots of lost works of Astrology were not returned to Europe from Arabia from where it had first originated. With the advent of modern scientific astronomical instruments such as telescope, the astrologers can chart out the planetary positions with great accuracy. Modern thinkers like Galileo Galilee, Tyco Brahe, John Kepler, Evangeline Adams and Max Heindel who started practicing astrology laid the foundations of Modern Astrology. During the past century, there has been great rise in interest in Astrology demanding horoscopes. The modern press media had given much popularity to Astrology and horoscope through newspapers, magazines and internet. The new invention of new planets and new astrology techniques to chart out the planetary position integrated the modern astrology. To-day, astrology stands more popular due to ardent belief. As the subject is mingled with experience, knowledge, belief and religion, verification of its historical part become contradictory but the modern astrology is used by a vast group hopefully. Even though the traditional Astrology exits in India, it is becoming the part of modern astrology with enormous streams as problem oriented. As Indians worship the planets as deities as per Vedic systems, the practical utility has been increased than the western. Due to competition among the atheist and theist the traditional astrology lost its glory of the western. Indian Astrology supports the traditional one as majority belongs to theists who adorn the planets as deities.

Modern Astrology commonly concentrated on Natal Astrology and follow the reference books of mundane Astrology or Horary to discuss the events there in traditional Astrology contain different principles and branch of Astrology covering, Natal Charts, Prashna, Hora, Ganita, Muhurta and Nimita. The modern Astrology covered different branches considering the application of same principles. The mundane system is distinctive one other than horary in which a set of particular competency and necessary experience. Studying and Teaching Traditional Astrology needs a set of skills, attracting more time to acquire practical knowledge.

With this background, both the traditional and western astrology can be differentiated as below:-

a) Traditional Astrology focus on predictions whereas modern astrology gives explanation. Modern Astrology attributes the prediction is not noble occupation for astrologers. They focus on explanation, interpreting the external events as per personal perceptions.

b) Traditional Astrology sees the things distinctively from the persons and how it gain and its relativity. The traditional momentary prashna becomes supportive to tell the ultimate answer to the queries about Yes or No. The modern Astrology emphasis on subjective status how the same affects the native.

c) Contemporary stream Astrology does not provide much significance of 6th, 8th and 12th house. The traditional Astrology considers 6th as disease, 8th as death and 12th as imprisonment or fall.

d) Traditional Astrology concentrate on prediction whereas modern Astrology stands instrumental for self-actualization. It emphasis more about the time factor or muhurtas in every act of life. Modern Theorist are not bothered about the Theory of Karma.

e) Contemporary stream Astrology does not provide much implication upon 6th, 8th and 12th house. The traditional Astrology takes into account the 6th as disease, 8th as death and 12th as imprisonment or fall.

f) Traditional Astrology concentrates on prediction whereas modern Astrology stands instrumental for self-actualization. It emphasis more about the time factor or muhurtas in every act of life. Modern Theorist are not bothered about the Theory of Karma.

g) Traditional Astrology considers seven planets and two invisible nodes and Guilika (Mandi). Modern Astrology counts all the nine planets in the solar system along with Neptune and Pluto and only concentrates on natal chart at the time of birth and progressive chart.

h) Modern Astrology stuck on philosophical foundation theories and Modern Astrologers reject the foundation of Astrology. It specializes in elective subjects such as finance, medical, stock-marketing and political Astrology to meet the contemporary requirements. The theorists ask proof and replication of Astrology. Theories are materialistic in nature and asking integrated mathematical application to Astrologer will not work.

i) Modern Astrology seldom use Momentary Prashna to sort out a problem related with the native or a deity of temple. Psychoanalysis is some what extensive in modern stream using outer planets such as Neptune and Pluto. They are not giving importance of strength and weakness of a house or its lord. Traditional Astrology includes Ashtamangala and Deveprashna which is a minute form of analysis pertaining to an individual, family or deity.

Irrespective of languages in the world, the traditional literature could not avert the moon phase and resemblance to moon symbols for the imaginations of human mind in terms of comparable and compared. It is visible that eminent writers such as Shakespeare and Chaucer use the synonyms of mannerism and qualities of the zodiac sign to highlight their characters.

Medical Astrology has engrossed the significant zodiac signs to distinguish the body parts, organs and even certain ailments connected with the cardinal elements in the natural world. Modern Astrologers follow the free astrological programme or the internet to analyze the natal chart using artificial intelligence and human wisdom. The traditional astrology strongly believe that all the activities have its own destiny as spontaneous happenings in the nature in which man is becoming a tool or medium to identify the same as part of microcosm. The science of Astrology is a mixture if complexities, covering knowledge, philosophy, psychology and becomes science of the science from which categorizing the same in a particular stream is not possible. Consequently, the concurrent era adopted diversified forms of Astrology to resolve the problem related to specified fields.

All beings take new births to experience the consequences of their actions done in their previous birth. All actions attract its own result and effect (Karma and Karmaphala). According to Astrology one has to experience the effect of karma whether it is malefic or benefic, done for the self or others. This can be correlated with the Newton’s third law viz., for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction which is applicable to this physical world. The results of our actions are correspondingly powerful if one perform his actions stand moral or immoral. As the physical existence is known as life, true philosophy of Astrology reminds the man to think before act and result of action is bound to happen and nobody is inescapable from this rule.


Depending upon the past Karma, the longevity will be long, medium and short. People are born in this world just to finish off or exhaust their Karma Phala as the existence is known as 'Life'. According to astrology, only Prarabdha Karma is meant here and not Sanchitha Karma. (āyrjjīvitakālaḥ). Even if there is a little Karma left over, it has to be experienced. Effects of Karma can however be overcome by Atma Jnana (self-realization).

Footnotes and references:


Punnassery Neelkata Sharma(2004); Prashna-marga [Prashnamargam]-I; Devi Book Stall, Trichur, Chap-9, Ver-45; pp.271.

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