Significance of the Moon in Ancient Civilizations

by Radhakrishnan. P | 2017 | 51,158 words

This study analyzes the Significance of the Moon in Ancient Civilizations and it’s contribution to modern astrology. This thesis also aims at integrated scientific explanations on New and Full Moon and their influence of Geo-physical phenomena and also analyzes how significant a role the moon plays in keeping the life on earth. Astrology is the or...

4. Hora Formation of Week Days

The time standard of the Twelve-Hour-Clock contains twenty four hours of the day, divided into two periods as ante meridiem (before midday) and post meridiem (after midday) which are used in the modern Astrology for more clarity of birth time.[1] English calendar calculates the day from 12:00am to 12:00am (Udayat poorvvam). Indian Astrology and Western Calendar have a lot of difference in calculating the week days and a single day of twenty four hours. According to time analysis in Jyotisha, Hora is synonymously known as Hour, ruled by a particular planet. According to Jyotisha, each day starting from the sun rise to next day sun rise is considered as one day covering 24 hours, ruled by the seven planets in 24 cycles in a specific order. Depending upon the ruling planet, the Hora(s) becomes auspicious or inimical for various activities.

For horoscope reading, Momentary Prashna and Devaprashna, Hora plays a pivotal role to render the accurate results.


The duration of the day and night is divided into 12 parts of 30 Ghatikas each (12 Hours) to make 60 Ghatikas per day (24 hours). One Ghati is 24 Minutes. [24 min C2.5 Ghati= 60 Minutes=1 Hour] The First Planetary Hour on Sunday is officiated by the Lord Sun, the next hour is presided by Venus (6th Lord), next by Mercury (6th Lord from Venus) and so on. The order is Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in a repeated manner. This will be continued up to 21 hours in the order and the 22nd Planetary Hour is presided by the Sun, the 23rd by Venus, and the 24th by Mercury. After completing One day, the 25th, the first Planetary Hour of next day, is presided by the Moon and hence this day becomes Monday of the week day in the calendar.

The time fixation of Hora depends upon local mean time of the sun rise and sun set of the day and the controlling Lord of the 24 Hora(s) forms week days covering day and night as detailed:—


[Table 5.1 Daily Hora Chart and Week Days.]

[Horas–From Sunrise to Sunrise (6:00am to Next Day 6:00am)]

Weekday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1st Hour Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturday
2nd Hour Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
3rd Hour Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
4th Hour Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
5th Hour Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
6th Hour Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
7th Hour Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
8th Hour Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
9th Hour Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
10th Hour Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
11th Hour Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
12th Hour Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
13th Hour Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
14th Hour Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
15th Hour Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
16th Hour Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
17th Hour Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
18th Hour Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
19th Hour Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
20th Hour Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
21st Hour Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
22nd Hour Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
23rd Hour Venus Jupiter Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
24th Hour Mercury Mars Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars

According to this chart, the Lord of the First Hora of every week day becomes the Lord of the Week.

1. Sun (Ravi/Surya) hora:

The Sun’s Hora is propitious for all political work, dealing with political activities and conventions with politicians, leaders and government officials, applying for jobs, court -related transactions, for purchase and sale of movable and immovable property, and for beginning adventurous accomplishments.

2. Moon (Chandra) hora:

The Moon’s Hora is auspicious for consolidation service, to meet leaders and heads, dwelling and alteration of residence, travelling, to handle house and property-related matters, romantic encounter with the opposite sex, acquiring and wearing jewels, mediation, buying and selling of textiles and apparels, commencing water related work and creative and aesthetic work.

3. Mars (Kuja) hora:

This is good for implementing agreement or real estate transactions, seeding or plantation matters, purchase or sale of vehicles, fireworks, technical, electrical, engineering work, excavation, undertaking sports and cultural activities, sanctioning or closing the loans, indulging in physical exercises, starting martial arts, matters related to brothers or supporters and settlement of disputes with others.

4. Mercury (Budha) hora:

Hora of Mercury is auspicious for commercial trade and business-related matters, medicinal activities, learning, teaching and research activities, making statues, monuments, studying sculpture, scriptures, Vedas, astrology, narration, printing and publishing works, buying or wearing ornaments, doing accounts work, undertaking the telecommunication and computer related matters.

5. Jupiter (Guru) hora:

The Horari Lord Jupiter is approvingly auspicious for all undertakings. This period is abundantly gracious for starting all endeavors. Meeting the Jupiter., commencing war-fare activities, joining a job, starting a business, meeting elders, starting a new course or learning or research, lodging claim for legal matters, entertaining religious undertakings, affiance and arranging holy trips and pilgrimages.

6. Venus (Shukra) hora:

The Venus Hora is the most compatible for love and marriage related matters, for buying and selling of ornaments, property and cloth, recreation and entertainment, taking the hidden treasures, starting marital life, flower arrangement, starting commercial activities, using newly-purchased vehicles and for art and artistic matters.

7. Saturn (Sani) hora:

The Saturn Hora is suitable to deal with labor related matters, commencing business related to iron and steel, dealing agricultural matters, problems connected with imprisonment and prison, inception of oil and alloy businesses. As the lagging character is the significance of Saturn, it is considerably inauspicious for all other matters.

Footnotes and references:


Hart Defouw, Robert Svoboda(2003) Light on Life: An Introduction to the Astrology of India, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, pp-181.


P.S.P.Nampoothiri (2005); Madhaveeyam; S.T.Reddiar & Sons Printers, Quilon; Chap-1, Ver-30, pp-12.


Kodungallur Valiya Kochunni Thampuran (2014); Muhurthapadavi; Devi Book Stal, Cranganore,pp-117

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