Animal Kingdom (Tiryak) in Epics

by Saranya P.S | 2019 | 51,616 words | ISBN-10: 8190396315 | ISBN-13: 9788190396318

An English study the Animal Kingdom (Tiryak) in Epics.—The present thesis is based entirely on Ramayana and Mahabharata although an attempt is made to analytically compare the Animal kingdom with Mriga-pakshi-shastra—‘The ancient Indian science of of Animals and Birds’....

Chapter 4.27 - The Kaka (Crow) in the Epics

There are so many portrayals of kaka in Sanskrit poetry. It seems that the bird was commonly seen and it was mainly related to the augury.

When Vibhishana warns Ravana that if he is not ready to free Sita, he would end up in trouble.

He tried to show the various inauspicious events.

“Crows in flock utter harsh cries on all sides and are seen gathered in swarms on the tops of seven storied palaces.”

When Sita was seized by the demon king Ravana, Rama was very much depressed.

He lamented and when he saw a crow in the forest, he said,

“In the past the younger crow emitted a hoarse cry while flying through the air. Now in the absence of Sita the crow is crying most delightfully while remaining perched on the tree.”

The crows are said to eat dead bodies. It is said,

“Crows and beasts of prey will eat up my body when I, having sat down for fasting till death, shall be engaged in my attempt to extricate the soul from the body.”

There are many references to the crow in the Ramayana.[1]

There are 12 varieties of crows.[2]

The first variety is called Kaka because their cry resembles 'kaka'. In other words Kaka is an onomatopoeic name. Onomatopoeia indicates that the meaning of the word can be guessed from the way it is pronounced, like bow-wow' or 'meow-meow'. They are jet black in colour. They have big rough feathers and long beaks. They like to go places by flying. Their cry is a little harsh. They like to be in groups. They are lazy and cowardly. They are far-sighted as they can see long distances. They eat a lot and so they can be called gluttons. Their bodies emit a foul smell.

The 2nd variety is known as Karata. They are also jet black and long winged. They would be constantly producing their crying noises. They are very strong birds, but their beaks are small. They can fly fast in the sky. They are seen everywhere. They are not voracious eaters like the Kakas.

The 3rd variety is Balipushta. They are blue in colour and have smooth bodies. They are good to look at. They have small tails, beaks and stomachs. They eat very little. They are interested to be in places where there are people. They are not afraid of people and they close to them. They like to remain single. Sacrificial food is given to these crows and that is why they are called Balipushta.

The 4th variety is Sakritpraja. They are so called because they lay eggs only once in their life time. They are jet black in colour, except their necks which are whitish. They are tall and have broad wings. They can fly fast and high. Their diet consists of flesh, fruits and food grains. We can also see them in the forests.

The 5thvariety is known as Dhvaksha.Theyare deep blue in colour. They have long beaks and legs. They are capable of flying in different postures and can fly very high. While attacking their enemies they scream loudly. They are not gluttons and are satisfied with small amounts of food.

The 6th variety is Atmaghosha. Their colour is midway between black and blue. They cry in different modes. They like to be alone, unlike other crows which like to congregate. They build their nests on trees that are close to water bodies. They eat mainly small fish. They are found both in villages and forests.

The 7th variety is known as Parabhrit. They are so called because they hatch the eggs of cuckoos without knowing that they are not their own eggs. They are blue in colour except the tip of their wings which are whitish. They are very good at building nests. They are afraid of two things -people and the rainy season. They can fly in various postures and they are fond of bathing themselves at any time of the day. They possess certain good qualities and are easily trainable.

The 8th variety is Vayasa. These crows have very dark bodies and rough feathers. They eat the flesh of dead bodies. They are not good to look at. They beaks are long, sharp and strong. They are often seen perching on goats, cattle, buffaloes and other quadrupeds, trying to get some pests that live there. Their cries are harsh and unpleasant. Their flight is slow. They prefer to live in villages and are hardly found in forest areas. They are mean minded and do mean things and they are scared of thunder and lighting.

The 9th variety is called Ciranjivin. These crows live for long periods and that is why they are called by this name. Their bodies are jet black, but their necks, breasts and wings are a bit whitish. They do not fly high in the sky. They are afraid to fly over water bodies. They are gluttons and are never satisfied with their food and they can be seen eating constantly. Their cry is very harsh and unpleasant. They eat a variety of things and they have the advantage of side-sight. They are fickle-minded and show no stability in their behaviour.

The 10th variety is named Maukuli. These are very small in size and are blackish white. Their tails and wings have some other colour and also some dots. They have small beaks. They are fond of eating powdered foods. They often swim and play in water bodies. They are tame with people. Their cries are not harsh. When there is a danger, they face it groups. They are easily trainable.

The 11th variety is called Dronakaka or Raven. They have long bodies and are jet black in colour. Their beaks and legs are long. Their wings are broad and their feathers rough. They have sharp nails. They prefer to live in forests. They do not like the scent of human beings and are not easy to catch. They like to eat flesh and their cries are unpleasant and harsh. They attack other birds even without any provocation. They are also fond of fighting among themselves. They do not need much food. They are very cruel and show great daring when they are in groups.

The 12th variety is known as Kakola. They dwell among mountains. They are jet black in colour and their cry is harsh and unpleasant. They destroy all the small birds near their nests. Their necks are long and feathers very strong. They fly fast. They often fight among themselves. They even harm many quadrupeds. They will be seen flying round and round. Their life span is very short and they live for a maximum period of 5 years. It is believed that they are one of the worst varieties of crows.

Footnotes and references:


Valmiki Ramayana . 4.1.55, 6.23.11, 6.41.20, 7.18.26-28


Mrigapakshishastra [mriga-pakshi-shastra] .II.27.266b

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