Animal Kingdom (Tiryak) in Epics

by Saranya P.S | 2019 | 51,616 words | ISBN-10: 8190396315 | ISBN-13: 9788190396318

An English study the Animal Kingdom (Tiryak) in Epics.—The present thesis is based entirely on Ramayana and Mahabharata although an attempt is made to analytically compare the Animal kingdom with Mriga-pakshi-shastra—‘The ancient Indian science of of Animals and Birds’....

Chapter 4.26 - The Kapota (Blue rock Pigeon) in the Epics

A pigeon is considered to be the symbol of peace all over the world. Kapota or the blue rock pigeon is a very familiar bird as it resides fearlessly near human habitats. There are references to pigeons as pet birds and there are descriptions of passionate behaviour of pairs of pigeons. There are various images of pigeons in the Puranic and classic literature. Sometimes there are unusual perceptions regarding the pigeon.

There are so many examples of references to the Kapota in the Valmiki Ramayana and also other texts. In one case the demon Malyavan says, “Nay, impelled by the time spirit, white and red-footed doves move about in the air boding the extermination of the ogres.”[1]

In the Mahabharata, there is a story of a pair of pigeons which offered their lives to save their guest. The story is found in the Shantiparvam, Apaddharmaparva.[2]

The distinguishing features of Kapotas are their small figure and legs, big wings and long tails. Their body is colour is dark blue with a tinge of white adorning their necks. Their beaks are red or yellow in colour. They are capable of flying long distances. They are virile and have a strong sex-urge. They often move with their partners by their side. They like to stay in the houses of people and are friendly to them. They are timid in nature and are seen constantly pecking at things. Rice is their favourite food. Their breeding period lasts for 4 years. The life span of Kapotas is said to be 5 years.

Footnotes and references:


Valmiki Ramayana .VI.35.31


Mahabharata . 12.142-145

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