Agni Purana

by N. Gangadharan | 1954 | 360,691 words | ISBN-10: 8120803590 | ISBN-13: 9788120803596

This page describes Characteristics of pedestals and details relating to images which is chapter 45 of the English translation of the Agni Purana, one of the eighteen major puranas dealing with all topics concerning ancient Indian culture, tradition and sciences. Containing roughly 15,000 Sanskrit metrical verses, subjects contained in the Agni-Purana include cosmology, philosophy, architecture, iconography, economics, diplomacy, pilgrimage guides, ancient geography, gemology, ayurveda, etc.

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Chapter 45 - Characteristics of pedestals and details relating to images

[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]

The Lord said:

1. I shall describe the characteristics of the pedestal. The length is the same as that of the image. The height (should be) half of it. It should have sixty-four folds.

2. Leaving two rows at the bottOṃ, the other parts should be polished on either side as also inside.

3. Leaving two rows at the top, the other parts are polished evenly on either side and inside.

4. The rectaṅgular space in between these should then be polished. The first two rows should be divided into four parts by a wise man.

5-6. The girdle should be equal to one such part. The indent should be half that. Leaving one such part evenly on either side a wise man should leave on the exterior a breadth of a foot. The water drains should be at the top of each one of the three-parts.

7. This auspicious and excellent pedestal (has been described) relating to its manifold ways (of construction). The (images of the)goddess Lakṣmī and other feminine forms should be made (to measure) eight (tālas in length.

8. The eye brows should be more than a yava (in length). The nose (should be) less than a yava (in length). The mouth (should measure) more than a small ball well distributed above and below.

9. The eye should be made long (measuring) three parts of a yava less than three yavas. The breadth of the eyes should be made half of it.

10. The beautiful ears should be made to be in a line with the corners of the mouth. Then the two shoulders should be made sloping by less than a kalā.

11-12. The neck should be one and a half kalās long and made beautiful by a proportionate width. The thighs, kneejoints, the pedestal, should be broad. The feet, the hinder part, the bullocks and the hips should be made as prescribed. The fingers should measure less than the seventh part of the above and should be long and not crooked.

13. The shank, thigh and the hip would be one netra[1] less in length. The middle part and the sides should have the same roundness. The two breasts (should be) fully developed and plump.

14-15. The beasts should be made to measure a tāla. The waist should be one and a half kalās. The other marks should be the same as before. A lotus (should be placed) on the right hand and a bilva (fruit) on the left (hand). (There should be) two maidens on the sides holding chowries in their hands. (The image of) Garuḍa should have a long nose. I shall then describe those which bear the marks of a disc.

Footnotes and references:

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The measurement indicated by this word is not quite clear. Probably equal to two aṅgulas.

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