Section CLXV - Yudhishthira Leads Army to Battle Against Kauravas

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Book index: Mahabharata (English)
This page contains a summary of the Mahabharata Section CLXV including examples of moral lessons in daily life. The Maha-Bharata is one of the largest epics ever written containing roughly 100,000 Sanskrit verses. It deals with the legendary history of ancient India and contains a large number of interwoven tales.

Short summary of the chapter:
Yudhishthira, after hearing Uluka's words, mobilized his army led by Dhrishtadyumna to face the enemy forces. Dhrishtadyumna strategically placed each warrior from the Pandava side against a specific adversary from the Kaurava army, including Arjuna against Karna and Bhima against Duryodhana. He positioned himself to face Drona, showing his confidence and determination in securing victory for the Pandavas. The Pandava army, organized and ready for battle, awaited the commencement of the fierce conflict with firm resolve and determination under Dhrishtadyumna's leadership. Abhimanyu, considered superior to even Arjuna, was tasked with taking on Vrishasena and other formidable opponents.

Full English translation:

This page is merely a summary which is automatically generated. If you are looking for authentic sources such as the Sanskrit text or the Full English translation of Mahabharata Section CLXV - Yudhishthira Leads Army to Battle Against Kauravas, have a look at the following articles:

Section CLXV, online text

English translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli.

Read this and other chapters online.

Mahabharata (English Summary)

by Kisari Mohan Ganguli | ISBN-10: 8121505933

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FAQ of Mahabharata, Section CLXV:

What battle strategies did Dhrishtadyumna employ in the Mahabharata war?

Dhrishtadyumna strategically placed the Pandava warriors against specific opponents, maximizing their strengths and skill sets. He himself waited to face Drona, the formidable enemy.

Daily life: Yudhishthira Leads Army to Battle Against Kauravas:

In daily life, this story teaches us about the importance of strategic planning and recognizing the unique strengths and abilities of people around us. Like Dhrishtadyumna assigning warriors to opponents they were best suited to fight, we should delegate tasks based on an individual's skills and interests for effective teamwork. It's also about preparation and facing challenges with courage, showing that with the right approach, even daunting tasks can be tackled efficiently. Leadership involves careful thought, understanding team dynamics, and using resources wisely to achieve goals.

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