Pathyakshadhatryadi Kashayam

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Text: Sarngadharasamhita
An effective remedy for head aches, and especially in the cure of ear-ache, hemicrania, hemialgia,
tooth-ache, night blindness, ophthalmodynia etc. Jaggery may be added as adjuvant.
Pathya – 3.175 g
Aksha – 3.175 g
Dhatri – 3.175 g
Bhunimba – 3.175 g
Nisa – 3.175 g
Nimba – 3.175 g
Amrita – 3.175 g 5 to 15 mixed with four times of boiled and cooled water or as directed by the
An Ayurvedic Medicine
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