Mahavat Vidhvansan Ras (40 Tablets)

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Ayurvedic Medicine
R. Ch./ Vatrogadhikar Each Tab. (125 mg) contains:
Kajjali, Naga Bhasma, Vanga Bhasma, Lauha Bhasma, Tamra Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma, Pippali, Shuddha
Tankana, Maricha, Shunthi each 8.06 mg, Shuddha Vatsanabha 36.29 mg.
Relieves spasticity during Paralysis. Useful in Peripheral neuritis. 1 to 2 tablets (125 to 250 mg.) in the morning and evening with like warm water or
as directed by the Physician. Milk, cream, butter, light and easily digestible foods. To be taken under medical supervision.
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