Sivaprakasam (Study in Bondage and Liberation)

by N. Veerappan | 2018 | 57,559 words

The Sivaprakasam is a 14th century Tamil text belonging to the Shaiva-Siddhanta literature dealing with the spiritual aspects of human life, such as bondage and liberation of the individual self. The Siva-Prakasam (or Shiva-prakasha) consists of 100 stanzas (verses) spread over two parts. The first part deals with the embodied condition of the self...

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Umapati Shivam explains the existence of the five bonds of impurities and defilements. The first one is the innate impurity known as pasha or anavamala . The next unit is actions and deeds of the self known as karma . The third one is the impure maya , the pervasive assumptive power of God known as parigraha Shakti of Pati . The veiling power of God known astirodhayi is the fourth one. Finally the fifth bond is the impelling force behind body, mind, world and substances known as mayeya .

All these bonds exist along with the individual selves. The self goes through the experience of itself getting bonded with these. This process can be better explained by way of three states of the selves. These three states are the causal states of every individual self, called kevala (solitary), sakala (embodied) and shuddha (pure state).[1]

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Ongivarum palavuyirgal mundravathai pattri
Uttridum ke vala sakala shuddhamena unarga .—Sivaprakasam 33.

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