Mudrarakshasa (literary study)

by Antara Chakravarty | 2015 | 58,556 words

This page relates ‘Use of Giti metre’ of the English study on the Mudrarakshasa: an ancient Sanskrit dramatic play (Nataka) authored by Vishakhadatta which deals with the life of king Chandragupta. This study investigates the Mudra Rakshasa from a literary perspective, such as metrics, themes, rhetorics and other poetical elements. Chandragupta ruled the Mauryan Empire during the 4th century BCE, hence this text can also be studied as a historical textbook of ancient India.

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[Full title: The Chandas employed in Mudrārākṣasa (18). Gīti]

As stated above Gīti is a type of Āryā meter. It is been defined by Gaṅgādāsa as:—

āryā prathamārdhasamaṃ yasyā aparārdhamāha tāṃ gītiṃ/[1]

The type of Āryā meter where the first half is similar to the second half then it is called gītichandas,i.e. whose first and the third quarters contain 12 mātrās and second and fourth contains 18 mātrās each that is Gīti. According to Chandomañjarī this Gīti meter is actually a type of Āryā meter. There are nine types of Ārya meters, viz. Pathyā, Vipulā, Capalā, Mukhacapalā, Jaghanacapalā, Gīti, Upagīti, Udgīti and Āryāgīti.[2]

Let us cite a verse from the drama to show the use of Gīti meter: Cf.—

ānayantyai guṇeṣu doṣeṣu parāṅmukhaṃ kurvatyai/
asmādṛśajananyai praṇamāmaaḥ svāmi bhaktyai//

Footnotes and references:

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Chandomañjarī, VI.9, p.209


pathyā vipulā capalā mukhacapalā jaghanacapalā ca/ Gītyupagītyudgītaya āryyāgītiñca navadhāryyā// Chandomañjarī, VI.3,p. 204


Mudrārākṣasa, V. 9

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